29 May 11.00
Temporary 'page' ...
because years of this, if i were to put this, yet...on my main site,
time to 'roll out' a bit...
but never online - face to face...wandering madman, catch a few eyes
someone would come looking for me. And that is the truth of the world's greatest theme park
They - or rather she, was allowed to term hers - Cornwall, just that - can't find just now but woman 30something was allowed on Front Row to speak of her region - Falmouth, as a theme park...
But she - the writer had the perfect pity-me credentials... woman working classish... allowed to speak a ttruth
Oh no...you don't speak any truth about the places radio 4 takes their holidays...and for years the locals just cash in
(face to face reportage just this morning says not for much longer..")
video 'live'cast. as good as.. i parody all the silly words, a video is a work of public record... should be, especially to this hypocrisy (there being for 25 years £100s of thousands of pounds - actually we probably are at a few million by now, on 'environmental' talk ticket sales... yes i tried to sue (ish) once...money back: trades description act.... ...
Wye bother they never even notice the truth under...and in... their noses