Tuesday 22 October 2024

fair dinkum to Israel

 they are probably a BIT less evil torturer  for fun, than Assad...

As jolly good acurate history  said ..he learned from his delightful even more bloodthirsty dad ( that scene of the 1000 lined up against a wall and someone goes along with a Scimitar ( gtx ..my bloodmoney  funded ma lusted after)  and removed their fingers from their hands en masse. .

and likely Assad Junior is responsible ( using a London based PR firm if my memory serves me right..i think his wifey employed them) 

killed far more ...


and many will have been killed in the worst imaginable Auschwitz ways.. 

so really its just several decades..or 15 years  of the same ole....

but heres the  rub

actually good newthought, i hate having them as it means i must write an essay: 

all of modern Dawkinsish genetics .. arose im parrallel with Thatch...no accident

Is some incorrect  fantasy that some small tjing like a gene controlls all ( youtube search " dawkins was wrong" )  when Rose Kamin and Lewontin...less fey sex kitten married to LaLa filmstar.. than Dawkins  suggested it was a bit less binary and a bit more maybe otherstuff.. . and i kbew 39 years ago reading themtoo Dawkin was ...  wrong though a beautiful writer ..

so even more dangerous

 but obviously ever since 2010ish the younger generation faced with Syria...bad news .. on the climate which should just be called' pollution' as thattoo has killed off  3/4 of larger than mollusc life in my lifetime...

its understabdable they go ' inside' bodily ...mindbodily...and get obsessed about bits of THEIR body... smells .  bits wrong.. 

puttig the 'wrong' grub in your gob...  and .. all of it going 'wrong' 

at a very small thing level...

and then to our surprise it becomes even that small personal thing what  'gender' one can obsess over...inside....its ALL inside.   

hiding quite understandably from the big stuff outside.. 

( i realised 10+ years ago)

but heres the new ' insight'...

 Gabor and hus dreadful mates..

just like Dawkins outdated wrong " its all ONLY in these jeans. ."

everyone except sane people loved.. a small little on off switch you can mindpicture...

 some smallest small gatheration of atoms....


( which is wrong)

their 'trauma' is in fact  almost exactly tve sane bingo i got the cunt.. 

it is imagined ( even if tvey are too illiterate moaning self pityist to state this ) like a small almost wave of small  stuff ... like we imagine a 'wave' of photons.   

this magical 'trauma' causing everyone to...be twats....its a very small thing ... a wave or an energy made up of bits of small stuff inside us   .

fits perfectly with your modern day wrong addiction to moron Dawkins and other morons ... and other small stuff ... 

defining all... 

when in fact the ineffable of a big fucker .. of everything .. possibly some divine torturess in charge pulling the string round my member or who knows what .. there is more...

that small thing, trauma.... 

is as much tbe 'answer' as their smalltjing .. supplements ( good 4chan program a few werks ago on it their all mumbo jumbo)   


life, real life...

is big

even my small dull one

as is the fix:    making it bigger.. anyone can...


 ... i need to ungender it..

They are so obsessed with that fey  agenda there's no hope....

( ... cut to my films of the Welsh axebabes at the Norton show  in my chronicles

two years ago

muvvafucker better with their axes than me

and the Old ex alcoholic man of Eywood

born with an axe between his reeth

 he thought i woz a wimp

til one day three years ago me runnin' out if wood i asked him to stand aside

from the  knotted stumps he couldn't chop and eas rejecting as unchoppable

" you think i am one if these yuppy losers, too... well...  i was born with onetoo  ... Ralph's ... "

and his jaw droped


but until i get there

oh my ohh my two orgasms in one morning  before a hearty bowl of porridge

( " women have around 90% of the potential 'strength' of blokes ... " problem is they gave up doin' real landwork OR recycling rotten wood... even harder landwork that is  THEenvironmentalism... not the made up one of The Gren 'party people'...  just show off at shows and thus... the land became taken over by Morgan Stanley or whatever  fiscalating institution cos only small cooperative .. thats woman and  man togetherish farms could protect the environment better...which is mainly about strength that in fact slowly develops over decades of using the body... interestingly it carries on developing in older 'humans' too. indeed does so well into 60s still..... if you use it...

..  all i care about, telling tales on..)

But theres no point as

( google "EU personalised numberplates" .. most EU countries block them... or restrict... 

all this fetid swamp, is Mamon= a society the only one in Europe - that has for all my dull adult life a meggamarket...where people - about 5-10% of The Marches..about  10% of the SW fringe regions of loonly Londoners..  where for status people spend enough money to feed a small farm with for a year, on their showoff numberplates...  )



... Misseys ... on her Odd Essay....

Thing is i aint started yet....


I mean ... well apart from the Mate man ( doesn't even desrve a moment of my time getting his e acute off some lying webpage)...

so a year ago running up to their fey Christ...mass 

monsterim festival of consumerism

there she was... 


pontificatin' rather well on its all gone nuts...

But when push came to shove a month or so later...

" these lasses... so as to  train them out of their default position as you say they will false Allegator any man comes to your small herd farm.... i can come and we can work on it..them... i bulletproof..and know how... village to raise a child or even 18 year olds still stuck being child..... we could even teach them tough love a lesson... cos i even had my protection on around you i dont trust a word out of your 'farmers' ' market gob ...  let them make up lies ... we have..we contrive... evidence they lie.... and then confront gently ...as you know full well tragically theyre off to gaol soon if this doesnt get fixed.."

nope not able to converse despite long converses..

 thing is the  one thing you cannot say 

" ehhh.. you have this whole act you are humble sheepfarmer ...  except this supercharged  mushroom or whatever gojjiberry nonsense coffee packs you are selling.. .. errata the special word.. is it capsule....errata self employed franchiseeing....  its eighteen quid for about 12 cups..... Mammon.... ohh you haven't noticed ..i did ...Gabor Mate is in the instagram feed of your franchisater  .. smiley marketing it for you at some lovely cool people London function..    probably here too tjis cocaine fuelled fetid swamp of Porthleven... acfually smells like a bogtoo so much pollution running in.."

which sounds sour ....

i couldnt give a shit if some middle aged  ex many year nurse bimbo is a con artist... 

but i do....

 when ALL his poison has seeped in everywhere.  .

nope its NOT about 'trauma'..  everyone has a bit of that, and many a big blob of it..

because there is a solution....

