Wednesday, 11 December 2024


stack of waffle audio

about whats sub ...inside you and you won't ever know


PURPOSE. The movie... two years later. The end of the road. (Tate, too) And why 'therapy'? Except you never know 'til the shit happens.

(if your 'therapist' hasn't helped you have better ones of thems 

sue him or more likely her.... surely one of few real reasons to spend all that loot is... as described)

You... yes you she  - wonderful she calls them " sound bowl PZ" ...meaning all those truly corrupt fakes who wander around on (stolen southern) cash...errata flounce.... flouncin' Penzance or the like.... making out that by their snake oil smiles and sounbowls (many photos to stick in)   are saving the universe cos they manifestly say so... most will say they're "environmental" too without factoring in to the only equation there is: is that hunk of stupid metal being used for an actually 'essential' purpose...each having a footprint cost...and prove the ferkin benefit, please... or can we melt them down for something actually useful and use muvva natures resources for only actual essential ...oils their fancy cabinet full of more expansive olive oils... without which they are naked and cannot be vaguely 'human'...  etc"

(and i value her even more her saying her sister is one)

Her purpose ... 'take him down' ... 

But the way of doin' so is to simply do a Jesus: constructively critique... 

And if one actually listens yet again one realises the disaster of the younger person with nothing to say saying anything...

Line 4 or 5 "The worst place was the best place" but HOW WHY ?  that is the key to learning: story and rhetoric about what is the " worst best" a one dimensional pornographer of course cannot manage...

 (this channel does not condone  those whom it is necessary to CONSTRUCTIVELY critique - the fat ones of the high production values  mindfulness posterage - i have a huge collection of photos, soon....who's 'offerings' to the 'universe'  online or otherwise - by yogic humming...are so dire they fail to knock this child off his perch and he's the most watched person in the universe...cos THEY have nothing to response.... so i must or ideally we must..)

Anyway yes what was i going to say...oh yes you are some  dreadful fake 

flouncin' the prom 

bringin' joy and the latest iteration of some bongo bongo to the smileys along your rusty old strip

your men cannot even manage to ALWAYS no matter what always tend to every waste bit of wood..

especially if they're the regional version of prostitution:


 to retired peeps of the military industrial complex

(they'll lie and speak of working only in the accounts office of Marconi or the like as if they don't see the fat wodges of 'how's yer father'  goin into  Britolish Missus Assad's Chelsea building society... so they can buy sweet little Hafez Bashar al-Assad  a barbie or robocop playhouse one day when the palaver has died down...  whichever gender his name may be  


OH yes i hear... loud dad in library thinks that his very loud emotional intelligence work on his young lad talking him through his current emotional probs 10m from me he should respect his bullies or other protagonists in school why he cannot go in....overrides the need for human beings to respect each other by shutting the fuck up in a public where there are loads of shut the fuck up signs even....

. she.. "you're a cheeky one"  did lasternacht tell me to write about it "anonymously"... 

I cannot even look at him " shut up" because... all these childmen have had fake teaching: because we taught you the big word empathy, it means you will never have to worry about snAPPING IF SOMEONE ASKS YOU TO BE QUIET...AS THEY DO

snap that is ...accidental cap (they usually have a baseball cap. too... empathy doesn't exist until you've really been in the very very long deep shit for a long time....) 

Anyway right as he is sort of quoted in despatches... the only ones that matter

I knew that years ago....  clearly most 'woke' justicates.... don't actually feel disadvantaged ... we did punk to revolutionate... and  then it was stupid jeans with long pockets that make you look like you have no arse....  then self harm  etc... and 'gender'  - i will bet my last pound that most eventually will wish to breed by traditional means just as Tom Robinson dis fairly soon after creating the ultimate gay 'hymn'...

nope not his actual great hymn to...him or her no one cared...ever

twas just ...blessem.. their way of yes getting power....

absolutely innate and ever necessary the yoof givin the elders one up the bum

for example to grab their loot

and get cheaper rents so they don't live endless rabbit-in-headlights existential

angsty stress....

problem is they forgot what power was 'for'....

the day that radio 4chan revels in the fact that rents have gone up 30% .... following the year that even Bojo said " we just need to be nice to each other now..."  never mind farmer Helen or all the rest.... they forgot so so quickly "maybe now we can slow down and think about what matters"

... ehhh...... and all we got was body neurosis and all that 

"you cannot say that"

 poor lot not surprising half dying of depression

at last previous power grabs were a tad actually

real and simple clear cut enemy

the one eating kids alive in Gaza today.

* = the most important thing of all....all those "birds" who put up the signage... Penzance Foulmouth... (Hay Totty and Stroud) ...come and be radiantly bathed in the light of my ace the reputic nextness of manifestly everything for...(they never say the price) and they have lovely pictures of sunsets and waves... "join me in the journey into your manifestly next more fixed state"  the other trend if not explicitly "shaman" ... the really funny thing is these ultra (listen to audio above).. Helen's, except she was too fractious, as trying too hard can make you barren....  if she was flexible enough to have had them....  their kids too,  as well, are all utterly hooked too on the loudmouth pornographer and that's a fact as i do listen.... (to them - their youngers...).

 ** it so so still makes me laugh blessim

A longtime supporter and former volunteer of London's Gay Switchboard help-line, it was at a 1982 benefit party for the organisation that Robinson met Sue Brearley,[18] the woman with whom he would eventually live and have two children, and later marry.[2]

In the mid-1990s, when Robinson became a father, the tabloids ran stories about what they deemed as a sexual orientation change, running headlines such as "Britain's Number One Gay in Love with Girl Biker!" (The Sunday People).[2] Robinson continued to identify as a gay man, telling an interviewer for The Guardian: "I have much more sympathy with bisexuals now, but I am absolutely not one."[2] He added, "Our enemies do not draw the distinction between gay and bisexual."[2]

ask his two  kids if they acknowledge the word 'bisexual'...  

or even 'gender'

or think it has any actual relevance to actual


Monday, 9 December 2024

ooohh we are keen today

 ... last page as often the case edited added to after posting dont miss the videos!

"I accept death, too"

(subtitle shaman have no same) 

another people pleasing lie... to look good.

substack audio yesteraft 

"I accept death" what does it mean ?(the trendy shallow ones parrot). I think it can only be real if you BE in commitment and lose that first.

god this is going to hurt.... just looking at his ... ('ugly' would be against the rules as its immutable ... but one word from him makes you even uglier so i certainly won't listen)  mug "live like an animal" sounds so utterly: now i am god... designed to hook the childless and incapable or REAL commitment...  no matter what.... always.... even when it is destroyed.... still being committed... the Gwerk fairies dont know about that as it's not about...them....

