The psychology of simplest living, via my stories of many years truly simplest living. Real ones - not earnest or pious.
Ten years a landloper. Time to tell those tales, too. My permanent one home online started 22 feb 2023.
Start at the beginning (first 'post' - click 'older posts' bottom right hand corner ). Themes are developed and then woven together - a series of regular essays. Some in handwriting; some audio/vid.
ONLY peaceful nice content here. 07958 5263eight1
( incomplete sentence " European moden literature.. women writers..strangely i cannot find great ones, mind you all of Isabel Hupert's work makes up for this missing link"
2 more fat ones to put up later..
one for the hell girls:
Sabine top world scientist ...and populariser of - not dumbed down, but quite geniusly, sexing it up...
of course even moreso than lasterregion.. ahead of the curve, off the other side of a dead planet
if one were to post a picture of their absurd little self agrandising expensive paint job.. ss.. everywhere...
( they had to work to pay for and almost all work has a carbon footprint, of ourse "except for mine"!!)
they would make sure everyone in their sad little tribal cult, of Just them... knew about it... and me..
And as for
( many audios soon.. there SOME sane ones left)
" there are literally none left! or about three i saw all summer of 1000+ km..."
the Devon couple of lezzies lastereve actually said her veg havent grown this year nothing seems to have pollinated the...
bit not one DO anything ever..
even more fun of a case study here...
though with far less Guardian and BBC coverage, thus not as ... hoistable on that patard ...
i think time to go....
but where? i LOVE the track... !!!!
ohhh yes....
The big start
The bookman
The lovely genuinely sweet tough Bulgarian woman worked for me one day... 2019
St Mrs Titanic's...
cos none of the fake nature lovers of Presteigne wanted to get sweaty on it protecting some of it...
long known
But when she...famously Leominster sweetie....
reports how the steroid mad English thug tries to hurt her for going to some new work...rather than do his dishes...
AND her last emploloyer .. as a garden slave... has the coppers wakingbher up at 3am with truly awful serious false allegations that traumatised her for many months ..likely as she had a cuppa coffee with the criminal liar's [ never got charged] husband in the potting shed...
which exactly is the most 'violent' of the sexes. ?
Of course one cannot converse with fundamentalists or fanatics
But... 'community' .
...... the real crime... the bookman she their bookshop cage pet....
that he and Mrs bookshop ...ultra hip community burghers...
all day performing worthy wisdom and community
did not DO anything to see she was protected from both....
when she's their main customer most days....
" ohh Hay... other small towns around... all thise lovely bookseller types.."
She had survived being a brownskinned minority
in very racist Bulgaria ( Romania up the road isnt)
only to be conned by the Bookshoppists smiles....
centre of a fairly dmall community here
someone may
actually look after her
as all day they preen and perform and specifically say
Mid bridge - thebig one... for years they charged you to cross
now free
I still have a silly film of me stupidly thinking
wow... on the wireless Pa Ti
the ultimate quiet poetry, no words to express what
will Be will Bee...
"its a sign" ..ish... or just the right tune
(diverting to just LOOK, once.. living HAy way 15 years ago the first refugees began arriving
" the druids or one of the 1000 'registered' goddesses
sucked me dry, [or in the case of the druids]
unlorefully, filled me full of seed",
she said in their dungeon
sex slave a year...
i doubted it somehow, but blessem give their stories the benefit of the doubt
But always deliberately avoided ever since then
Pop a nose in and just have a look
(only as the very chief thief who i had helped relocate from Yankeelands a year earlier)
from her 'ashram' in New York state
I knew the sound of a boilerroom in the back room
maybe 'mandate' refugee.
Common enemy.
I didnt know but sort of knew
" take a trip with me and PAY HALF the fuel
I suspect down Pastylandshire...
fertile fields for you"
Which turned out to be tue.
However ruthlessly they duel for turf.. even monetisng anti-TERF no doubt or whatever diversion
MAkes them seem "human"
She .. the ultimate chief " i brought together indigenous Canadians, killing each other for status and drugs
into harmonious 'community'..."
Not a sniff on Google ..
Nor even her name and false passport..
(introducing her a year before to a REAl ageing man who needed help with organic veg chores in his big outdoors
of course she agreed to the deal...
bed for work
that never happened and she left, berserk...
At even the mention.
But even if yet another mutual benefit purest arrangement
becomes another false allegation derangement..
( she really hated it when told "do you think we are stupid.. no name to share with us.. my protective device goes on..and stays on..always.. as it was a deal is a deal i leave today.. i dont care who you con down south and in fact better for you a business appraisal looky see by the sea.. even you the GAlsto goddesses will tear limb from fat old limb... i dont care whether Arizina, was in fact State Pen..the ashram a boilerhouse whim..i have to admit at first i was nearly conned... but you are a human, too... and you will maybe look prettier with a bit of real air on your ageing skin.. my David intro 100% sincere... shame you weren't...but that was yesterday... you pretend to be,too the Queen of 'change'... lets pretend you can listen to, your own PR.")
Anyway a day in their Temple of tawdry thievery was just so absurdly funny
And i have a whole day of film me enquiring of the druids whats what...
The high street beggar king the best
the most designer pimpin via fancy posters shamanic testers and all sorts of ... but the oblem is so many really do think its real
(you meet many here in 50 grand fancy campers checkin' in on the way back to Brighton or on the run from some heist... )
But... the joke is on me
time is friend or enemy
I really did think one - was 'sweet'ly aside all of that...plainest Jayne with a real smile
As in the perfect quiet byway.. as if the HArmony hairspray girl walking up the
The lists, or list field, was the arena where a jousting event was held
narrow escape.. the freshly mown hay actually as most perfect accompaniment...
You could not make it up even if the greatest marketing guru in this and their next universe...
At last.... we can continue our Coop encounter early spring... even if there have been brief words in the interim.. the day they released him was almost too bizarre...
And all the others - all albatrosses i kicked into the polluted seas...
just her, and me...
And it turns out ten minutes in, of two hours later.... the greatest real challenge of my life knowing whats what
my writing is appalling.. i never have a second to spell check
'simple' = and in fact standing up to appalling Yank predictive devisification of all, which kills all nuance and artistic occasional playing with words...... with their 'autocorrect' which cannot handle REAL words like liminal or acedia or even pseudeia (the Frog loved that word) or riffing poetically twirling words around their absurd circus acts they show off with by default ( i forget the word for..One of the more exciting forms of fire performance, fire spinning/twirling combines both rhythmic gymnastics and different fire apparatus' to create an amazing display of both athleticism and art. Grab some fire poi, and twirl an aerial pattern for your audience. )
so i always turn off all auto everything and strip out all apps except the real basic few...