( do something NOT you...first... to be cont  later)

but also if long toughtimes...pretend

ohh " therapy"... 

that you are in a story....

but a good one that is a realish one rather than some angel comes and grabs your hand and... even i still cry at...

pretend....that indeed it is just ...The Odyssey... dull years of it

There's no money in that for Mate coffee deal spons.... or bad youtube self pity vids....

the ' club' their ultimate club of we got hooked... so blame something unarguably bad... like her grand getting shot point blank in the bonce by the Nazis.. 'trauma'....

problem is... none of it works.

and anyway life is just an endless stream of morons come even closer with their pistol as you get older... especially if you do not show any hurt outside or inside

like me... i am bulletproof ... 

I am quite sure a 'survivor' like Mister Mate knows deep down...his crap doesnt work......

but it keeps on bringing him custom....

and dopanine highs from the clicks

i dont get any as i never look and anyway just assume she put the feds on Mister "Groundhog", too...

problem is only one wise woman said " i dont believe in institution" or words to that effect on her Fakebook wall a few years ago...

but even that one, is not well enough self-educated  in her non muvvatongue or any ...to have encountered line two of rhat cheery fine factoid: the PURPOSE of any....' institution' eg Mister Mate...should be to put themselves out if bizzness .. job done! the issue..or need for the institution, fixed...

.... and compulsion can be....

all the way..

such that you can go back and have a pint.  or snort if you must...

by one REAL thing...and it sure aint god hes a conartist,  wanting a codependent world...too...

to be cont

but be clear Ayn Rand was problematical.... 

she didnt have any answer either tho blesser for trying . 

so, i shouldn't....

 she ( the one in spangle font) gets one more listen...

even if


now, ' now'...

I know...

She wouldn't even know what the word ' soul' means.....

Nor, more importunately.....what

the fuckits for.....

Cos i had one more small rusty key left ...

To Voltaireate... Georgiegirl....understand the locked pirate's trunk of....



to your whole turgid-rabid swamp of...

to be cont

But i am no fool.... jousting one last time....



But i need one, safely now offshore... who just may be able to 'get' it... 

" your goat films made me come in my pants" ...

Or at least, she alone... understands there  were simply two 'sides',  sadly...

And we share a righteous 'God'...  few will even accept was all along, right.

And all this 'spiritual' monetising mumbo jumbo just gets in the way...  of the dynamite, of course it canot ever protect anyone from... 

Within which ...all the above, there are about four of her " onion layers" of story..

Better tham all of 4chan afternoon plays ever made  i educated myself by, until.... someone decided  confected vulnerability 

pity and moanin'

 were a better 'currency'....

One day...soon.

Monday 21 October 2024

Yevgenya Ginsburgian summary


every modern writer  on radio 4chan " i am an activisttoo.."

not until: 

hashtags sarah Haider for pressie part 2.

The end. Pigs flew...


oops wrong order they all timestamped

.... "NOW" ... i can get to filling in digital holes and summer walking vids...
made me happy...

Sunday 20 October 2024

what is ralph got to

 and shivver me timbers...

there are still ten more clips to add in....

'playlist ' very incomplete work in progress as is the mote important one started 2 weeks ago superkalafrajalisticvanzen...cos it only got finnished the real life version



and... a new...  page...only a few get a peek at

That changes nothing as i have a tremendous backlog  of bits to find and add on...just to make this 18 months seem sane and sequitur...

but.. in a week...i have a socket  all to myself..a whole week...


Someone ....knows what actual ' ally' is for....

at last.

... even if all day up in the few hills of this shithole just to...be above the fray... and get some real  signal ..

to tell a real...  story

Just one of many...


 ... along me timbers; not rottin' like hers cos i look after my wood no matter what 

I am now officially a Homerist.

Plus how to nuke two and a half milennia of their dodgy self pityin' duff book.

Homer got there, to the meaning of life a few hundred years before their " rit in 500 years BC" bullshit Torah version.... albeit with a few life-hack, albeit yuckword, quite good tips... such as turn the other cheek.. Most of The Time

sometimes just run.. 

no time to change this version to  the hypertext in one word in link below entitled  = bed


the day i finish it  off ....

The kairos moment.... as finishing it off, in the sunshine....

i hit ' audio' "why not... i had enough of all the...." 


and maybe back in the day.. of Holy Homer, maybe babes weren't as literary as ( quite likely) MUZZ Shakespeare ( who hired a gentry chappie to use his name as sometimes was the gender neutral case back in 'William's' day - hiring a well known pukka name as penname....... a good analysis of why much of Shakespeare,  as indeed ..far more likely baberit of late.... .. and back 300 years before " and God said [ quite likly Misstranslated as God rather than TheWord .. there being many options in the original muvvatongue as to translation of that 'n'word...] " ....oppressed by dint of " shut up and skin a goat,  or at least go and fix the fence, babes can do just as good as us litblokes... but writing's for men"... into not being able to write the word of the Bedgod

" struggle"

silly man wouldn' even be able to stop and think of ALL that matters: having, as lasternight, 9 magnificent hours sleep....

indeed i think..
 but this is against the RULES that should be added to the Nurenberg Code if i am Miss Taken....

he referred to using sleep ' medication'  in his dire few thousand pages ..

but accusing another " human" of anything medical without seeing their doctor's notes 

be it " you are narcissistic / Asp-her-gers / [or as it used to be before they spent all night up on their stupid forums ] .. bipolar..or BPD or ' on the spectrum' " as is now common parlance for every Brit i ever meet.... especially female
should be an OffToTheHague crime... 

making slanderoys aspersions HasBurgers or otherwise is evil..

especially whem i have sat with maybe 5 or 6 officially Court Commissioned  " psych reports" on parents in front of me your UKtax paid a few grand for, to tyranise ...torture in fact...real torture ( i got a new  one on my laptop now) ...quite adequate parents... that are - the expert dictats i mean, in language and intent,  worse than anything Goebbels wrote ..
yankstoo i am sure even if their in"human" whorecrime, is just get the ...other..to shut up by shootin' em....

so yes there is more  

i merely operate always every morning on the " if i die today " what does one wish to sumarise, for some next generation.. ... most days


about 10 more segments to be uploaded...soon


How astonishing, i admit all my foibles...