All they ever care about.

when all real love is is commitment - there is only one form and one should pity even if that's a horrid insulting thing.... those whom never could... 

not too never is. But then they believe their own disastrous 'relationship counselling'...  the problem

kety to life ...oops not being afraid of death....BE 100% in 'commitment

 -  and if you lose that innocently - he dies first..or she runs over the nipper one is committed to  as so often they express emotion with the right foot i have found in least you are inoculated against worrying about your own 

much prettier than him or his dead words

Sunday, 8 December 2024

substack shorter audio  - merely giving orders ...of sermon

(the) STORY. (And why the Britolish are functionally paralysed). (The End. "share" "subscribe" and toss off on pathetic little dopamine 'like' hits, or else: no finishing several good stories)

grace part 2

 ....but not really

Even if ...without wishing to come over as pious and earnest as quite simply they do not work...

(Even The Pasties are preachin' an extreme version of humanity 

with his "solitary confinement" pity me!) 

Only quietude and simply staying unmoved by any attack ..IF one is lucky enough to know what an 'absolute' is. (grace under pressure is: i am not sure anyone understands this  since the fake spirituals of Buddha polluted the river with  nothing as they say nothing....about how to live here as 'living'

 also means growing up so you may join the council or  some other club and tell them "you are just being don't ever DO anything, new..")

an absolute being good psychological journeys through life  for kids...all, any, creed or colour or whatever... that is an absolute aren't i lucky to have at least tried to 'take part' in improving..

There aren't many absolutes.   And all we will have for decades more is an absurdist 'argument': Elon will invent spaceships to zoom all the pollutants and hot air out into space and dump it safely....  no he won't so we better  build windmills."

Both erroneous well in fact #1 may indeed turn out to be a better bet; but a far better bet is use less, take your kids out of Nazi school because the teachers don't even tell the kids to look after (her page 2) and TURN OFF light switches or computers when finished with.... (as my interview  midsummerish with vanwoman who worked for years in schools confirmed - though she EVEN more the problem as all she did was turn it into virtue signalling emotion for those collected around her)  

 So we wouldn't need windmills is they did  (windmills require a MASSIVE resource and energy component in building their components and then the new wiring required )

But above all NO ONE .. especially not Greens, can manage simplest decent quiet rhetoric " perhaps as was many years known the precautionary principle may be useful"

As it may be discovered that even MORE damage is done to  the animal biome  - all of them... by tit milk filled with reused prozac from the waters or   the one animal that pees in its own watercourse as a matter of course...

'global warming' and associated industries pollute and thus just winding ALL back so as to firstly prevent pollution - co2 arguably just another form... was always the only message they forgot ...

blahh blahh.... 

But i don't know if ANYone ever tells a real 'truth',  so that comes first ... 'practicing what you preach [or people please, parrot]'

I litterally don't know....  

two years ago

someone said " i like the sunshine too"

the only one i did believe.

But then seeing, was believing 

middsummer last pretty white as a (born again virgin's) sheet...


All i know that grace is yes (maybe i can better define one day if i ever have decent nutrition i doubt)

.. as i said " i changed lore... in America head office of all your discochurches...  they say 'sunshine the best disinfectant'.. [ ok i slightly paraphrase so she knows who i refer to] but i realised after a few years the sunshine i brought in to the system in fact had an opposite effect to that desired: made the baddies' skins thicker.. they were almost MORE cruel and unjust to poor fairly innocent parents.." I did more harm than good....

Based even on an 'absolute'  - they are rare... the eco one ok Elon's drones may have swarms of every-molecule-of-pollutant we can munch supoer nano drones inside and problem over.... so looking after Her planet may be not a 100% absolute....

fuck badly with a kids head no drone fixes it ...absolute...

But anyway... I have no idea... does ANYone ever mean what they say especially as getting a bit of winter sunshine is even more important as its rarer...

I have no idea....  grace is ...well, 'pitying' someone is not very gracey....  merely playfully prodding them to be what they say they are...but in Britolin that often can get you arrested saying anything grown up....  and there's not much point in that....

So i reckon leave it at the End Times are already here when no one at all ever means what they says even the I love sunshine babes...

But a rewrite would be desirable as it's time for real sticks, not flimsy horesman and theirs: the end times actually keep goin' on forever and ever...unless YOU yes youtoo... be other.... 

and set an example by winter suntrap bathing for my youtube channel...

there is almost always somewhere ... but they're ALLways "busy" .... and not one got an actual sense of humour....

grace is just giving up....absolutely

 done ones best


'grace' ...wot iz it?

 Well, i doth thinkest more than owt..

tiz 2019 clip clop

Aside the one who seemed to have 'it'.

But you don't really know - only time and the passing of it whether it is trendy 'quantum' witches cauldron of everything ever extant bubbling away in one entangled cauldron still there or one in the future... mixing ingredients so as to have the now version

Deliberately absurdist as no one can describe  what it is here and now...

(well it certainly is a no-refined-sugar diet, or very little,  as it is quite good to be reminded with the odd pack of supercheap biccies when hungry how it  does undoubtedly cause melodrama and hysteria to bubble up ... no point saying that to those whom shop in Liddle  as even i was tricked into their 'granola' con when in fact its 15% sugar... )

Grace previously discovered... but 2019  a return match:

the only period for quite some years i almost feel midsummerish 'depressed'

'emotionally'? or psychospiritually maybe  abetter word, worn out ...  

feet dragging in the gaseous swamp  of black mould 

two years of hot poisonous air from so called " we love Europe" peeps  who did NOTHING ever ...


just like the many 'Greens'.. who do nothing real ever to protect the environment

what do you know ... they are the same people.

Two years .. 2 1/2 actually, wandering among them attempting to have sane conversations:

("what may we do if there were some parliamentary review of this standard political matter?" ...FF spring 2019: " ohh what do you know JC the second helping of Christ was a graceless wimp ....with daddy issues... has put down a motion basically delay and obfuscate and think more.... ohh you didn't hear how he NEARLY got it through lost by only 8 voters..  The official Opposition Amendment (a) in the name of Jeremy Corbyn aimed to set a deadline for another 'meaningful vote'. It was defeated 322 to 306. )

which is quite extraordinary in that the evil nazis of the BBC (i have a recording) said that morning on the live coverage " ehh we have heard the first two motions being debated and voted on, but we wont bother with continued coverage into  the third  today as it has been tabled by.... him.... JC the second helpin' .... and clearly won't be voted through.[sic or words exactly as lying vomitous] ... "  as if the MPS don't listen too to the wireless  - mainly 4chan...whilst deciding if its time for a bit more porn in the quiet of the House many colleagues down below involved in the rumpus... away  from  not only them but all those pesky wives and children who may nose in ...  or a meander down to the chamber and do their job...      AND ... whether or not their baying on the Commons floor may get transmitted live  so they can say to wifey later in the day " well i was there actually  baying .. you could actually hear me  at one point on 4chan..."

so... August 2019.. weary...  why did i bother... ? nearly 3 years ... several bicycle tyres actually worn out in my several thousand km over a  few years up hill down dale looking for a few  who may just make a sign together in 'solidarity' if   some second  meaningful vote were called after a meaningful vote... all games but unless those who say they are playing, play... the other side gets a 'walkover' i believe..

in no one even the most avid pro EU few i found over the years cannot KEEP TO THE points .. theyre endlessly off on tangents to make themselves look good...

most copied off morons on the internet - or other way around, the internet is just moron...

no one even noticed: JC nearly got a delay... and a bit of a review.... even my-friend, ultra proEU, Oxbridge educated supposedly students of David Starkey's wank called 'history' of constitutional stuff...  