But for now must stay appalling especially as autumn mornings slow down the finger jabbing
However... this - my line, take.. always given freely...
Is only a last chapter part of something far more fun..
And worthy of publication, soonish..
Four years of fully chronicled, book within a book...almost .. podcast worthy - REAL podcast that is...
Ongoing very difficult "Art of relating" to one of these fraudsters except i think she saw the light.. the real one..
from our first chats ( several years as i told her i needed to carefully protect myself from potential co conspiracy charges to money launder or whatever her game was.. as i initially acted spring glorious spring 2020 as her land scout regarding her fantasy of ' i shall save the world with an environmental seed experimentation centre..' had even me fooled.. through 2 years later our hilarious public holding to account in front of her many year visiting friend ' ehh.. said boxes of books to be donated to my kids last year who couldnt get stuff out of libraries.. then there was that promise then i put you in touch with Mrs Pilates to deal with your chubbiness and wheeziness issues.. that was a real friend i let down... ..stop love.. you are a train wreck..'..)
Through to the ultimate bridge (the toughest rantiest "bird" you will ever meet.. single daughter if a Surrey Major... )
where we still chat an hour most fortnights on exactly all this... or rather she has had Socratically wedged into her new woodburner .. every hilarious word already, of infact why even her friends and even her sort of on that con..... " ohh i go to my Gurdjieff workshops in Hay" .. she saw one amage himself and nearly her for a not only has she been rescued (though of course would never admit it) ... but she laughs ..near pees her pants
at my humanist rants
on the dog and bone
and as she knows but curiously never refers to..
every word recorded..
for me, for posterity (so my daughter knows the truth of what happened in her region of birth)
But i can quite assure..its TEN times more laughs than even lovely Sarah H..
And the amount of times the toughest "bird" in Britain (as she well knows) .. especially the last year, i really let go ALLL the way..laughs out loud and says " you really really nailed that - perfectly... i knew so many just like that... " all utterly unrehearsed..all pure tension in that a few years ago the phone would often go dead...
All, a master class on the most perfect form of socratic or ..??
relating to the logical discussion of ideas and opinions.
"a dialectical opposition between artistic translation and transcription"
i dont know how to describe - a battle to the end... a truest ever vicious war..
of real 'spirit'
that ended in a hilarious
well, not really cos i never change my opinions ever just... lean in to the enemy and .. find they are real "humans" too... even if it takes nerves of steel
And help from the goddesses as its not 'ME'... i could never make anyone always laugh every chat we have...
But i still can't get her to DO..anything
It is all however worth sharing... one day soon..maybe the odd beep needs putting in...
As she never actually despite being Jenny Come Lately [2020 to The MArches due MAYBE 'inherited' dosh or maybe Oligarch washing machine.. i still dont know i often joke to her face or nowadays ear only]
undercover spiritual Queenie.. conjob
Never made it her job nor took money for her even more 'special'... 'elite' hocus pocus...
And never even got around to having a Fakebook - a bit too drunk, and ranting against the EU, in her pub of Farrages... most evenings... to bother
(there are no enemies or other side..merely those we may just possibly find common ground with... on some solid mother earth at that particular case shetoo knows that the way the so called 'spiritual' tribes also colonised ALL 'green' initiatives and then did nothing ...but vudu to make sure they were ruined by " i do a different more special kind of yoga WITH added vibrational big words, to i shall not be offering you a liftshare to the planning meeting to block the next CArgill megga sheds.. and anyway at the last minute i couldnt make it as Moonschild had a beautiful emotional expressionist evening where i didnt want to interrupt his her their spiritual outpouring of wholsesomeness and three year old divine insight into the harms we do out of spiritual vibrational unipolarity with indigenous nature...which i will turn into a clicky poem for the Fakebook...[clique]" )
And i know EXACTLY where the line is that the 'mortal compass' is aligned to
The only one I ever liked, i awoke wondering ... was she a real German, or did the pixies infect her with the affliction the poor dears get and needs some kind of label..or name or.. simple shared lexicon (The superb Gren we homedin upon merely that which
A rather well written thing.. but he doesnt even say which book
‘In 1987 the first quasi-religious workshops appeared at the Lieu. Christianity was excluded, of course, but a sufficiently nebulous mysticism – for these people were spiritually impoverished – dovetailed neatly with the cult of the body beautiful which, against all sense, they continued to promote. There were still workshops on sensual massage, and the liberation of the orgone, but interest in the esoteric – astrology , Egyptian tarot, working with chakras – boomed. There were Encounters with the Angel and courses on crystal healing. Siberian shamanism made a remarkable debut when in 1991, during the long initiation in a sweat lodge fired by sacred coals, an initiate died of heart failure. Tantric Zen, which combined vanity, mysticism and frottage, flourished. In a matter of years the Lieu – like many centres throughout France and Western Europe – became a New Age institution, while maintaining a reputation as a hedonist’s paradise, which became its unique selling point.’
When Ceccaldi abandoned him to his grandparents as a baby so she could go travelling across Africa with her husband, the rejection shaped his whole oeuvre. In his international bestseller Les Particules élémentaires - translated as Atomised -
She calls her son an "evil, stupid little bastard" adding that "this individual, who alas came from my womb, is a liar, an imposter, a parasite and above all - above all - a petit arriviste ready to do absolutely anything for money and fame."