Having grown up... beyond their bible which is gonna get your Irangeman in again....

rather than the greatest ex junkie in history ... cos publicshame he must have suffered many years   is perhaps the greatest hurdle of all... RFKjr ... if i were rewriting the magnificat Moor's Utopia  today with his " the community leader you want in charge is the one whom doesnt want to be in charge.."  him second sighting JC the second cummin' of so called Christ 500 odd years later

i think a new commandment guideline for today  is  you really DO want a fully recovered ex junkie in charge...of the world...

cos apart from the whole world being ruined by ...compulsions.... 

a really really  ex junkie ( you cannot find in UK,  as their NA and '12 steps' are fake,  i know a few been there done that... it   largely, almost always) fails just as Russell did..to remain " human"....knows one thing 

that lying to yourself is the root of all naughty step behaviour...and problems...
so, don't

and truly moving on,  into the next 'moment' ... 
where he is every atom different to his ex junkie bodily atoms  of thepast, every seven years we are
( oops i forgot to add in that to her)
i doubt there has ever been a better example to our yoof or anyone...or more trustworthy politician.. than the magnificat Mister didn't Croak .. but grew up ...even if with a croak

Anyway have i wonkybonce rongheaded disorder? 
1983 i know the  exact day i found that song..... 

out of the blue

And being am unYank actual modern human....

I always until this morning always had my interpretation of her genius lyrics... first line

my most played number of the 80s .... rarely far from my turntable

" ive got The Apple in me...original cinamon style" 

i always just assumed, being MODERN,
.."The Apple"... was the Big one, 
and they were sat at a Bowry diner in The Apple.... her tjoughbubbling me James [ very European in fact]  Joycean style her stream of Molly Bloomate  consciousness...

It set the whole tune for me... modernest woman critiquing all of modernity so magnificatly

But forty one years later...

what an utter madman braindead fool...!!

 the 'apple' ..no caputalisation is.... 

that one...
 from their nonsense Miss-O- munched-the-fruit loop, book... 

Even if being a genius she latterly wrapped it all around in a modern sweetwrapper of a setting... and you never quite know exactly what she means...

oh well you live and learn

which in fact

 ...is most perfect 'NOW' fable

for... never trust a Yank....

they could never ever be constant..

can never be...

only ever butterflyitis mentality

( perraps deadDave aside.. )

That the great poet.. first equal of about 5  of his generation ...

can in 2020 demand another justasgood Van-poet be gagged and stabbed


for expressing  democratic concerns 

in a song

 about the  likely violation of the Nurnberg Principles 

on bodily autonomy....

means only one thing

Benji's  button  ..is pointing the wrong way ... get a new direction..

there's only One Direction....

now the other one tragically  drugfuelled did a last bungee

 no chord

And the greatest song of all time kindof must be. .. cos fuck me i had no idea,  that..... ( censored)


equal with as always

the Aunty Shaman song... 

cos obviously no one knows anything,  never mind who anyone is even havin a takaway with them...nor what 'second sight' they may go and see next.....as they geniusly told all in a geniys word picture


 ...i don't think I have ever had him on boostaroo....

Gives an interestin'  viscerbodyal echo.... 

into a 'shamanic' dimension of ... 

Not important, except syorms are bessed experienced in the ' moment' right on the Westerliest  clifftop edge ...all last winter....

Fabulous real weather  rather than limpwristed so called storms as they may be endured inland....

And a so called sister...

Poor tjing bumlndled off to boardin' school age about the same age as the one i heard yesteraft speakin' of exactly the same  getridofemitis this pestilant shoppin' aisle  ....adopted

Behind their Biba scarfed masken faces...

Nuthin to do with me i got myself adopted by the yokels and thus self cured myself of all if you... age revolutionary eleven.


( xxx remember to stick in ... it belongs with 'what is ralph' really..... the interview in august with the so called 'artist' at the cliff edge .... i first came accross her exact dopplegangbanger 15 years ago almost to the day...... " ehhh...ohhh so.... now we fucked The Wye at the bottom of your [ well known ex university prof, in Wales, very well known by the whole town: awful gyppo and black hatim' bigot.. easily verifiable every word dribblin from her gob for years] mum's byway.... i .. know the next generation are going to have to revolute a bit but i fear little hope..." 

professor of some bullshit arts at St Martin's on her long xmas hols at mums ... well being Wales, (just inside by 500m).... all the deeds only in dad's name.... 

even in this century... 

" ohh you CANT SAY THAT... my lovely students are so yummy lovely and so so so up on everuthing so much more than we were theyre really a new superrace...

i created 

with my wobbly fat face and... demand they are  perfect in every way... and how fare you even think this is not so ...."

only a childless fat unhappy wine and biccy addict ... a bit like Camilla Badman Gellish perraps...


Thistersummer, her exact copy, but its so so epoch definin'

 the wordin' 

so its a good  job i was chroniclin' live camera action

it is the sanctamonious

" self righteous" 

indeed rhe exact look from Stevie the goddess  of  and inventor of punk and actual real moderm ART. whisst poor Marina The Serb's still in her imported fake knockoff  label bluejeans agravatin' her bad art crotch... and thus distractin' her from actually makin' real letgo art.....

. at ... well every second ..

 but Houllebecq wrote that exact perfirmance art moment at 04.15 minutes in..

... into his own interpretation some decades later in Possibility or Atomisee...  i can never remember witch

which is an insult to witches as at least they enjoyed the feeling if broomistick between the thighs....

mum's a bit of a b*tch

or rather just lost to bourgeois  magpieing...  like all the rest...

( insert one of many pics of' Cornish Magpie' symbology)

ancient history...

but seriously


when the 'elders' sit there on their fat arses...

as per thistersum'

her on one of these laughably dire 'artist retreats'  to sit on fat arses at dull cliffedge vistas

and eat wine and biccies with others stole enough to afford the 300 quid aday n a half...

from near Totness

( as usual me Socratically Nestbesch MUTT zering ... [ MissKraut...the only young woman i ever felt desire for ... she broke through my  tried and true defences by the only thing there ever was... that's 'desire'able.... 

spirit.... impossible! ... hers from ten universes up the foodchain she woz so impossibly extant ....what paradise even three short meetings... ] ... no fat mentory to our yoof for decades especially some smug rancid tjing Hay eay could understand, NestMUTTin'...is godly....  its called George-Mary-fuckin-Ann- Evans fucked em all up their dried up  gussets too wulith her genius parables.... so as to PROGRESS fat cows like u not being sat on the duckin' stooltoo....

to death.

in one or two sentences, hers... from mine chronnies...