Anyway.... so.... gathering new atchin tans* with recently (late 2018) provisionally embezzled (the future would ensure)   2 grand van money  allowing  time in lovely laybys away from the beaten track... alongside  very little used byways

Maudlin; drained... almost  twinges of 'depression' ...

for the first time in decades.

Anyway.... clip clop.... as she comes by.... my window down...and from above i didn't even see her lips move as i couldnt see her face... " hello" 

Had seen her ("frig she's the harmony hairspray woman with the Nimble girl smile..") but impossible to byway-chatup  due  narrow byways and anyway a man cannot stop to talk with a  woman  not even greeted previously...whist invan....there are rural honour rules...    

fast forward a wonderful three months of photos exchanged by wotsup - first time i had used it.... of our respective personal most enjoyed (the smell)  manure heaps  - the one i got paid to move by Lady [famous] Muck bigger than hers.... and other real rural people banter...  " fuckers who insure [with DSM always behind the curtain of iron filings]  the yard are objecting at your member...ship being non existant ..let me see if i can lie to them and put you down as ... "

That day at last arosed.... if only she knew just how utterly selfpity traumatised i was at the mere thought of mounting any nag being ten years of being in the wilderness avoiding them as they hurt.... the last time with...   [ censored it's my story she an innocent bystander me on standby 10 years so be it thats called [further censored] ..] never mind having to actually google " how to ride a horse" that was not a joke...

And i think above all grace, apart from " hahh hahhh you thought you would get one over on me not one of you... putting me ion him.. biggest maddest muvvafucker in your yard.... well thank you my trauma now fully conquered and i even get to show off to you how fearless i am and zenned no fear just rising to the as we were such a lovely person... and  real get back into the saddle just do it.... parenting skills, but no personal breeding ...why not.... ?"

" well i would like to or would have liked to....but i won't be.... because...i am selfish.....and wouldn't be able to take a year off ... i  pretty much ride all the year round if not looking after the hunt.. summer know i am not fanatical but it is me..its how i define myself ... my calling.... and i am too selfish to stop for a year and.... " 

I really do think is the one most beautiful moment of grace i have ever heard 

grace merely being honest about who we are... 

a quiet private self critique...  shared  in honest quiet conversation clip clopping need to be so frank but so nice when we do find it

just the real version of who we are


..... were... until.....

(her Pasty  Artur... well .... want sermons about HOPE ....  the watsups i got two years later from the one most beautiful  HONEST soul of them all.... " fuck me Laura ...your message and pics..... i near fell off my mount.... ehhh... i never seen a pic so beautiful....... and don't you miss...  your previous absolutely 100% needed occupation you selfishly couldnt dream of never being able to always do?.... until 2020 the year of our lord gave your nipper a life s/he could never have dreamed of....    i mean....  i hope you tell it when its old enough the story of.... it only existing due all their hysteria hypochondria and authoritarian rather dumb anti science of get out ion the sunshine,  tyranny... . "

I think this is several levels in fact - it is the most beautiful living being  not what we know we need, 'parable'..... i have ever existed within...  (well maybe first equal of about day) 

I must rewrite better one day....

 * 'stopping places'  - the ACTUAL 'activist' she goes ALL the way...all the way  means meandering 3 years much of the time so not enough wages earned to eat....and rent and other things paid for in full knowledge unable to pay back, by maxing out every last sovereign of credit on half a dozen cards... fighting their absurd 'sovereignty' bullshit ... patriotism last refuge of a scoundrel to quote The Bard...  and anyway 'ACTIVIST' means (its easy to send me whatsaps at 8am today to give me a hard on - the exact desired effect....  i never read anything anyone messages  any more, as no one DID anything.... )   

so yes if one believes in ones 'cause' almost nothing else matters... all the way by 2017 is obvious - no matter what it takes... meaning every second available try and harvest potential ally or even a few changed mind future voters... doesnt matter if you cannot pay your bills or rent once it is over ... it being over soon... (august 2019) find some lovely new stopping places when on the run from  debt collectors and baliffs due in about March 2020.... no problem... as long as there are atchin tans...

Because brighter eyes than even hers.... (the very best of all ..of late....she is fierce...she cares! but doesnt know grace and also having a 'cause' and meaning it, not just getting me hot under the collar does mean ALL the way... there are always ways to compromise on little matters like family ...  all the way means there is only education of the next generation and one can do that indeed by getting onesself starving and roofless not as false martyrdom theyre all addicted to, but because thats what you have to do ... and PLANNING is all that matters if one has time ( thoughts, a constant..."i will have time from january 2020  to pack up and ...well... it will be near impossible to  slow down and stop as i would love ...for a year if possible! ... just rebuild self and have some FUN.....spend next spring and summer just lazing in the sunshine up in the hills ... .  and that NAzi landlordess she will hunt me down for every last few pence i will owe her outstanding so i shall never have peace... ohh well.... i accept the end of all peace tranquillity comfort for ever....")

but then grace is also so enjoying the chats as i am no-hands cyclin' the silent byways in the most glorious spring ever 2020 " ohhh hi...Lowell/ Capital One [etc]...  haven't heard from you for a few days...god really nice to get a call... you are my only friend left in the whole world you break up the isolated loneliness  i look folrward to your calls.... yes i still have the severe mental illness and corvid bankruptcy everyone else has in the whole land didn't the last lovely lady put it in the what's your name.... how are you managing ohh my its all so so so terrible isn't it....ohh what a cataclysmic apocalypse. ehh....... listen i live in this glorious parkland many km from any plague cities.. empty lanes..... all this sunshine my my it must be hot in your suburban  little homeoffice....... why don't you come and join me and we can go bicycling in the lanes together .. you can call it 'work' tryin' to get your moneylender dues out of me........ my mental illnesses arent too bad i hear on 4chan everyone else is near terminal.... " and..... knowing exactly how to get them to stop bugging you... merely over their silly  Mammon... 