The groovy spat above, may seem ancient history, and this (may not work yet until i fiddle with settings)
(BUT - i spent half my days in the 90s in France- ALL over, and many other European spots... Croatia fave! best commie equal society beaches...... and this new Age death cultification was extremely rare in France or anywhere else in Europe... whereas one could see it arise in Fulham - posh "bird" end of the high street.. and other pockets of UK ... but it is as if .. i often wonder if they manage to sprinkle Sam HArris's magic mushrooms or other psychedelics in my coffee every morn - black strong 10 cups by lunchtime...always all of life... as except for a few minor references - Poliakoffs not brutal enough 'The Tribe' ..Ed Reardon's dodgy daughter... what i saw become 25% of the conversation and gradually 'entrepreneurial' business.. selling plastic Buddhas to fake spiritualistas... all over the formerly saneish rural small towns... doesnt exist is a hallucination only as no one ever really talks about it never mind makes good drama or write good books about it..or speak of the many legal or other cases where children are so harmed by ma and pa's mumbo jumbo smiley vudu lifestyle which gets in the way of being parents.. or "human"....clever worked, the perfect tie die full body armour complete with invisibility cloak under which to hide their avaricious little Gollumite cravings for precious magpie style nest lining material... no matter what harm they do to others or 'community'... i have a huge chronicle... over years... almost all whom also claim, especially the last 10ish years...' well i was an abused child so i am exempt from planning permission lores or paying rent... if they are pretty enough to be jolly good friends with some trustifarianish bloke who owns a paddock or maybe his wife's inherited land he lets 'friends' camp on ... where you will never find actual rural bornish bredish displaced gentrified out once local 'community' worker chappies... of course, as.. dot dot dot ...but theres no ART or even literature never mind poetry about this major change i have sat and observed and bridged into for child socialisation mistaken intent...for near twenty years ...and its everywhere! in this aisle still very limited in sane i hope SHE finds... back in germany.... [ "oh but its not US.. never US... even as we become near majority.. our children arent part of the almost majority who self harm.. etc etc .. no thats some other children in some other universe we dont quite have the same vibrational frequency to be 'aware' of so they dont exist......" - in audio yesterday.]...... on the anniversary of Lord of The came true, years ago... except their camouflage is perfect and no one could see it.. even in Zoe's public advertorial pages as 'healer'... )
" your Houellebecq probably the first novelist in Atomised or Possibility of an library and i are separated and i cannot remember which or was it both.. the problem is we don't even have words really as no sharable cultural lexicon has to my knowledge fully covered what is at least a quarter maybe even half of the people who move out and down places like this region or my last region... i saw every one come in and then saw the really sick way they recreated themselves as divine translators of the same old back of the fag packet hocus pocus ... but the problem is that all the previously slightly rational down to earth peeps found it a simple soma too...
And 2020.. even the so called Labour liaison for the whole region (N radnorshire) would smugly smiley wander the streets in his 50 quid cowboy hat and when he engaged with me outside JAsmin's shop... " they voted for more soma.. simple as that" he didnt even know despite his 65 year old bohemian literatti style costume... what THAT useful shared word meant...
" no hope if LAbour - even their leader who goes to see local bad bands makes out he is educated hip...are so thick it is tragic....and why of course they dont see the so many dangerous fraudsters within their ranks... so many of whom below the skirts of their hippy chic fancy dress jumped on this whole 'spiritual' bandwagon to hide the fact that theyr'e conning the dole [ updated into working tax credit and child TC] even form far off lands...
" but when the clamp down began and their little self employed entrepreneurial 'enterprises' had to show some real income.. my my how they went into warp drive... and it worked.. or at least..partly so, almost everyone bought their face cream - smiley, brighteyed... and completely unable EVER to even provide references such as [ 2008ish '' ' aww too... oooh a new business gosh.. [ his money run out?]... you're just as you yourself say an office lass from Hemel Hempstead.. this 20 quid a vial colour therapy it looks SO interesting... is there some research i can read so that when i buy some i can share it with my actual rational people.. who used to live round here until you all drifted in and... ohh yes the kids ... well, could you please not have a great big cauldron of sweeties left to feed them in their yurt...fulfilling your divine wish theyll find THEIR own way.. blahh blahh... i dont really want mine fulfilled spiritually... on a toxic sugar high all night ... [ as hers for years every night poor lambs].."
To be continued
But at least the only one i liked.... a new recruit to these 'tribes' that took over the Western MArches...
Are 'devon'..
Own most of Eastern PAstylandshire i never knew...
.i see she escaped. ..back home to the Motherland to be a mother there instead...
rather than be merely a vassal of Odin's wifey who cannot get him to do the dishes, all that godly arrogance just like any Londoner, and shouts even louder.. the truth of his fakery, through my auodidactothickhead
i shall ponder a term, like 'Occam's razor' or one of those clever git ones for some not entirely specific syndrome or quirk in human, being....i can never renember what they mean, either, and the Yank internet i am sure has dumbed it all down in the exponentially opposite direction to the astonishing explosive dynamic flowering gorgeous funny ( really) new rhetoric of Mrs Haider developing the last few years, now coming so so good
( my half Pak friend, the full pack when it comes to true anti Muzzie hokes... her dad writes them)
But how could one term?
managing to, IN PASSING - the least important part of the dialog! get in at least another fifty marriage proposals to EU passports, in one summer, to add to the 20ish already on file from 2016 ... when in fact the only 'European' ( officially " a landlocked country in South Eastern Europe") one actually wishes to marry, only, for her personhood, was a bloody immo who had to chuck her passport over the side of the nanaboat or some other story when becoming refugee or whatever ruse to get an aupair job. .. and could only get a UN one ... then ONLY one from this rancid rathole....
woe is meism ... or just god is defo a jilted female whos online shaman operation has been overtaken in clicks by the new younger more lethal witch doctors who have far more extensive web design training, and fancy gizmos, and more expensive nail polish so certainly wont lower themselves to being a cleaning lady, like me....and thus real traffic... as only such could have such a viscious s+m based, sense of humour
Anyway real journalism
REAL... Europeans
reality of EU vs Uk.. the actual real journalistic version from the wifey hustling track.... begins soon
the introduction:
The Europeans, true joy, starts 10 or 20 mins in..
plus the beginning of the one most perfect character study of Mrs Utopian " community" hustler except only in mermaid language ... but theres a small inconsistency at the top of that world, where ' grass roots community' becomes " divine beloved, i have yet to meet...he will be in perfect resonance with my vision.... i sense his energy .... i can feel him close....and he will simply want to put in ...all.... the £150 grand... himself..."
hashtag ACTUAL ' zen' ..
serendipitous .. silver linings, always....
hashtag: every parent i meet i explain why " if you love them... get them over there..." even a fake, but at least honest in one respect, shaman, gets that right: " the way you english bring up your kids god almighty! child abuse"
i should have committed the full no half measures self harm years ago ...