" ohh... no you are wrong... there is SO so much HOPE.... my small little [Tottytart, downshifted on stolen

 SE  drugmoney launderin' and armsbrokerin'

 loot] community... has a few lovely lovely young people in our grassroots growin'  

 aware small circles  i gather in ....  who we encorage to be the future and..."

 ohh really.... 

Een listenin' to that tosh for 15 plus years ...

But i get it.

The way to hide under the covers  from rhe nuclear winter over the horizon

Is DO nuthin'.. except covenate in the corner twice a year smiling at some yoof who shares

izz err 'mental' ... disabilities 

with some knowin' fatteratti...

who then recycles them into her defences against her conscience that she never DID ...owt..

( a trait began by the original TomPaulmen....  who conned the 'spiritual' out of everyone, especially the brown variant... whom suckered in George, and ... Ringo at least just wryly  made jokes about Harry Hocus Pocus  .... 

Anyway that one or two lines i captured as most perfect real performance that aint very artful... 

but us real

And is WHY there is no "hope"...


And why hope is a far worse swearword than *itch... 


The worst ever evil they committerate...

Dave's friends...mates

before the word 'friend' was stolen by a load of neurotic city folk . .  

And repurposed into a notion that never was...

thats just a commercial clique

 for clicks 

country folk ..real ones...never did

" mate" being a word that really judt means someone to give you a lift to a yonder garage if your tractor breaks down...  you will remember, forever...  a favour to be returned one day 

( THE only true Nazi dichotomy of this century  how the worst offender Coelho  of the' i must runaway and find a better spuritual guru ' poison penrit filth... also termed a real modern human  perfect solution, finally ...  his ' "favour bank"; a genius term.... almost mittigation for his genocidal earlier books except of course the first one that was great...his hooker book ok too....)

a real friend ... as Dave is boardin' the learjet for his offshore hols....

calls the feds

" his holiday packing ...includes enough to get him on an international drug trafficin' rap" 

ten years pn from making the perfect parable..ir should it be allegory.... song 

of many hairstrands ...like all great writing not tellin' the listener exactly what to think...

maybe Samson....

maybe... just fuck off and die everyone...

A  few  years on from his stay in The Pen.. booking made by his REAL friends....

" they saved my life... "

But nowadays every fat knowitall KNOWS...

its always their first line ( of defence... from having to think..or DO anything) 

" they have to want to..first..." 

And so...

 Thank god that one  recently on earworm  ....

has been pig poked back into it's rightful place in history, the muddy pigsty of a faker fakin' 'is way to alcoholic oblivion....

having fucked up all his ' people' in his genes...

And the king of earworms is back.

Before his balls were gored by a passin' walrus called... " ohh you all gotta be like Mister Christopher Andy Murray Martimesque  Bumfluff now... all sweet n fake"  and they couldnt WRITE any more

never mimd perform it with magnificat Mrs Shakespeare on timeless Madam Macbethiam fruitjobbiness....  and laugh at a mere passin' storm...

But as for storms, i qpuld have prefferred to be on the cliff edge...

 piss ... ( rememberin' to stick it out the leeside door) 

on their pathetic words: ' bodily' ' visceral'.... bein' right in it



Several indeed... ( goodun yesteraft)...

" confusion wanders in..."

blahh blahhh

" chaos and turmoil prevail..." 

"HOPE is [ rightly] drowned..."

every perfectly nuanced primal scream....

" ahh but strangely we....  settle down..." 

I know is the greatest psychotherapeutic relationship counselling  moment in evolution... until the mermaids came along and slithered all over any ...common sense and primeval fact ..  laying a  trail of slug  mucus ....

all the way to the door of even her rottin' hull....

merely a route to any ole penny farthing worth of they'll say ANY thing if they think it makes 'em...seem .. 

... floatin proud above the sludge.... and maybe one day can cash in onit too....

Friday 18 October 2024

errata but such an interesting subliminal one

 ... ( to all, 2016: " 80s wnderin up past his Towers, NYC... my my every hoodlum i ever met knew what a fey blingy creep...ignore him... or sneer at the gaucheacity wanderin' past his front door, mzn" and had the BBC, we woulf have shown how to be grown up.... )

A sane person ignores what should never be, and thus i had ignored bourgeois Dave's " Orange man" and missplaced my 'Ginger' in lieu of not recalling anything about the dullest man on the planet. Nor his suporters or critics. Even if, errata POTUS..

mind you RFK jr,  if in the inner circle unsanctamoniously inniz highest innest sanctum ... is prob the only person on the planet with excellent mittigation for doin' one

 in  ..

hahhh hahhh.... 

god i hate so many typos but such 'fragile' broken kit and no power...so be it

Thats called ....letting go....

What is Ralph

 under construction... to be finished saturday

Not that there is any point...

..... i find it at last intetesting....

how USA is rather ramping up on something;

Caused by one person only 

ok maybe a bit of Muzz Gabbardtoo.... a bit....

( for the uninformederatti  it is said fairly likely  that Kamala is going to have to go on the leading Podcasts shevis so desperate to appeal to the bimberatti.... blesser ...)

Of course they omitt that already the Ginger has taken 100  mil dollars from the pro Dynamitists Adelson to keep buying dynamite 

But anyway RFKjr the only politician ever, cognisant still of the Blair haiatus....  excepting JC2.... modern people including myself feel they can trust

Ralph even made a long comment - thats a twice a  year event at most, 7 days ago ...



anyway ....no hope for a people who cannot understand " less is more"..... nor a planet where they set the example.... cos the scrofulous 'developing' rest of the world ...aren' stupid:  why should they cut back when the rest cannot ... by example.

but one thing above all seems to at last come of age a tad:  authenticity...pays.