Saturday, 7 December 2024

well i will be damned

 ... my substack (all free)  subscriber* base has just gone up 20% just like that

(with NO Search engine optimisation, or hashtagging  - as they are ugly and cheat,or rather 'game' the system they all say they hate.... never mind as a point of principle,  example to her she addicted to 50 of them just for one silly Instant load of nothing energy drink of a 'post' - which pass straight through any real woman.... ... and my titles are deliberately confusing to the 'algorithm' title categorisation thingummy, so nothing will get 'picked up'.... ...  and furthermore.... as i am far cleverer than i make out to be there is a whole new philosophy behind... not pushing yourself if you actually have better things to do with every second, no matter what in that you think... (the problem) that once you have reached a certain age then that's it nothing really new  - like new new word combinations, to copyright into a living, so all you think about is sneakily monetising (Insta followers same thing it's all reserving the right to ... maybe end up with even more 'likes' from twats who auto-like everything as their loves are empty and full of nothing)  things you may have once said  that may have been ok but cannot be bettered... 


* the thing i hate about that model is that when you put up another  'episode' of waffled  mental illness it sends out emails to 'subscribers' i believe... 

In the case of Mr Kureishi   even when (as i like my inbox naked so i may notice something important comming in) you have about 20 times officially 'unsubscribed' from his endless annoying autogenerated emails - meaning his assistant who actually still can type must have found a way of cheating their system.... designed to rightly stop the pester function .... as a (tragically) crippled gay brown person he probably thinks doesnt apply to him...

Well we all know what happened over the pond recently ... 

well i didn't even know you could see the email address of the one new subscriber...i never look.... and wouldn't anyway i don't believe in anything ...except

If you turn on the recorder....and one day in the past maybe were once a bit of a "warrior" even stabbed in the side and can't afford the lovely hooker to bathe your feet as some ye oldy world kink...or was it gather 'his' tears to sell on ye oldy ebay 

 you have to 'trust' that ...  nope it would be far too narcissistic (double checked and signed off in medical records  by Broadmoor expert shrinks)  personality disorder  to say one endured for a 'reason' ... and you just may have something useful to say sometimes...  when Watts and co never manage it anytimes...

And who knows maybe you get 'help' ... in fact thinking is the enemy you just do cos you can....

Or maybe it is Nutz's 'matrix'...  i know absolutely nuthin' except you know for sure you reach a point in life maybe 5ish years ago when you have absolutely nuthin' left to say...

And then you are wrong.

May even have your best things yet to say...

and that simple old addage i forget who said it - on scary audiences out  in front, just keep one person in your mind in the 'audience' as you do your do... perform only for that one person...  keep it personal.  One on one....

and if others like or clap ...or even 'share'.... absolutely none of my business...

I've never said "share" (or if i have it must have been a bad day by accident when i was too tired to retain my ethos of i know nuthin' ) and don't even know any more how one gets a larger audience as i couldn't care so never researched...

All i know is a few years ago i heard the bosslady of Substack (may have been UK dept) talk on radio 4 and she  sounded to me like she really did mean her mission  and i trust hardly anyone ever in fact even my extremely finely tuned radar sensors  - i know they are  bullshit, or lost 'lamb' detector  radar version 10.0  have been defeated it seems ... so i may be wrong i thought i was nearly perfect so will starve as a result of inadequate gain controls

But Substack still feels like the internet should be i really don't know...  as i haven't looked any further or researched anything and cannot be bothered to make pages look nice even if it is kindof my one preferred  place on the web ... not that i bother listenin' to anyone else any more now sarah has sacked Meghan...  as i know Alan Watts was no good and no one else even seems to be able to discern that any more so there's no hope...

in other words it's not up to me 




Well 'bless' im..." ("and here's to hell...")

 Even if The Stern one started all this .... bloody useless 'podcasting' at least he was occasionally a shock-jock with some originality even if  birthin'  the bonkers  genie which once out....

Grown ups knew was just childish shock value, of no value...

I haven't been crusading with some weeks now....

But maybe that's the last epistle under her stolen cassock (wow you can get em cheep at only £31.19 just checking the spelling... ) 

it has to be about the perverted message - as pervy as their 3.6% priest hoodwinkin' the world that their hood is important when only two tango and hetty marriages last longer..never mind beein' the foundation of all lore ...


plus two facing down a loony landlord get treated with more respect...

rather than two faced stolen cassockees wastin' MY precious time...

Hope... a dangerous word that in fact does really hurt people - i doth know.... there bein' one word that hurt.

But 'dream'   (my my i never had a two way one  - thisterdawn  - a conversation at last... no more hissin' rather standin' her ground...)

What the aristocracy of even her  

oops i saw a few days ago some posts get squashed if you add in hypertext  - or rather what comes up on Oggle, from Oggle who own blogger ...

‘the church which contains the bishop's throne’

much to do on presentation...far less important than songlines:

'hope' and dreamin' are almost opposites.

But there we go.... at three years older than her - Mrs Nicked Cassock...

...  many years full on junkie abusing his body i am sure in every conceivable way, 

 There he is preachin' January in league with  Beelzebub himself 

A real song of 'hope' ... 

And December same year  - i didn't even know who the popstar lookin' bimbo 

was midrow...

He is rightly invited by The Norwegian Queen i am sure ...

to be there celebratin' 

(video above) 

His equal in truly spirited hollier than thou goin' ALL the way....


Aggh i know someone who needs to .... 

Her "god" Mister irReverent Adams... 

step up.....and ...

Do what I TELL her..." 

Cos if she doesn't she will die if she does she can be three years older and as full of real life as Stevie boy.... bouncin' around as if he is twenty years younger and all the self pity years, weren't...

 But i need one final last scurrilous epistle... one last attempt.... one perfectest sermon... 

or she has no hope 

despite lying for years from her pulpit she bathes in the eternal light of it he bloody faked dying on the cross bar so as to save her soul too.... 

.... ahhh.... uhhhhhh....i know who should do it.... but



Mister "you will get goosebumps" from nothing .. vacuous nothing to say to actually (she .. i need a nickname for her Mrs Sunshine....  when she  - the ONLY sane one, mindbodily.... looked me in the eye and stated  Buddhism "evil" .. well, she had me all goosebumped ... and bumped up where God intentended when one meets a fine rhetorician.... before or after the 'serpent' was ever dreamed up as contraceptive.... rhetorician whom means it! [as good as my only heroine  the only live tv i have watched for years...and cannot stop 'gaslighting' her brothers as if she has some 'mental illness' ....for comedic kicks... and ok the death cult of making women cover up thus getting rickets and dying earlier may require some more work on it..