But often on the plod, i am trying to summarise things, as i walk... for 'reflections' two " birds" one stone
this one not planned to put up raw..
and i forget to turn off my chronicler... why in the last imaginable place, i found the second great mind that day ( of four!)
hashtag REALITY of environmental destruction
hashtag no one CARED in the 90s about whither or not skirt or pants or what was in them.... i lived then near the hick smalltown the home of the first 'trans'..
and a few other hashytags too.
oh yes REAL ' creativity'
and hashtag to prove Lewontin ( doctrine DNA,last audio) right that US medicalised Nazis are wrong, life expectancy hadnt gone up much in the last 200 years if you got past 5 you often lived a long life.. the ' average' slewed the fantasy version still one hears by default ..
ultra SIMPLE living old Poles live to be very old and extremely lovely too
but the real hashtag is stop being even Meghan and Sarah ( the only broadcast i can even tollerate) and stop the Western bullshit neurosis one only hears from over 'educated' western, thick, self selecting suposedly educated elites, who more or less only moan... using clever terminology.. and go and stick a gun to some REAL people's heads and find out REAL gonzo shut the fuck up until you tell me your real truth, Socratic technique ... and set that ' free'.. cos ten years i search and no one does.
how you beat 'woke' ... and or grow up....
which i HATE being ... really vommitting a hatecrime upon myself as i have nearly a decade on an odyssey among many Magdas... and HATE sharing....cos its not at all who i am, sat now on a quiet cliff all afternoon.... but ONLY realspeak can get reality back....
and at ladt met some brit beauties who ... get it, as all Europeans still do, " ' passion'.. is not the same as anger all Brits seem not to know this any more" .. the saterlast, agreeing, ultrabeaut ....i mean an 11, normally the most nuclear of strategic arms lengthening: " dont come near me pleb" ...... .you should have seen her eyes....
cos i make em listen tellin' em..its only for their beautiful cildren, listen and shut up, or youre a chikd abuser... and they know its true... they bred into a dystopian America that pretends its a beautiful aisle, above American nutjobism... .. which is the same thing as Alex Jones being minister of schools: worse for you than having everyone shooting each other... a ' theme park' kills everyone, always, in the end... great American cinema of the 60s was most clear on this... UK couldnt listen
when the cousins do get it right
even if they can never say " less is more" even Bernie,even bloody fabulous RFK jr who surely knew via 'lived experience' ( the parrot words of the uk so called intelectual class none if whom ever dare do lived life so have no idea what their parrotsqueeks mean) Camelot does more harm than good to its sprogs...
and other hashtags to add in if i ever get a quiet winter electrical socket and a bad weather period
as i have a LOT of wonderful talks with Europeans to work through, recorded for REAL historiosis... or wgatever her wird was, into a beautiful real LIFE AFFIRMING, or hit single
As i want to come back...
all terrible waffle and muttering, some things i probably shouldnt say unbleeped but now i know UK really is finished for good.....and Gwerkian intelligent beauts agree, too... .its all the way time
but then.....
54 minutes in
too good to edit or bleep.
THE next or i hope one day prime minister of Poland
Magda the already great..
and a real looker for a lillywhite allergic to the sunshine, too...
and .
.she AGREES with me on the big one....
the one big one thats ruined everything...
And i really must not assume...
that ALL people wearing stupid black filmstar sunglasses on a september day ( pandemic in England especially here that makes me feel continually ill) are NPDisordered...or just too stupid to speak with
I must have been particularly bored to break my rule, thank god, sat outside the house of god, i did ...
audio 227 13 sept
she changed my life... fourth Pole in just over a year...
( proving really mindfucked societies are good for you in the long run if you ...?? as the great Russian writers did know... )
dowloadable windows audio file in my google drive store
REAL top hashtag... you will hear at the end, why Former Soviet states one could say are MORE evolved..or were, if you were FEMALE....once we get through the Pretty Woman, or to quote him! " Dynastia" phase. which maybe dragged some societies back into the stone age again..
57 year old women dont waste time saying things to please... as even 55yr olds seem to by default... they only wanna know reality...
but, out of sequence ..( even more of a hatecrime towards myself) much nicer summery many day trudging videos are just nice and wise and smiley...
as only a fool thinks us ordinary lot are taken notice of by the bimbo generation ...
but wait til the distillatiom of hundreds of hours such fun work, is ready...
as we GOT there... they loved "The Fuller Monty..."
to do.... soon
And moviestars need hooks...of course they only really value as equal their own type....
And just like Hay Way...all the shabbies whom couldnt cut the custard in the vig citt gradually turned up to overlord evertone else...
small fishies...
well until the sharks head up North, too . .
thats not very good too predictive text..... i now need a fuller team of actual committerated...
( Sean McPhilemy so many years on must be smiling.... Finnucan, too gets his day per his great book..... bearing witness, it being borne.... as those Crets discovered aeons ago, the key to Earthly justice....... dont matter if youre dead.... truth outs, eventually....)
But the beuat'yummymummie #1 agreed the ' message' has not even begun to 'awaken' anyone except a slither of sour cream atop an otherwise full fat chirn of milky slobbery...
And as i am loyal ALWAYS to the greatnesz of Europe espexially niw so many truly fine Krauts under my belt, and the fine words of even Greater Serbia... ( though Switzerland towers above much of the EU
i discovered, too)
I twll them, the beautiestoo to check in with Sabine Hosserfelder ( no time to check spelling i bet its right i those i value it is wedged in to my tjick skull)... her evolution into a shut the fuck up ist and now...nowist ...we must change
( from her data a best scientist in the woeldfirst equal she has mergilated)
But..of many fabulous Eurobabes... maybe the other first equal was the scientist walking and camping, not ' glamping' suzi...couple
who stated " in our region of Bohemia.... we have had real muvvafucker african mozzies thats not ' mossies'...
...for a decade.... as it warms..."
" what with real pukka nalaria too?"
" Ja..! aufmerksam machen !!!"
i dont know whete tjis weird foematting comes from...but its not dark arts...its fact....
( but you'll have have context - dozens of hours of their waffle over several years, before me)
Now... the problem is this is ' episode' about 100, of about 100 made the last 2 years ( my first ten are called 'I should be dead' made spring 2022) NOT a moan at all.... my only moan is i forgot where i put them.... life TOO full of weird turnups
I create... only cos everyone else went nuts.... no one sane to speak with, except Europeans passin' through...
but episodes about 50 - 100 i have made the last 6 months, arent ready yet cos i have listen to my own dull tones to ... find them.. and figure if any bleeping needed... i know PURE journalistic ethics
Among which are many of my " discussions" with quite a few wise women( the European ones) , on The Track, the last six wonderful months
All prove UK went Affluenza ( ie adopted American social mores) sick, most of EU children still go through childood and young adulthood, healthily
this unplanned audio inspired by listening to the ONLY goodish minds i can find in the ' new' media i put on under my pillow at night
Sam Harris if i really DO need to sleep as its impossible to stay 'awake' longer than 5 min listening to his faux intellectuality ... major critique ready, soon...
i am for brownie points - quotas but they must be longterm, Meghan ( i, like all her audience, as she knows - thats a fine womanly woman! fancy, and 75% respect) still dominates, even her genuine companera...