Never mind being THE key to actual 'mental health'  cos you go bonkers telling a falsie...about who you are.... especially to yourself.

even the Chrets of old figured ..

but when you get a message albeit a week ago from THE only one for decades you assumed WAS and will remain 100% authentic in what she projected to my face for 7 hrs solid mid Atlantic...

THE only one for two decades..  only one... never mind " take pity ... not only did i send you, alone, a copy of the ' simon c'est terrible [ as in War and Peace,  tragic but lofty ...and beautiful in a grandoise bonkers way] ' letter as i value your total committment to lofty causes all your life you proved to me with your eyes  .... and yes also i need your lovely passport"  

There never was any point. 

when even she just became a [ big fat chunky, loads of rare metals] Blingatrice...
and using 'ethnic'atrice as a sales pitch,  like all the rest 

But worse... 

even after the deepest  re " connection" that  21/22 Christmas NYE ok just a few messages at last... so deeply deep and a bunch of digital flowers in my inbox ...

cannot respond to " you are powerful... among the chatteratti and even with the actual  Euro Queen....you an official fashion activisterator  and ultra femimister... get yer fellow famous  babes out on the Brussels streets marchin' !... solidarity with the bravest humams ever ...ever... a fait accompli they get murdered, and raped afterwards - their rapists too pathetic to do it up front....brightest eyes ever staring into dull Mullereyed last abyssrs......them young Iranian burnin' bra babes ... had enough of all that ' 'crap'..."

you get 'ghosted'... 

And then ... you still get some selected spam  ref some commercial pimpin...

there is no authenticty anywhere ever...

curious in that all sorts of utter  Ginger haters ( meetoo), have had enough and .... are sort of going for a BIT of authenticity ...just a bit.... 
will make people actually have a mind, again to....
take part
And thats all you have, ever... 

Bernies are going  Trumpies just cos of one  croaky voiced man's authenticity ... no one else seems to even recall.... its even 'sexy' ..

( well she is .... the choccy mong- a compliment as they are often the wisest of all, and far more likly indeed to be  Pilgerites .... and THEvsolution to all this 'race' or 'people' garbage... mong#1 agreed a year ago: interbreeding is it.....but tjis one, wow,  flip... sex on fire !!)

and Oddschecker is pretty accurate
The Ginger has twice the betting power... now....  7/10 vs 7/5

thats am astonishing swing...  almost entirely based on some incredible new thing... a perception of some miraculous new authenticity due an actual ' community'  at the top containing  at least one who is...authentic

part 3 to 6ish later


 too many early morning  readers before my pure genius dancin' balancing act complete... ( two old phones no battery, oldest raggety laptop in world ditto  blahh blahhh) 

phone full of waffle needs some waffle removing to free up space  before editing an audio  with a bleep i forgot to do ... 

the last post - creation of .... a tango ...on eggshells -  the yolks all  sucked dry years ago by me.... but still a job and a half to get ready in one splurge ...

now just rewrit a bit

as most posts need too... one day


 " damn the words" 

Now i need nuthin'

but The Goddess....

there is only one,

to power me on

but why the WTF hasn't this  gone ' viral' or had more than 15 clicks even if i never hashtag or alogorithm game.  ...and never look at my own channels or comments or anything until I.. capital I in italics... need her

As i do... not cos of need but cos it's goddess power time...



ohhh my pictorial fotojournalism will get a lot more pointy hat


never mind ' conformity' ... even if it is laughable; a decade of the "self  righteous" ( god i love it she said that about Rory its a perfect poem in just those words ) ... of the SR lot so botheri g about their bodies...of course they nwver did jihad against injustice ...eco or otherwise... the CONFORMISTS and hope hurts 13 oct 1415ish

but FAR more important, info in from an under 30..." the thirty year olds remain sometimes rather precious..my lot getting better balance.. and the twenty year olds a seemingly getting their feet back on the ground" ..wow...

Intouchables, fine....
but books, go into your soul and stay there...
good ones unlike anuthing rit here except Cusk...and her... ( bouncin' on her Tightrope)
like Reader on the 6.27
like Ove  but yes i agree dear librarian its a bit... not quite right

like ... Pereira Maintaims

lije ( with reservations, why oh why did she give a bloke purchase at the end after givin' her own dad, Rushbridger, one up the bum, twice,  by attacking his 'Guardian' in her glorious sedition piece, quite rightly i knew face to face what a miron he is as i was his book search man face to face...his actual hobbies my my how Telettubbie..).. How To Kill your Family

like .. a few other Eurobooks i shall list on how to live on and.... endure

like .... well... there is only Silas

* .... herding them, over their cliff, of thinking 'publicity' helps anything in a ( to quote Pilger before his death " big brother talk" ......oops: or was that someone else i forget as my life is remarkably full for someone spent the summer  being Siddartha plus Orwell's tramps combined.....) me guilty, cos....  the idea that the bossocracy may respond to ones ( their, plural) ' story' was so so fey 

...of metoo.... 


if ' story'  can be " shared" .. well made, undoubtedly not fake....  the camera necessary in that too...

Cathy... Roach's Cath.... even the fey BBC admitted over decades......

Came Home and vomited all over the then status quo... a bit.

Change is so so so

 ebb and flow . 

grain of sand moving up the beach

a bit

'n back out into their polluted seas...

And maybe one day...

( unless a Gwerk mermaid gets it stuck up her fanny)

gets repurposed into being a core constituent

in a shiny new pane of glass.

This one...i need to make, may be crystal clear and let out all of

what should never ever be

as clear as daylight

Or to be Polish 

( their etymological development ...a tautology in that etymology is development i guess.... damn the words..  of 'The  Sublime', so so superior  to the ' English' fey version


in fullest intellectual historical usage INHERANTLY implies

 " lofty intent" ....


( genfed neutral) 

just obvious goodness or descency

unlike the suspicious Turnerate usage historically so, in this sceptic Aisle  whereby he ate one of his own paintings sheltering from a powerful " vengeful" act of god in a cave  ... a merely routine  thunderstorm...

And as it wasnt organically certified canvas and oil and full of  real toxins  unlike the made up foodfaddist  imaginary ones... had a really bad belly ache for days after dribblin daiohrea over the  remenants of his great unseen  and part eaten work ...

as he was too pathetic to just persist, even in the rain....

so yes Polskis  use the word in a far more interesting manner....