 .....even if she (Sunshine)  needs just slightly  MLK finishing school,  lessons...   on: with her looks, if she stops.... puts her feet on the metaphorical desk between us...(or her and her interrogator on some awful pod) . sits back... smiles... pauses... while she rolls up a god given rolly.... takes a puff...pauses....looks wistfully up into her 'heavens'...and says, smilingly....  " what took you so long....  we knew years ago that plenty of sunshine.. good food and exercise... would indeed make you live longer... and every second s/he gives us is a gift .... so don't look a Darkhorse in the mouth.... listen to hat i have to say... "   

FREE substack audio

Learning. Alan Watts the bimbo, as are his fans, and learning history is a form of wanking in public. (There is a past audio partners with this, see webpage)

refs: NOT having even thought of Eurocontrol prior to the above audio nugget coming into my thick head last night (awoken by a strong gale)

looking now at

this shows you how complex it all is BUT you wont find any (MAJORITY of aviators) professional putting a line in " ehh that 100 Euros an hour [ profit on costs / charges made for aircraft maybe 300/ hr... ] matey thats my wages ... only fools and silly rich hobbyist pilots pay Eurocontrol fees.."

Because there is a whole unwritten history of even this aspect of modern existence  that many in the ordinary public WOULD be interested to know...

as my audio waffles...

making a point ..most of history is entirely incomplete...

maybe the whole history of 'shamanism' mushroomed in the last few years as it got trendy may omit the poor lambs up all night figuring how to get their websites looking flashier than some  Jenny come lately  stuck with hullrot in Gwerk....without Eartha Love's vicious snake oil operation ongoing years which pays for her even better design...


partner audio stick here later when i have time for free to bleep some bits..

on it's WHY you may do therapy except no one ever tells you simple standard PURPOSE in it...the simple nett desired effect.... as there are UNIVERSAL 'lines' in behaviour.... simple ones

(almost everyone i meet crosses into the naughty zone.... money / " i want this to work" ehhh.... so why not headbut #7..... and every woman ever not understanding 'feminism', a far better word equalicism,  ... should mean meet half way for a cuppa each paying equalish amounts of petrol cash ... lines don't have double meanings or standards...  oooo i quite like that it may make a coffee mug slogan for a descendent profiting from ACTUAL wisdom rather than genocidal Buddhist [ The Burma lot  are 'officially' i believe] bullshit ..

.oooh theres even a wiki page entitled so .....  - it was my understanding at the time that is was maybe less a case of organised 'military' personnel murdering the poor Muzzies of N Burma  rather ordinary blokes in red or 'saffron' cloaks blowin' in the wind - rather good conditions for leterbox bombin' some nice Muslim family asleep and the fire would spread quicker...) 

Or thinks to 

I simplify for the thick, poisoned by frauds like Eckhart and the other one .... (so forgettable the 'Guatemala' one... even if he lives in some american town as bar room profit )

right that's enough

 even Mrs most thrilling energy in the Universe ... doesn't understand... i put ALL my time into peeps even trying to 'lure' them ... always 'mutual benefit. ....  

i listened to her video sent last night...

i wouldnt open my phone after 8pm even if someone desired, had texted back ok yes see you there if they WANTED to be seen there they would call...

so i waste more of my precious time at 0600  wondering 'why'? ... get me to watch that....

ohh well every day a new day... no matter what, yesterday

But a man cannot live on bread alone

Friday, 6 December 2024

"humble" (she is.. i cannot lie) (SUBSTACK LISTENERS*)

 but metoo

fuck me i didn't even know how to look into stats.. and i had misslooked and thought it was 2 downloads a month if that 

("sorry i never look at a phone when speaking with a human its the height of bad manners and if someone does it their therapy has clearly failed... but i have to show you this"  i needed to fully say 

but theres never enough time in the day 

(but what is interesting so so few seem to care... except one star)

Anyway back to me ehhh... i had no idea  42 listens one day in march i thought it was 2 a week...

* sorry the joke is on you for never going to and even paying a paypal penny despite me being maybe the only substacker (i guess i can sort of call myself that now...?? ) who never charges for any content and never even says " like and subscribe"  - i know  no one has even striped  - whatever that is they say the new paypal for grownups.... i know as no one ever has... 

... you have to start at the beginning likely 50 interminable hours of rambling badly produced waffle...

AND Segway into videos...another 500 hrs work there

and read my notes not even finished yet

and see the thus far censored photo and video section 

and then the private pages that only a few hand picked facially faced off peeps get... 

And mix in a few texts...

And one amazing impossible private page


one day all will be revealed.... 

until then the 'story' is only 2/3  revealed...

But then  - bleak...wasting so much time with the full private viewing....

one..(not of my gang) . she did what i told her   - Mrs Pink Doc Martins..

" i don't do what i am told"

"that's a strange thing to say showing me the list of books coming in for you the exact ones i TOLD you to read hahh hahh.. now remember what i said about Reader on the 6.27...if you don't cry at the wouldn't be worth knowin'... "

so i told her the 'story' just now...

i don't believe in one-way anything nor does The Nutzn -  i think my final  nickname for the one who's Jordan was a child, lets grow up and  remain human despite him, and the rest of them, Russell; and someone take Eckhart out and drown him in the ohh well  to put himself out of his misery ... book you WILL read one day

right...gee-herd time  

because i have a crusade ... i know one personwoman who if i had a friend or beloved needed a shrink.... there's only one i would conceivably trust...

And she needs to...write her book.

And we kindof already...are. 

"we-men" ..soon

 loads of bits and bobs to weave together


oooh theres one more scurrilous and even more truthful than this...soon to do


But then a universal matter XXX note to self write up the wonderful women this morning with their doggies....paid to care for others' dogs

put it here even if  48  hrs later in real fully lived life...

She the dog babe REALLY meant her "nice to meet you" after we ranted on for 10 min about the way that the neurosis post 2020 has so so terminally been stabbed into all their doggies... she describe how it was comming out in doggies under her paid-care...

Indeed she LOVED it someone WANTED her to let go...and tell the truth of how utterly overcontrolling freaky fucked up most of her clientele....are still and her poor paidcare doggies...suffer.

As a few of my gang also openly now state...

(if only  the "busy"  ONE  - only one who really does express "love".. means it...has the real thing in her heart.... can ehhh....??  what is life if full of care [and Mammon] we have no time to sit and stare [ and ponder Mammon  - what it really is, thinking of her] .... knew how utterly unique she is...)

"rules" (LOWERcase)

 because there is an uppercase one too  

Because even if.. at a distance 

well let's put it this way... the one beautiful soul.... (i saw in gig several times when she was still one and she so clearly was even from a not far off distance ) .. the great new reformatory one of cuntry...

Well hearing her into her later 50s so so bitter and sour...and angsty existentially...she then DID die of far far too young 60s.... 

With all her money she didn't get the right therapist and ...not having GOOD therapy kills.... though those lizards cannot be sued for their cant and vanity

one of many 

but i am so so mentally-ill behind the schedule and sequence ... 

it will take time

But for sure i know someone is worth taking all the time in the world....  to merely express what my only famous-person once fan-loved, Nanci never became centred and at peace so as to...