Tony Judt's wink...
" dont dare THINK
i wanna be snuffed out..yet... til my memoirs are finished"
ADD in... film and photos of Fifi the ferret 2019ish ..( the story of a REAL female....that story many times Socratically told face to face on streetcorners ever since... she demanded to live...made me feel small, and guilty for not killing her... even with stage ten throat cancer....)
hashtag all my millions of words memoirs, ' reflections ' over 15 years, lots still to load ... no paywall ever... ...though always constant and philosophically ' happy' 100s of days since jan 2010 utterly skewered upon a Serbian bbq no hope of ever having joy or life again no happiness no beauty no nothing and everyone i ever meet a twat... and i no longer have a pssport to run away to sanctuary in saner Europe .. or apply for asylum i really think any sane person should..
hashtag there is only one super sweet zenned lovely smiley extremely beautiful born bred woman in all Pastyland... and no way would i encounter her again... ever...
so, yet another reasom to have Meghan administer a fatal dose..
until yesteraft the duelling alley... that narrow escape......
" ehhh.... i noticed its just you and i... in almost this whole shithole...... the only ones for miles not allergic to the sunshine..."
And two hours later a whole life ...changes... i knew! was over
her astonishing story.... she needed to tell
And be LISTENED to...
even if its maybe nuts... thats not the point
" dont ever think you are not academic... sadly places like these oppress subtly... as they opress the genius Serb..... its a Wasteland of dodgy dinosauritis .... you are the most fabulous UK born communicator i have heard for years ... do not believe your own bs you are lesser... i know you CAN think... and evwn throughout these years of pain your eyes are still truly gorgeously...bright....."
actual real ... earned... verbatim...compliment
hashtag it is astonishing ( not only does his for sale ' buddhism' not guide him to think PEACE whatever it costs is preferable to revenge for oct 7th.... and that 'jihaddis' can and DO change... evolve ...) that Harris resorts to the last bastion of the scoundrel: the " iq determined by genes" tests... long ago determined as philosophically dubious... by the few of us could think and read and think, thirty fucking years ago... all of twitter should ' pile on' him in real life.... smother him .... even if i wouldnt wish Trump a bad cold, or a third time lucky... at least pay him to shut up and go and live in a zen monastry cell forever on his immoral false mindfulness the harm Harris does is almost immeasurable...
( everyone even Meg wrongly sucking his so wonky knob... as they did Brit, Fuller..... even worse....
so dont for a second allow this Williams to take over .. he really is the devil incarnate......i studied him...and can essay as to just why...)
really important big hasgtag: how neurotic ' healing', body vudu, mindful monkeybusiness ... all for money, even if " by donatiom" flutter of the eyelashes, really did fuck England up its shitpipe .. and is a lethal fundamentalism ..... Wales caught up around 5 or 6 years agotoo.... i have wonderful chronicle of it all especially this summer of a load of REAL minds meandering the pathway ( Meghan would have us down, to Liverpool [ pathway = snuffing out peeps, defacto allowedish here...]) with me as we audio riff on this whole towny neurosis of the body etc etc ... lifecoaching " DM me for change" coaching is easier than being a cleaning lady, like me, as the beauties of Gwerk have seen me smilingly
at work at....
real work.... all of it... us sweaty Europeans on The Track riff upon.... just how they all made themselves mad and ill... cos they dont, like me, and even the certificated gorgeous fruitloop...... just walk on... day after day despite them .
which makes her Fruitiness ( " i will watch One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest tonight after meeting you no one has made me think like you have ..ever.. ." as i said our eyes so totally and utterly burning each others brain like ECT .. on max, burning stare into each others, setting... " as i really am not sure whom is 'mad' any more.. as we knew from GREAT 80s culture and debate ... i do know all The South is.... by any sane definition of them pissing into their own watersources.... via unnecessary cowboy hats and my my the latest must have fashion item the pukka Arabian white supremacist sunhat thingy.... but you who prophesise .. with your eyes.... we alone know walking and UV ... a lot.... blahh blahh..." .)
the only sane one....
And such a truly astounding speaker...
" love ehhh... your story... even if fantasised... i have genius radar for the real BPD ...[ Meghan's duscussion on that with a psychh expert ... clickbaited on polygammy but otherwise superb....a yearish ago i think is important but sexist they said its a woman thing, Borderline PD ... nope i am expert at court liars.. did give extraordinary access from inside...15 years of the .. so called ' victims' of injustice...
the blokes started to catch up a decade ago... BPD i would say 50/50 nowadays... defo BPD is not mainly a girly thing...
its a UK USA thing.... but nothing to do with ... sex
except both nations are real repressed hung up about it, obviously...still... relative to Europe...] your eyes and gob... state you totally know your story is true..... .i sense no kink in your auora or vibration....
i accept you 100% as the you, you, are.... bonkers or not, as the rest really are verifiably bonkers....and dont get through my subconscious bullshit detector... fadcism being they dont know its in"human" ultimately dangerous, bs....sadly ."
( i only skit on HTs seeing a year ago the only good mind i knew, so so hashtaggy..... but they really are a cheap way to say sadly nothing to more... no yank knows ' less is more' ....i have real socratic dialog on just that from years ago. )
this is the LAST post recording of many made even yesterday.....
that contextualise... my words
as i did with Dawkins, then ' al'..
( 'et al' as they say)
i did a LOT of work over some years... to learn how to learn
and thus my output i know is work.... but if you want to learn how to learn...i is a good teacher.
i really was a partially most self aware, subtly self assured partially conceited cunt in the universe in my 20s....and master of it.. .and taught myself...
how to be .. different...and learn, the real way... and there aint no manual.
Aronovich, broadcaster on lore... left a paper due " made up [ false allegations]" .. who i am sure wrote a slightly arsey piece on my sunshine lore 2006.... .. but i may be mistaken, one of them Established creeps did...
doesnt matter which People, of The Book, or not....
Someone needs to write that book, of a nation of sneaky tale tellers and fabricators and wolfy criers.... who cant make anything any more...
Except for crocodile tears.
Even the footie clubs
( lastereve's dull fallasleep homework but at last! a plod with a fine brain! and balls!)
Even if this whole silly business of big girls blouse or no..
( diverting even their Crow....
masks the real " human" necessity of calling out actual harm and Big Brotherliness such as when some unreconstructed Gestapo member threatens a parent with the worst ' solution' when they dont like their free lifesylle and some accidentialchild injury turns into a 'spirit'ual death sentence for mum and dad of the 96.7% (as census data says ) of kids born to those of the oldschool simple way of Bee ing with someone not the same ...