Thursday 17 October 2024

The 'Influencers' [Gwerktoo] children called Peterson, Rogan, Daum, Fuller, Tolle, Maté etc...

playlist trying to put these clips into one user friendly stream will come ( in lieu of no reliable   electrical power to   sit for 5 hrs and edit into one video ... yet)..soon.

Under construction.

A sample ' communication ... example of how to neutralise ALL arsey ( immaginary)  conflict you all are addicted to, will be here in 24 hrs, assuming i have a siesta today)

PLUS this also belongs   in the superSIMPLEzennyvanmindfulness 
page to build up, soon...



this technique was used lastereve infact to thank the mutual  "hacker"...
 ( never ever THINK of what to communicate digitally after teatime....  the kairos time percolates whilst enjoying lovely farming jobs ...  and later on if still there inbonce as almost  a poem... just trot it out ..)

hashtags: thanks ..real THANKS! to grownup  lost hullrotten princesses,  with their blocking finger ...  my data limitations ...unintentionally! were swept away as if by shamanic vudu magic wand...

( the " sincere REAL thank you" element must be real.... then mindbodily the poetical letter written  later on is creatively pure and a joy ... real 'energy' - rather than their instagram of nothing,  but self promoting tragic  whimpering  about "energy" for attention and money, ......to write)

other hastags later

 so, their 'full moon' ...

Only of course if you are stranded on this lump of rock, 99% bimbo...and that's just Russell Brand. If the sillyman with his showoff  spliffing on television and amassed crowds of homoerotic whoop whoopers ever gets to Mar, and sets up camp, they will have to adopt  some other nomenclature. Flyinpigsmoon... nomadeupmythsfortouristsmoon


As, as discovered at the first long totally offgrid - no servicrs or neighbours one for one km camp, supposedly for a month or two from Sept 2009, hahh hahh best laid plans.... four years later the actual ' living in tune with naycher' "human"  learns that bright early mornings - being standard "human" does hisrher work in the day and dozes off earlyish evwning, when it feels colder anyway, but up even at 0400 the body has warmed itself up under the bearskins and it is astonishing how you can wander around in shorts well before the dawn, when it is warmer and you feel warmer from a night of bearskins... being the so called ' tribes' - their silliest word of all for bluehairs from Wolverhampton, cannot bear skin... unless they ' control' the .....  

control the..?


The longer i live...or merely reflect upon years of their  reality in their bizarre society i know not what  they wish to control....or ' need' to. .. but faux control is what it all became... my whole dull lifetime.

Super hunter bluehair moons... whoop whoop.. a camp dweller knows just silly new ( 'age' is the worst of all so called insighful descriptors)  words, for why its a phase  of the month, when the camp dweller can awake early .. 4am... and gave a few hours of extra light to catch up on chores....

Thats a point, so all the .. ( there are no words for wuwu woke or bored latenight- and by definition in " human",  users of bad info online as it became) ..precious lot... 

I meandered up a Marches street 99ish thinking " god almighty theyre all becoming so precious.." ...

can get onto Wimmins' hr from Mars and moan about interplanetary menstrual justice  being that being at a different mooncycle, they all gone out if sync! 

petition facebook group and lots of free airtaxi fayres back into the studio back on the mothership....  to feign consternation, THE currency if a sick nation 

Even if i think skiving from the absurd military industrial complex ... just a hydrocarbon powered hamster wheel..   is a fine and honourable pursuit .

Except do it based on truth. Real ' pain' ...oops getting near to banned subjects as blokes can't hint anything ref not needing a paracetamol as stone age cavewomwn had no choice *

real pain is a splendid thing and defines the...lines...

* ... its astonishing still the Yanks, and other so called modern peoples, those Polskis too... cannot manage one simple line

" even in stoneage Newcastle Brown addled UK, by about 1975 certainly early 80s... every bloke there knew and wouldnt even hint after ten Newcey Browns... that what a woman does with her womb is any other 'human's business to EVEN THINK about,  ever... not for one millisecond" ... and no one ever did...

( copyrite moi,  the above, ten years ago ...my simple para developed to get dull men using the internet to understand other cuntries,  whom also think they understand the US legal structures via their dumbfuck internet,  to shut the fuck up...)

As some backwards country like USA or is it some lesser European place is still unable to manage simple Payneian rhetoric 

Wednesday 16 October 2024

How to 'deal' with

 Arsiness, fraud (ref wages - very common in UK landwork the last decade), children dressed as 'personality' curators or costumed Gwerkians...  and the 99% whom cannot STOP and not bite back digitally or otherwise... both sides of your equation.

Next....already in the can. Even if my phone filled up with et more silly video so the work required to move files here and there and backup all is often a two hour thing .. tough when unless one became even more ultra zenvannedmindfully... that would have been on an hour of battery each predawn...

But i got 'there'....

Soon. And thus .. soon, all will be put right all holes filled in.. soon. There is now 'purpose'. Which is only about tomorrow.

Damn i forgot that line " a great parentwoman will teach you...as i was randomly lucky to be taught in 1992... by the most hard to figure one of them  all.. and she hates me as i did, in time....  katrina taught me with kids it's ONLY about what you do..NEXT...only... ever... ever ever ever....yesterday irrelevant next, only"

But the one I do not understand....

 Mongo-o-Pogs are good.

And a growing breed kindof...

The Poglish or Poglet...

How did she sneak under my skirt hems and through the radar array...?
I liked that day by her rock.

Shelter From the Storm (not me).

Who the hell WAS she...?

So called MA or Phd 


Shitfilm ok he was ok but why not do 

(another one yesteraft who was it? it will com back...very very samesexual until... he changed his mind, later in the day..

...and went and bred a BIG family...)

The film that influences far more by majority?

There is no reasoning or rationalising, as to why... she goes sulky. Unfriendly; as I know someone who NEEDS to be herself and have some influence  - you cannot get more splendidly her own woman than " i wanted to eat his crappy artwork left out on our kitchen worktop, and shit it out onto said worktop" As the ultimate act of fabulous expressionism...

Though i personally disagree in that NO 'human'... as cultural construct; mad bad dangerous to know 'actor'... is ever worth any of their property - mother earth's raw m,materials in first instance, as it will be again in the last instance,  being defaced or destroyed or even recycled..  until it's fullest man-made phase has been seen through to completion.