Thursday, 5 December 2024


problem - all audio and video  -  for example the audio below, has occasional references to stories shared or matters ranted upon in earlier material... some are stories from nearly two years back...and as there is a two year failed 'road trip' between then and now   that nevertheless has been wonderful fun... but the only true fun is to create ... there is about 500 hrs work reading listening to get from then to get all those contexts... all i can say is this infotainment if for ferker ever paid a penny, not that i denigrate myself by begging,  unlike everyone else on the internet. I never even say when substacking " don't forget to whoop whoop me ... like and subscribe...😕😇😂." In fact i wouldn't KNOW if substack has a 'like' button - they fucked up humanity enough as it is,  i don't look for trouble or being part of the problem.... and anyway i only actually 'create' for the few i meet face to face ..and like...  

on my pilgrimage to..nowhere...  now even the fake (unnamed) religious one (bless herrr...) turned out to be religious about only one thing: people pleasing

And unaware that the time of someone with far far fewer resources than her.. willingly given to herrr moaning... many many hours..... couldn't really be afforded... but it will be a great parable one day - and even symbol of the utter crucifix this society is hanging by a thread from cos if even them can't be trusted to have propriety what hope have you... (as always found in 15 years meanderings so nothing new except it gets so much worse it is default)

substack audio

Peoplepleasingitis (the two variants - a much better guide than dodgy DSM.....and two I value may be hurt by others suffering of it? )

certainly The (magnificent) Army...aiming to kick Freud in the balls when she recovers from her passing 'hysterias'.. (joke) and as for their fey god Jung (every Tom-Paul Clasrissa Melanie of course have his works on display, the more rabid ripper offers in a collected limited edition).. she knows he ain't her god...she wants a better one! so she will have to be her ... when she collects her superb original thoughts........  i know she will enjoy this and find it useful as her work will take her up against a pandemic of the people pleasing  stuff down here.... almost all Incomite  princesses who can't really afford their pitch any  more...because they people pleased everyone into being pissed off... so they dont get freebies any more

And gotta go blubbin' to a therapist to understand..."why..?"

All the fakes come and invaded her born 'n bred lands.... ...a REAL "warrior" at last! and  the exact opposite of the kind of person i would even be seen dead of backstabbing stood next hour and every second pure pleasure....   ( a real woman likes you touching her - whether sexually heresingy or not.... as we passionately fine Europeans almost always do... in fact she doesn't even notice.. on her new model... no ore hundred year old men in charge of the couch.!..  )


lots more to come on the really barking baseball hat man.... just how inadequate his Oxbridge made him... unable to think. Outside any box. 

hatwise half of absurd Pastylandshire copies...

"change the narrative"

 She said....

Define a whole region overtaken by ... (pictures soon - why does that matter? because except for the 'corroded' neckjob - i hope she liked that she seems was a 'term of endearment' .... but when as one said 25 years ago, as a term of endearment "trollope"  the local bluehair laughed when i told her that story, and she GOT it... and as she is a northerner she offered one back in return a month is called banter ...and all that mindfulness and atrocious therapy fails to ever work and make one immune to indeed enjoy banter... poor Greg or whatever some foodie is called...)

Basically education is: go forward thoughtfully. Because they did in the past... but then a fair few wankers would stand with their arms folded, footstamping... or worse, as per the best film about education ever To  Sir With Love... a load of 'knowing' gossips in the staff room.. they know he  - The Sid... won't succeed...  they smugly know why... they know it isn't really possible to kick folk up the bum for their own sake in new ways...

Because they are lazy, and prefer to go shopping down Carnaby Street and perform going 'forward' via a bit of Biba or a Beatles disc...

Because the 'left' has always been a load of liars perhaps after about 1920   even if Noonan's Ragged was clearly a truth book.. his.. his soulful lamentin' at their truth, from within their ranks  - he no elite sniggering from the sides...

That basically the herd are a bit mean minded when they don't need to be... especially once settled into an "institution" or club - anything connected to any Local Authority became just that...maybe always was in this land... the land of "clubs" (he really did make me laugh with that quip, about his own 'family'..)

Far more so than Europe.... 

clubs make you smug and provide 'society' within which to exercise all modern human especially in Britolin  became: little power games...

Which are all entirely artificial - "heresy"!  I have to say to hear Dawkins at last, recently, snub the silly Pinker with his " we are all disciples of the silly Brand man and all so newly aware we are forever goin' to carry on bein' much nicer to each other, because i telegenic and young looking Pinker say so.."   with " well he was off on one.." The BBC worst of all suckers suckered in as they have nothing to say from their closeted little London towers of overheated nonsense as they rarely get out properly in the weather... 

The weather sorts you out....when you realise you don't need ANY special wear out of a Patagonia catalogue .. to be out in it almost all the time...

Which is almost all you see in London-on-Stepford all with Stepforditis ....  thats not the London sort-of-village or zone, that's the great cultural one about all being a wonky dream... 

like only state: keeping up with The Joneses...


The really bad thing in that is when a society is utterly broke due decades of  the LA being lahh lahh...  their 'care' of families in difficulty, or oldies with only handless Ukrainians to befriend them as no one actually cares... being provided or rather not provided by ever fatties (i had to resort to some Iceland snackfood yesterday  - funny old world... every single person coming in midafternoon either buying large packs of fizzy drinks or snackfood that upon investigation is as cardboard vicious chemical taste... 

Britolin with its huge national debt... the notion that somehow it will all end well, never mind millions living on chemical nonfood...

And so many families atomised...

Will not end up in LA style roofless cities... or some equivalent  - up your road too... which may be community 'centres' full of even more chubby pasty faced miseries...

All very unwell..... but the problem is when one has a great chat with an arts centre manager ...attempting Agent Z business..." ehh...  all i ever hear is ' lots of deprivation here..' .. well actually there are lots of childmen who dont help their mates get off the drugs, everywhere - ohh yes him  buging us now and you WILL return my lighter ive had enough of you lot for a lifetime all smiley fake between fixes...fuck off to gwerk where you can find all of your own kind the aristocracy of......  and there are many slave jobs 'servicing' overpriced  holiday cottages ... many slave jobs....many more slave jobs per slave than average in other regions of the country....  actually love i see far more new clothing per person compared to other similarly  aside regions... plenty of new cars...  clearly they have loads of drug money.... this endless terming your clientelle deprived ...well maybe depraved... but deprived mertely infantilises them further mewonders.... "

" yes we need to change the narrative..."

poor lamb... being they had no real education  other than health and safety zones of  safe spaces... and their backbones surgically removed via their H + S SZ 'training' ...

With her generation n charge of that even if she was sincere... there isn't a hope in hell.




Wednesday, 4 December 2024


did i take my kit off or something?  278 views for a video in one day  - a further rulefor life:do not ever second guess... 


 ... for the bucket, and...

Ohh my ohh my that is a private injoke, but at who's expense?

Having spent an interesting few hours with Dom at Pharos...

Well, define failure (and i trust Dom - he is too in love with his techy baseball hatted self to think how to lie..) : " I got involved in 2019 ...cos.... JC THE second comming of Christ would have called for a second  referendum and...'that would have ben a disaster for the country'.."