Even ex plod making a new career out of of antagonising ' terfs' for attention ,
is merely a weakman diversion in to easy publicity
...the posh " bird"s version of the great unwashed's 'black..male'
Espesh as Mr B#2 nost aware of
Anyone else would have sued #1... a year ago in front of many witnesses. 2 ... and certainly 3. And imagine the damages, even if here a set of fine functional balls may as well be obsolete
Dog bites in one pestilent
Pasty ridden
when thirty years in previous places, not even a lick
define neuroric:
the dog knows, the truth. They pick it up bodily
through the ether
actual ' second sight' ..
No one actually does have ' zen' despite half the fake new agers kids it bein' their middle name
[ waterblotmark, on My Landscape.. as the 4 year old is carried off in the current, and i have to prove i can still be Lee, Majors " i have him!!" the chubbie sat at the bank, still... still still] ... here to make us know ... there js more so be not afraid.... of im with 'is scythe.
" the wars i must live
within .
twenty years....just to keep it tp a bit of scything rather than their Apocolyptic machinery ..."
La Grandest Belle...of The Agency
...( " theyre a load of twats but i can't say
so") did indeed get...
But the very best line
As if, after all dodgy self obsessed, fraudulent friend- fellow, Babb, Fellow of Oxford, could see the future of every day with his " i STILL don't know what it is and how to finish the last chapter of mine lifetime's great work but it.... The Sublime...recreates itself annew ...every day..."
Comes true even with Les Grandes...
Whom needed to be u derstood.
As i now do..
The mind-changer got it so perfectly
in line one.
. whether boy or babe
"...only the very beautiful..".dot dot dot
'ts extraordinary indeed to see
" beauty" so.... divided, by Shitty little Creekside, of the suburbs .. and the other places... not on the beauty map.... such as ordinary Joe towns, inland... and... the, my walkers.... most of whom are ... above mere looks as they werent born with them...
Funny world where such an apartheid
is totally denied
So be...
Its just all ... perfect when over
a bleeding child
there is only community....
But, there have to be laughs, and good lines:
" well you have your official Sanctuary that side... i offer sanctuary myside.... from that side
" aww bless you are on a break from thatside...and dont want to be surrounded by those you need a break from... myside... the most QUIET place for many a dozen km....
" THING IS... to keep this side your santuary.... you may have to compromise
and kidnap a few over to thisside
or you'll be stuck yourside..."
There has been no better real performance arty, and fartin on... the other side by nod and nuanced...
performance. Of.... in my garden.
But all agree.... there's cash in knots .
Tiein' 'em.....
Or we do not keep sanctuary, alive to make more Northern stroppy bags ... Social Worker or teacher....all screaming ' no more" ..looking ten years younger
after one week at my cliff...
But you"d have to be as tough as the barefoot Fantastique ... for whom it was real pleasure to find a sticking plastique....
To face the forces here as on a bad day, nature would have a louder say when it comes to" I DO..."
come to think abput it a most propitious
excuse... for not meaning what these Southerners say...
" well ... did you actually hear me vow it then.. that fuckin gale, as you were too cheapskate to hire a hall or jetset me to Mauritius....!... I will not only eat our children to spite your, bought boho, face, but bbq them using the rotten wood you never got to fix from the hull of your dinky little banana boat! stillstuck Creekside decades on... "
Just a little fantasy opera in mind
But ... they were real...
As was the
... touch...
at the foot of the hurt child....
The problem with these Belles is they really dont have the lowdown belief of the awkward non dancers, too ugly to Bee
like me....
" its all us hill men know..... drag her down to that cove there and make a good woman of her.... and then you really will own this place twenty thirty ..years hence .. and all ypu have is memory...unless you believe IT ... bites my balls as your mate's mutt actually just did and we both laughed... as it fitted in with my proposition to her as ifit were listening for its stage direction ferkin cue
..' only the true beauts like you may just have the'
... out Greta, Greta... and make the world like you, too "
The biggie, but ... the story, soon...
Its not funny
superest ever "SIMPLE" but it goes to my simple only site i aint tellin anyone about
unless face to face
totally out of sequence
and even worse there will be some bits i didnt intend to put up yet until i had run away as my my the vicious assuming and backstabbin' all over...
but the big question...dare i tell someone a truth...for her own benefit
I should...
its about looking much younger ....
in the natural state even if sprayed on
And a REAL 'community' operation she couldlead...
But my two months ago to one month ago far more interesting happy as a lamb in the hayfield clips still to sort out and put up...
( i left early the only one above their absurd little creek - Buddhists soon... our one back in last region.. the way he paraded his meat ..trafficked in on your 'donation' the ultra Bud guru... ... young 'Eastern' boys to educate at..our river... HAy beach, The good as any Mediterranean spot.... .. until perhaps 2005ish...... the dribbles of KY "runnin' down their legs.."...pollutin.. as everyone knew but not one " bird" said a he did king fu, too.. the day The Buddhist came back to town....with his little fucking [sic] entourage... .)
Being as at last we were on THE SAME SIDE...of the horrid county at least
" in ten years at your Gwerkian Barbies.. maybe they will hold you to account, too..."
And some...truth...
Even :LA Grandest bel... her eyes opened up with consternation...
At an old git being himself no more coy performing being you..
Dancin the dialogs; arms flailin'
100% body
added to soul..
Never for sale...
I think maybe
cos some old fuckers dance as she saw to a real lifelong rhythm...and never for just show
" righty ho...all your dads .. their loot in Panama, still..the Panama PApers may as well be papering the walls of my organic recyclin' even your shit, operation... the good that did...
.shell companies all those houseboats and even pretend businesses..... maybe one day you will get it... thats the SYSTEM.... nothing new... until maybe just possibly you
Didn't even send them to The Tube and not even need to go to the pirates
And find for free when American culture was the best in the world
Two hate crimeing each other day after day
And 't turns to violent struggle
Penury starvation wife envy and fuckery
One day a shared enemy
The River comes along and tries to kill
off the worst enemy
And only the CHRISTIAN (that may be fake news, or rather life saving propaganda implanted in my fingers by the devil, herself [ i call their 'god' female as give them 3000 years of their turn in the boss seat and maybe we may have abit more REA;l solidarity in the cheap seats down here, so she needs her Real EQUAL enemy].. as every single Chret i know of many is so stuck on saving the personal soul rather than good works on this earth as i thought their boss required) members of Oscar judging 'community' blocked it
Actually better and more real life than their first draft
of the book of how to Bee a better human
despite the cant and vanities
But all that is simplest culture which was always available.. To Sir With love dealt with the black lives issue in that Sidney all those years ago everyone knew was the greatest actor and role model, almost ever, regardless of skintone..