But i do not domineer with " you shouldn't do that.." never have. No point in UK for 20+ years no one can listen to simple solutions, only clever dick mushroom cloud solutions that...look and sound big, and higher...

And what tales of youth! ( a social worker, too) " he ....[ keep it simple: there is a line we all knew about, and his pervy wankstuff in a motor on your youthful windy headland on your celebration night.. bet it was Levant Atch hahh hahhh certainly crossed it...] ....crossed THE line... 

" but i never considered my self traumatised by serious wonky sexymad behaviour, all alone me and bigger than me, him...  not once"

Far more interesting the tales of how age 20 'exiled' dad  - a euphemism for being a bit to pally with the Third Reich... but at age 15-20 you simply know nothing - it is all a bit rabbit in the headlights....settled  1945 or 46... and started fast breeding as reaction one hopes... and populating so called 'Cornwall' with loadsa Poglets...  and doin' an honest day's work down Mary Moviestar's repurposed not very good acting stage...sss....

The only one i just do not get!

Of a year and a hlf of lost causes, as they have no 'cause' nor have they ever...it's a free world but don't tell me GAbor everyone's fey Mate  and his same ole' record on repeat of intergenerational trauma - not even worth quote marks as his filmstar looks won - all people respond to - looks... and became your thinking..

Even if merely 'rote'. No facts behind it. No trying to actually BE anything else other than clever excuses to moan.. rather than DO.

Which is extremely hard to hear as a younger person with genuine 'depression' or 'addiction'...

Maybe what is easier to hear  - as every 40-70 year old in UK lies when they say their yoof are gentle and sweet (a virtue signal gone very wonky)...  no they aint they have been semi-brutalised by Affluenza consumerism materialism etc etc etc... not their fault as my generation had good books like Affluenza decades ago.. 

(and my own copyright  diagnosis, 25 years ago.. Eastendersism... being the ANGST one began to see on tv around then.. endless angst..of course kids pick it up from the telly...as did mum and dad..  just shittvism... far more serious methinks than even being one of Gabor's pet junkies - what they are! .. for humanity at large..)

Anyway.. there you are much of May...

Day one you herald and flag solidarity

I mean if it wasn't for 


 and Lech...

Well,  things would likely be different..

Even for "warrior" Serbs..

And i always talk no matter what about my Poglet... always have..no blind spots no self pity no faked trauma for Gabor's workshops...

So her and I have the ultimate   ... she lives for her three adult kids... knows metoo... mine a Poglet, Shetoo! 

surely the ultimate in 

splendid Solidarność

But i am glad.. i really DO understand....

all of this land

Except upland and maybe further away fringelands way away from the Southern tourist - all 'incomers' are .. unless they really do have to learn to become farmers depending on real mutual benefit, by solidarity (better not speak European to most of them as THEY voted for... [ fact, as i wandered many farms from 2017-19 in places where there were not even any  brown folk for many km.. " well at least it will keep the black folk away.."  heard day after day].... higher input costs,  which is what BREXIT is...

Uplanders, farmer types sometimes...perhaps the odd poet left in the very fringelands of The Cheviots  - not so much a tourist incommer hotspot...

know you have to have FEW words.. and FEW people.. more than a handful is just an endless party... and nothing gets DONE at parties...

and those words and people you use..  solidarityish.. you remeber, mean, and are the basis of 'community' or rather just getting by...

But i know that ALL  SWers.. are the same as Londoners...  in a big anonymous puddle of polluted water. ... Its a free country but don't pretend otherwise as pretenderism makes you ill is all i know...

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Errata, silly me

 ..pontificating on " the equation of, is hurting Blue Helmets an eight or nine out of ten on the baddie scale?.. so we can make some 'judgement'.." 

Because by seven or eight years ago i knew,  do not blame the Military Industrial complex, CIA Mi5 or even kiddults like Starmer .... or Green MPs... or big business.

Only blame the people for

failing to retain the better education and wisdom we did to some extent have in the 80s ... that gave us Ignatief, and even Chomsky when not being too drole and inhuman.... and even Paisley and McGuinness sat down and had a sneaky guinness together whilst pretending to pray at the pew....

the people never knew

cos they failed to care

to listen

And enquire

Anyway the problem with the

 evil Deathstar that is the BBC and especially superwoke World Service 

Is that once in a while, in fact maybe only 4 or 5 times in 20 years of my sometimes tining in... if one is early riser and catches the 04.45 ... 

Yes Israel  got it up the bum bigtime ... but i even doubt they have such a ....

 her 'struggle' .. thister0445...made me cry ... not in sympathy...pity....  for her

but utter total admiration for a young woman  who can even kindof so smartly  laugh at " our tent may get splatted at any moment"

I dont think, errata i know... just like with little Malala... sadly no English can ever be as big, and godlike communicatrix as....


And the people..these ones ... simply dont know why... all life should be cherished cos its not about fringe element jihad nutters  whi could be bribed back to the straits if narrower behaviour, as history has always shown, its about thousands of her...

Sam Harris really is quite disgusting, and proves ' meditation' does not...work

( many audiis from the ladt 3 months ro stick in here, now, too...plus summerwalks.... i gave up years ago knowing there is no hope..not even The  beloved funnyman Mong  ..one of the smartest men i have ever met, cared...nor is able to remember our excelent education via Joan of the Black Bushe, nor the flawed Godbard,   himself.) 


 ...story, that will never be told... except out in a few carefully chosen texts already...

With one purpose, only..... to see if a few carefully curated and tollerated ( a year)  gussets could ever get really juiced up ever again, with real 'human' story juice...  cos the best stories. Are for that.... 

Now in the year of our...

 ...lord above who is this?

don't know why i didn't finish that last little irrelevent smatteration into the concaternation of worldwide crapperating...

Juneish...twenty twenty... Bozza has told, demanded the neurotic London-set, freakedoutophobe at every bug and smell, mad atomised nation " Be family... 'ts all yer got.."

No hope...