And that is from the man who succeeded in his filthy Brocko-Eurocide 

Failure: ALL my so called saner acquaintances.. years groomed....  years... " ehh have you read maybe Primo Levi the non-Holy ones..?" never.. the tragic Pastyite man, sells them but is only intimidated upon what is within...

Hay's so called philosopher kind pro 'internationalism'.. is campaigning on the last day of 2019 Bojo crowning AGAINST the party in UK's swingeriest state....who had as their manifesto top point " 2nd look"

But forget them... the Zoe Williams interview 2019, there in black and white  " i am 70% in favour of EU.." 

What sadly the smart men-Doms (the homo erotic Dom-love from the audience so comes through...  basically a whole generation of unfathered young men  ending up even in Oxford...  so deeply desperate for a even a baseball hat to get them  kinked up over a bucket of  whatever their next generation 'smart' drugs are so as to compete with philosophers king's shit bowl Harris who would be. retchin' in Gwerk Ayahooo NAscer soup kitchen, lines  to make him more fuckable if he thought it may .. )  cannot ever understand, is that

It is not "whitehall" that became the engorged sugary diet of a problem, it is simply this, that   in a lifetime..mine... from around age 27 ... seeking as acquaintances, even friends....  peeps who walked and liked the sun (i have to add that in as it is true and i have only met one non-liar i guess  - Gwerkspeak bein' actually indistinguishable from lies in fact it is a like a double helix - you cannot be allive in Gwerk  without the twinflame interwoven in your very that is falsity.....even if she  Ms Sunny Walker, is at the retchin' bucket too..) 

I could list them: the majority who (in the 90s when it was still vaguely sane) would spend an hour with the Guardian over coffee at Shepherds (i am so saintly pure - actually uncorruptable,  i have only ever actually bought a newspaper maybe about 10 times in my whole life - pinch others they are always so limited..  and they were merely 'bigevent' memorial issues such as Thewitch is dead in a  car crash with Dodi  i wouldnt wish a scratch upon  Pol Pot's bum but LOOK at the outpouring of saccaharineitis ever fat waddling woman with nothing better to do in their empty lives than pretend to cry ...cos she forgot to move the throwin' up bucket from the footwell and.. proceeded straight to hell... )

And some good books - though English wimmin always read almost by default the worst psychodrama load of self pitying nonsense ever the Wutherin one to get them to the Height of self pity and self harm via moanin'... rather than silas or even Mary's  superb Frankie..  and they brag about it. Indeed all they are bragging about is they are so not well, read... as The Russians are far superior... loads of... and i hear The Poles of the 1920s were in there too with grown up books... like Utopia its not as if how to write a decent book  - questioning OURselves..... rather than making the Cathyish heroine die of herself, hasnt been around as a cheat sheet for 500+ years...

Anyway the amount of THE 'top' few percent educated people - not 'elite' i never suck up to or can tolerate 'elites' .. they are people like Peter Florence who  not only refused to chip in to our kids chess club " we...we the we-men.. dont see it like that that it is nice you and the lass get kids comming from the us wemen see it in a different way so fuck off and stop trying to see my pin number at the cashpoint..."

And yet  just a  few years ago: "Peter... i know better than to believe one side of the story... anyway Hay got populated before anywhere else by false allegators...  that is as may be..BUT ..your children will be reading for ever ' Hay Festival director sacked for being a woman hating sexually harassing  tyrannical bully boy worse than Trump... " now i know enough about you over the years...watching your absurd pumped up fake speeches.  to know you don't really even rate women as equal  human as that's your culture one can hear in that so dinosaur accent... and i am quite sure that you couldn't be bothered to 'bully' any of them....  them not being as is the way of your muvva land... not the 'big man of the village/town/  ehh... to hear their 'parliament' is mere tragicom...

"...none of which interests me in any way as many places in the world Bolivia for example really do celebrate women as saving their whole society 2003-6 from the CIA backed imperialists of many years of past...

" but.... you have had many talks over the years i even paid to go to a few... i want my money back from those too...  based around 'Free Speech'....  and you now cannot even write one word on your very busy Fakebook 'wall' about... ' daddy's version of events was this'....  you just remain silent on a she-said-he-said that destroys your whole career..  and you have children who have google too i am sure...or rather your CHILDREN'S FRIENDS!! . what fuckin century are you in? ..."

oops i diverge..

dozens... of loose acquaintances the last 5 years.... who are ...or would call themselves slightly more well read above the average..NONE 'elite'... 

But every single one  - still... there have been fights ... blockings... fumings... " Corbyn wanted us out of Europe...!"

They STILL fight me if i politely try and .. "read Z Williams on JC  2019 she interviewed him gob to gob.. he said 70%.."

And there you have even the anti christ  even if a clearly highly data savvy one... " I was kingmaking against JC who would have gone for number two.... " 

Well at least i can die knowing i remained sane and.... there was no point trying to succeed as even the weller read ones literally all went nuts...

which is why only sane people stay 'aside' .... ohh i do love this atch...  definitely my favourite.... deep things happened here too



with their permission  - i sought just for fun to chat up a reasonable journo Zoe.. i printed out many copies of this in colour to hand out by bicycle 2019 even to fascist local pub owners who said she was pro EU

but firthermore... THE economic downturn of MArch 2020 for whatever reason... is irrelevant, a 10% maybe 20% downward blip in the economy from the glorious year of unbroken sunshine and walks in the hills...

was a " material change"  - official jargon for  quite morally putting aside a planned 'treaty' change   - which is what a non binding referendum is...of sorts... and not even FAragae could really argue with " ok peeps... with The Big Sniffle, a big change has happened now since your very close vote of 2016... ok we will forget it should have been like all sane Europe states and EVEN the US senate requires 60;40 or thereabouts on something more substantial than  giving The Clown a few popguns to go shoot himself in the eye with after a night guzzling coke with his mates on Tik Tok... so maybe we should suspend... BREXIT for a while....  rethink it a little in light of .. well ..imminent extra bankruptcy...and have another look in a little while.... " 

' somewhere is her interview with im JC second cummin " i am 70% pro EU" as is any sane person who knows all political systems need 'remaining to ..reform..' CANNOT be easily found on Oggle... i wonder why....

Especially relatively new ones ..i mean Yankland been at it their big manifesto for a few hundred years and still cannot manage to  understand that guns are for children...

why loads of children pick them up and shoot dead loads of other children...

Only adults can turn the other cheek or just run away ... and/or diffuse the mad and bad ... without really hurting him/her...  there is always a way ... 