There was something bugging me - just one small bug...
Why the Big Brotheration of the face..
Never letting any REAL emotion out into this fetid swamp except my territory..?
And then at last... one of the beauties (chief among them, really... no makeup ever... such a superb natural complexion)
Actually told me her
And i think its important to ponder
As it was NOT "the phones"
I corrected her a bit not educated enough to think
1992 for several years even if i hated the place in central London truly entangled in the lives of a couple of great fully engaged fabulously intelligent mothers and one sad but very real man ... me so thick i didnt know he was an addict ... for a year but he was so apparently functional... i mention as in fact between them - my Oxford grduate of medicine superhero mum friend Katarina..and the now dead Kirsten, dead of herself...all bases were covered..
No one ever spoke about a toxic mad terribly sad can of worms in childhood and these two or theree ..four of us were only convcerned with children..and near some pretty dysfunctional slums... and NOT 'elite' at all...
92.. 3.. five even...all was still just about ok...
But your youth, only 100 or so km away...
turning teen 95 or 6...
by which time i had fully dropped out ran away...
way out as West as can be and back down south in 3 hours if desperate for work for food
or a bit of culture never findable in the stix
But even that i realised was a false way to be so stop all Southern ..
.... well i guess it was when 'road rage' first became a thing..
So, your teens.. thats when it started self harm, built on top of already started upchuckitis and starving onesself to death
i do think the self harm thing the real rubicon i mean 5 year olds are FAR more aware of whats going on around them than we credit ..
when a five or seven or ten year old hears of a cousin or classmate cutting
I think that was the point of no return or at least REAL 'trauma' widespread and quite irreversable... it never existed thirty years ago..
And dint get to my hideway in The MArches until about 15 years ago i first heard the local tales..
Poor you .. real caring poor you.. now i get it.. the painted on smiles to hide in facat real trauma and a new harder way of being..
thanks the only one ever told me her real human truth... just as a no agenda real human history
( including the youngun' " i never seen a youngun so carbon copy of a parent
its truly viscerally bone tinglin'...almost scary"
" you and your data on the big sewer... even at Shitcreek laster June... that one... you' especially, are the beautifullest of peeps..i think we all agree... Einstein was right in his terming of the definition of madness... so... whatyer gonna do about it...NOW... cos in a decade your nips may just be around the Gwerkian campfires holding y'all to account for what did you do in the war.. ma and pa.... "
But that isn't my business.
Mine is, i really did think that the actual..mermaid her job... could never be the only one " ... Ive had this conversation a thousand times in ten.. twenty years really.... and you
alone are the only one whom
with your degree in Heath Robinson devices to make no carbon energy
And knowing that all this terrible male energy
showing off which gizmo works best bang for buck
But theyre all bonkers as shitpower was the always best coefficient of bang
to buck
per bucket of free human muck
[over hers a work of art, in progress]
you alone... the only one ever who has said without me guidin'
' before we get clever stop... and use far less in the first place'
well i wouldnt dare think about parenting styles
even if your neighbour thrilled me with A Scerbic poetry
' and the way you bring your kids up, ohh dearie me..'
But here, just a few weeks ago a schoolmistres and boss of inschool ecology
and the earth - saving it
admitted under my torturing device: here on the cliff there is only real people and real human advice
that even the teachers dont bother teachin' the kids to turn off running bathroom water after theyve been in the bogs to wash away the self harmin' blood
And certainly never to actually teach them to be human
and turn off the light or computer when they leave a room...
...really, you're the ONLY sane one ever met...". parked up my bum
off to mermaid ok some are allowed,
in her big station waggon
that June .. Shitcreekside...
" ... as youtoo love the actual no vudu just real rural place the only one left in suburbiton-on-Stepford pissed in the sea and their 'prozac pee' [ even top supermodel beauty laughed at that]
loonyfied even the fishies... in your...sea...
well you better mean what you say and we gotta sort of save a bit the only last standing actual slightly real rural place and peeps in this whole ..
... in fact i gonna put up a sign: ' no vudu allowed, you were ALL conned, it just meant Bee ing happy in nature, away from the city cives..' and her shaman crap didnt keep sight of the second sight of turds floating downthat Creek..... and do fuck all about it... "
But what IS this place....
I don't get it...
There's a force field innit...
But they cannot be persuaded to whip it up and MAKE some cash from it...
When in fact thats whats needed
and wanted
By a few real ones... especially my foreign "birds"...
( a series of videos already up....but not yet made ' public').
And nothing much new a year...
Already in audio maybe even a year ago
all linked here ..then...
wotds to the effect
" mindfulness... a good straight back and bright eyes.... the absurd iltellectual pipsqueeks... even their vainest Greek god Yannis and his new fangled ' technofeudalism' ... some smart alec rubbish book, will not tell you as i did....
And no dad immagure younger man ever can tjink cos tjinking only comes frpm.having, lived
" fuck me the feds may be bugging me ...[ war eith The Straw Man... i won...] horrifying...i am vulnerable.. god i feel awful... i cannot know for sure but i am fairly certain.....and esti and dad no neighbours for 2 km..... ...."
only a few days im " silly me... it is the ultimate FREEDOM... i feel mind bodily great... knowing gje geenie cannot be put back on tbe bottle marked" £100 quid for top notch spyware...anywhere... " forver...
and thus every single word i ever even mutter
i must be prepared to live by
as long as in context, the out of context last bastion of a scoundrel
i happen to have made sure my contexts are forever treble backed up but thats a simple country fool's obsession
But a really thick fool, thinks you can stop the nosing in....
And only illnesz and stress comes frpm not accepting and finding the 'seam of gold' in all ' negative' change..
merely called the most mindful thing there is
fait accpmpli...
And its one of em' mindfulmess' will become a swearword, or sulkyface, of pity... when i really get to work publishing 100s of Socratic joke sessions ...
on just how silly that whole cult is..and harmful.....quite a few do agree..
I would t i sider trade
on Mindfulness inc. shares until... i have in the past ' taken part' and even got stuff done ..
And i know the manifesting mindfulness talk is just as poisonous to kids as the other things we tried to protect them from, like Stockholm bars.... or all that lying, and vanity...
camper prices coming down especially in Gwerk, one day ...if...
Bit i dont care if no one ever hears or sees or reads...
i know what has been said... all year long...
Better than any Fuller Monty you could ever dream up...
And imperialist homoerotic.. distrustful ( of the faeries) crap is defined by
off Oggle
"...What is the Socratic Method? Developed by the Greek philosopher, Socrates, the Socratic Method is a dialogue between teacher and students, instigated by the continual probing questions of the teacher, in a concerted effort to explore the underlying beliefs that shape the students views and opinions."
'probing' her...La Galloise
A true probee fights back....
" your data... data.. but think for YOUR self .... La France is far more integrated with, and happy lapdog of a lived experience way... The Ceciles' De Galles. may spit at it but know it probably shouldnt be [ probed] or Vladimir'd out of existemce... Britain however you say men hold tons more loot here, but what IS ' Britain'?
"unlike the stone age continent which isnt petfect, inellectuals and poets ( even Wordsworth a true newmind) and writers and Surrey bankers and even false allegators living in London... making a big packet of dough.... move OUT to the fresher air..unless liars like sadly Katarina the first...... it .. the ' cpuntrydide' is their status the expensive showoff boat or even houseboat.... it is their pathetic little playground ... for their toys
but NOT in the city...
unlike all of Former Sov placrs and much of Europe...
But even that, aside...
London, what IS it?
Long ago we knew every drugdealer cartel owner oligarch arms trader could set up 10,000 fully legal shell companies in a rotting houseboat on the Thames...
The centre of wordwide dodgy dosh....
And international legit money flocks there, too... as the dodgy dosh gets coparented into the same pension funds so basically all of UK ... even the sweetretirees to the coast on NHS pension pots... is an arms dealin' dope pusher...
dealer in death
good summary within:
long ago ..1991...any sane person knew .
" blessem these poor refugees from wartorn Yugoslavian lands.
.i...tried to warn our inhouse refugee one half croat the other Serb... we loved ... ' you know not where you come... Poles think Pretty Woman is a documentary... [ confirmed by the fabulous first equal great mind she laughed and nodded her head .. at my telling her her muvvalands ..recent... Polish banker biker babe May 2023 en route here] ' ...and Dynasty too... i now hear...
Forget them all... now...even the saltlick just sadly a passing lost cause
Only La Galloise showed trurst socratic jousting...
" your data... look, what IS ' britain'? ... think... London really is its own weird wonky universe... built on more or less only corrupt practices ... all the outflowers to places like here live in denial their property prices inflated by mass murdering oligarchs and cartels... buying their castoffs as they downshift, here...
and buy up the Natural Store to rebrand themselves not living off dodgy dosh or overinflating " bought boho" vw vans the must have accessory
( pr black golfs to maych his dodgy knee accessory)
just coke a coke addicted city boy commodity
they only know the price of everything ( even if in Gwerk never areal life penny is mentioned as if all 5 grand campers worth only 2 due real rust rather tham spray on, just 'manifested' themselves there for free.)
but value if nothin'
.. usually on 'his' citycash ...or mummy's...
If you looked at the data this way, no one will ever provide you with, so guesstimate... Vlad takes out just London which has little to do with the real rest ofBritain...
So the land... all around... i know for a fact the last 20 or 30 years a lot...i would say majority...of the rural lands .. have gradually transferred into female hands... some, perhaps many, by false allegations in courts, others because fact: women live longer so have longer to ponder who to pass on to.... and be ' lobbied' by...
( anf fact all the babe journos i knew in the 00s said they know far more babes lie... hand on the bible... than blpkes.. but of course thats just hearsay from the most respected her sayers in the land who ran ' society,' journalism... even legal ed of Times, Fran....)
Even if entirely innocently...( though blokes could rarely care less when 60ish plus ....but the older nag brigade my my ...god they backstab and ultra bitch to retaim pony land my whole 2020 and 1 was caught up in their horrible painted on smile, duplicity...
to one another (f)... absolutelly couldnt give a toss about my children using illicitgirlspadocks for free.
.nope one snuck in under my radar....even i was pulled in by her at first....who smiley smiley would sell hers for just one acre... of my borrowed 5 acres only for the girls....
. i observed many more female landholders... especially in The Marches...
so.... before you say the ultra data says blokes still have loads and dosh
think for yourself...
me i couldnt give a shit who owns it... but the way that every single one of the 90% female landowners i have done some of their landwork for.
. them too precious to scratch their fingernails... just to save from the weather their reusable wood.... so busy pozsting i heart nature on Fakebook at 3am cant sleep as they dream...about who they really are and it hurts poor the....
their business, but the way they shaft you even on agreed WAGES.. for work DONE( my recorded conversations sadly self protectorate necessary to begineth over 10 years ago).. no man would ever do that....
But even that's just a Fuller Monty documentary Monty Python would piss in his smakey litter
It is how, having pissed off every honest day labourer for miles... or rather they KNOW they will get found out...
Almost every single one, i would see ..espesh after their big Faragiste ...white flight year 2016... hires in towny men in white vans..... from many miles away...
hire in likely ex cons really nasty ones or litter window chuckers ( every white van in The Marches for years left its lunch packaging by the its mot part of the ' community' just a thug from the inner city in overalls....) ... hire....ANYone but some bloke offering to use his chainsaw to saw up the fallen tree...
from the same ' community'...
But Wye?
As a three year old knows
at being found out to be
Not quite what your smile says
Nor your endless Fakebookery all night about ' community'
The arrogance to think no one
( or maybe just one or two left
immune to starvation and angstyitis their thievery spreads) would kinda see... obvious patterns..
Anyway that is Britain
I couldnt care less, knew a decade ago no hope
.but" La Gal.... .. data... amortise it ...lovely Frog word arbitrage it...for where, say, the bookreading middle classes live or dream of.... being
I think you will find female landholding in the Noncity places.... has massively equalised...
the only thing unequal, is most are too thick to understand ... where their really dodgy loot came from..or how they likely got more than their fair share....and how there is ALWSYS a price... god eben stoneage blokes writing bibles cigured that unjversal " human" mattrer aeons ago..."
definition: Hay... from around 2005...many photos and names spom one day...
..... now .. this Socratic stuff... on action face to face
the above never even occurred to me ..until in full superbest full on flow with
proving? you need a debating chamber, tension? or a cruel and sadistic tribe of fairies allowing each step up evolution
as such bosoms true torture where tje mond only a pleasure
( a Frencie ignores ..the compliment )
it proves you gotta trust...
i guess,
an equal....
un plus une
equals trois ( no a gender, certainly no 'femenine'.. just positions, finding their true level... )
in good conversation, no agenda, merely the truth....