The fabulous Survivor

 tv series when UK culture was great - best in the world.... explored when i was a bleedin' kid for god's sake

one central theme: MAd MAx and co find your little Gwerk or Hay-on-wye perfect new post apocalyptic community  ...   cos they know behind the sham fakebookiness thats where the drugs are... 

they have guns.... you only have one old one .. what do you do... ? you could find a way to use numbers to maybe degun them and gun them back....but really really risky as you will only ever have a small band of your 'survivors' .. and anyway wont sleep well at night ever again... far more sane even if great risk to try and find some common ground via dialog with even Maddest Max the invader...  

In other words there really isn't any such thing as the 'enemy' ..for life...if you get 'life' right and find a way to...   compromise....  work together...

nope modern yank and even brit culture has lost its mind as a hell of a lot of more ancient culture til about 20 years ago often explored that simplest subject...

Tuesday, 3 December 2024


now.... 'inspired' wrong word but

someone i met is a fighter... i saw it in her eyes..

'causes' are  weird these days....

so much spin ad PR and ghosting

You get one ongoing which may be as seemingly scatterbrain as this...

which isn't scatter anything except scatter TRUTH... reality (there is more to add into the above)

Ans in a few days ago..... you get an email.... which really really they shouldn't have... ghosting is so much more death-ray....

works....even on me...

And proves that....someone took note....  and knows your 'cause' is valid enough to try and spin me back....

which will be published, too..soon... 

too much ongoing as i had thought some recent bolsterees were..... well that they meant it...

even if on 'causes' THE most important manifesto point of all is EACH DAY IS A NEW DAY...

just cos someone ignores or whatevered you the day before (one cannot read minds  even if Gwerkian shameful ones pretend that's a real thing ... )  today they could change their mind and get on the job...or book...or .... (flip the Porthleven one what a year of my life she wasted thinking that one word was real...her funeral...cos not doing causes stated is a surefire cause of earlier death.... and getting fat... REAl causepeeps stay slim as without a doubt the brain munches at least 40% of calorific intake..and a real cause requires some time of figuring at least " dare i say that to her she pretended to care but will she gossip down her pub/farmersmarket/ yogaclass...?? even if i said it was i better tell her only 65% of the actual truth.... cos without a helpmeet you ever anyone.. - the rules of humanity the absurd yogaknitters seemed to think they would utopianly opiate munch their way out of..... nope... humans are kindof fixed.... "..... i can never put on weight no matter how many packs of biccies being stuck eating sludge for reasons of economy whist on causes )

someone properly engaged on a cause they believe in.. if receiving a call from someone who has pratted around for months (i discovered 07 ish...) ...well they have their issues.... but if they make a new call " ehh right ready now what can we DO.."   it is only the last word that matters, especially if someone has let you (the cause) down one hopes that a new reengagement  will be more solid in that they have risen above their own previously ghostly behaviour and now today mean what they say...

as one needs allies in causes.... or just someone to make good jokes from the sidelines about even the " entitled"  cos folk with 'causes' can be really dull...a bit myopic ad in "human" .....and only LAUGHS keep you going (few can listen to even that advice, so i give up)

(eg wonderful Helen of Loach's McLibel  - bad film as he failed to even hint " Helen if you had somehow also made some way of having a LAUGH as you battled in court ...[ i did often once went in to see and talk with a big judge  wearing VERY summery shorts and bright Hawaiian top just to make a point..i would never have worn such in public but... blahh blahh... ' your stupid dark buildings.. stupid unnecessary legal cases... all should be out at the beach today midsummer... ' ] .. Helen quite correctly in despair at the tyranny.... but maybe had you mixed in some Full Monty or even Monty Python kind of humour... or filled your official court statements with lines from Dylan...just for fun....  you may not have nearly become very seriously ill from exhaustion half way through..."...oohhh it also gives you far better body language which is ALL there is: the one who is seen stood upright tits out shoulders back as he talks to the judge.... generally wins as the judge knows he believes in himself....inside... his innate sense of  natural justice tweaks his tits.... gets em pointin'  the direction: matter what.. .) 

This as it happens the REAL tragedy of PAstylandshire...except the way it clearly ruined a "warrior"...all she could do was say it into her silly device theyre all addicted to...( i di love joking with the hacved one yesteraft and showing her two stage verification - turn it off you have nothing anyone would want to steal anyway.... and an extra bit... ) my... the postures here... 99% shuffle rather tha walk their streets....  all conned by their ow PR " poor us we are a poor region..." sorry Western Herefordshire 25 years sad base far poorer...not as many rich incomers to manipulate  via " poor us pity poor poor us.." much richer here plus in fact some functional family left here when 75% of The Marches at official (money land) war with theirs... 

But i met one who ... " he is a joker they voted for a joker so... they reaped what they sewed.."  what a FINEST REAL woman.... when all the rest of her nation warmed up their sweet little begging bowl... "its an act you know..i know what theyre really like..I did read Borderlands...and also have personal experience... bloody lethal ... behind the smiles...we had one of you ran the supposed 'Steiner' kids group in Hay 25 years ago..... i knew her VERY well....i listened to her familial wasteland.... she never even bothered with a kind word for mine.... ran off to the church years later having spent years entirely against that pseudeia organisation as we all were... .... just cos her new meal ticket was a so called warden ... absolutely no principles whatsoever... thats what 'charity' causes within anyone...nope all must be JOINT mutual benefit.... ever just one way"

" you are...right..." that  takes a big woman.

slightly weaving together....initially

these years of waffle and 

even if my only  'cause' is to roll out some good stories,  for example L*... her story 2019... as we clip clopped along 

" Laura are just the most wonderful lovely fine REAL woman ..... and a grown up who puts me on the officially abused and traumatised huge muvva fucker PJ nineteen hand when i TOLD you i hadn't ridden a nag for 10 years...  you naughty girl not doing what i ask..not pandering to my stated in many texts 'vulnerability'..... and finding me a small docile one...and only telling me it is a mad fucker once we have been riding a while and i have cracked it again.... thanks.... so you would make the best mother ever,..'get back on no matter what'! ....... why have you not bred?... you breed great nags...  and the joke is on you as well as now i really can show off i am not a hippy hunt sab i said i was i can ride the famously mad fucker  as good as you as you can see...not just a pretty face, or nice bum you see cycklin' off afront of you ion the lanes.... ehh.... .. anyway i don't get are perfectly mature and common sense ...why no kids?. "

" because...i am selfish...clip clop.... there is NO way i could take a year off.. as i said to you my friend she had damaged her foetus falling off... i simply couldnt STOP for a year... summer showjumpin.... winter huntin'.... nothin' is going to stop that.... year in year out routine i love and i am too  selfish to stop ...for a year...."

" ohh i love you for being so famously radiantly beautiful  without any beauty products at all clip clopping along my lanes.....and  smelling of manure heaps....AND so beautifully honest about yourself... good we know where the gateposts are with you at least.."

Two years later (her whatsap photos to me i near fell off my .... 

Anyway thats a LIFE AFFIRMING  - humans are twats with their 'choices' story, the world needs to know she knows too...