But .. three months in to becoming a true Troubadour - ( no one will listen, i sat in a dusty gaolyard in 2003, the HOTTEST death-summer in European human history... and we listened to a true one - an actual man who earned his bought bohemian look, and dusty cowboy boots and twirly moustache.. a pukka actual oppressed Troubadour .. strumming his guitar for us in that yard..of NO mad people, no lost-their-dignity tramps and illfolk... unlike the equivalent UK demographic)

From March 2020 .. upstuck finger.. every day in that glorious perfect 100 days of unbroken sunshine and less Solitude than for years...

Out on my very old bike.... avoiding Mrs RAchman... and then developing a superb new byway technique of chatterating up the neuroteratti...

"  Boz just put out an edict....  anyone meeting someone in the lanes must stop and talk for half san hour at least...ideally Neruda's compulsory hour  before a conversation 'begins'......" 

ang on.... how did i miss that:

Decision made, having got it out....

And at last had the kairos time ( fuck Oggle and all their useless data for their pighead AI and now powered by 'Kairos'nuke... the smartalecs try and steal the best words that define the impossibility of ever knowing anything, ever...or even when kairos may come and unintelligently bite you on your bum and smile i wun...)

I must die in .. there....

So, a brief superspeedtyped hour of predawn battery...

The Fargian Sky News addicted weirdo ex muso, 'bigot' but so sad his only log chopper is in fact an immo Kurd... relative-by-marrige, almost the only person whom will talk to him and do his bidding when his ailments make him sulk...

He such a creep.. except me who performed his last rites, getting his music online for him even if he never understood " copyright is GONE!,, character only, in lieu of some timeless Sublime harmony ...

"now gets clicks.. like Terry Reid decades on, almost the only one,  i want to  hear him speak he just MAY have something useful to say about this real human condition..

" and he learned to let go....all the way... you got a LONG way ...to go

Not even a long story... as no muso ever has anything to say that's sane or unmuso.. about musac... 40 years ago i knew... and anyway all said 'neighbour'ly detritus merely moaned at the simply paradise Woodlanders setup all around... 

Back to the 15 may 1886... his great book.... revealed every day from 2013... on warped drive...

(down one)

anyway there we were Juneish Year of Our Lord told everyone to slow down... 

Except they just moaned... and watched Sky News (and the bug tickertape) driving themselves madder...

And one day coming down from a day forgetting about them, in the hills... 

A ... well one cannot say the 'n'word or even refer to woodpiles..which was a splendid neutral boys in the wrong hood kind of expression...until Big Brother went and had a sex change...

. But "WTF is THIS?"..

" A brown man in Mister pretend performative racist's back garden..." 

Followed the one most extraordinary telepathic minute of my life...

Cos i don't goad big beefy brick shithouse builders....

Being a 100% confirmed Miss Anne Thrope: all neighbours so mad NO ONRE could even be relied upon to feed the ferrits AND always double check cage closed behind... and none actually care about nature, even the cygnetbaby  Swans murdered in the ponds around by mad tyrannical yooof.. the otters double murdered by neighbouring fascist landowner good-ole'-farmer-boy Charlie...

... nor waddle their fat arses to track the otters from Sheepwalk to Flintsham... an extremely easy bit of obvious tracking the ottercideres... just had to sit and wait... one evening after their pub



" fuck this shit.. prod my beefy beefness to see if i am real.... if you want ..... yes i know what you are thinking... whatzz one of me doin' ere...at anti-immo central TV addict slophouse....   so.... you don't care about DEATH either.... lets...play..."

two years of true...love....

jihadderism to the death.. by word ... the 'jost'.. their horrid smartphones....

Anyway.. fast forward a few weeks...

From then..

" look  Mister red spot ... merely taxi driver to the  actual real hippy babes down to their Black Bushe whereas i was there at the front swooning over Joan.. then scarlet... you hangin' round the bogs in the mud hustlin' for your next fayre.... now you know i am a tech supremo and even speeded up your virus addled and porn afflicted, Dell 1525... defrag / glary / and ten hours all it took... god the underclass really are pathetic when it comes to basic maintenance and fixin'...  please listen to ONE piece of info, only.... your tinny awful ifone piece of world ruining crap.... is your business, even if not here as we never had signal here... nor will....  but you say or probably lie about this too that you like musac.. please ..  never ever listen to any through these horrid music stealing devices... all of them dire... without a ..and there are only about 5 left in the world...  the masses aren't entirely stupid sometimes, everyone bought, and bought off ebay first generation.. BOOSTEROO.... despite the pathetic hipster-surfie spazname as usual.... they WORK.... they BOOST.. the tinny horrid sound from your 

I phone 

therefore I am 

(ooh i like that i am on good form thismorn never ever a second of aforethought nor second to pause and think)

Of course, 'arrogance' is a strange thing - in this awful land basically is simple: i am from the city, you are a yokel and not. Which is the ultimate in absurdism as they all BOUGHT .... MY country acres and paddocks....  they lust for the 'Good Life'....  they seem to venerate and value..it

The simple rural life...

BUT they simply cannot EVER ..listen to the person who actually became that three decades ago, once more...

A supremely interesting 'equation' 

Hark after 'goodness' in a simpler rural place, which obviously also means living there will sort your head out... and THIS those living there  - largely there  though in my own case 5% elsewhere reticently (only, quite quite deliberately  to  go off yonder and  seek non English womb, then show child the world) over 30 years...

So.. you encounter, meet, find, someone who has managed to be more or less only OF these 'Good Life' places... even he had lockdown busted to come and visit.... 

And then you completely ignore theior sagely wise advice.. when one is rural  ... one doesnt bullshit, doesnt ever charm or fake it ..it is about only ONE thing: what WORKS...and what does not...

And thus spake Zarathustra .. a load of silly neurotic bile as most city neuropnuters usually do..., rather than listen to.. the Rockman... 

Be rock.. years of nothinfg.. no one nothing in depopulated of REAL people, rural fringelands means only one thing: you dont waste time lying or saying ANYthing for effect...

There is no point.

And thus....arrogance is such a curious word. Basically it merely means of the city.

Or built up suburbs such as Pastylandshire..

In the real rural places there is ONLY 'information' - about what works, which garage is still vaguely honourable and "human" - none in Powys or Herefordshire once the yuppies moved in.. resentment is a strange thing...

And the city man... well in my book he isn't really a 'man' as men  of both sexes know one thing: you need reliable info to just persist...

Which brings us to....

Now.. music is of little interest really and at least one human listened "i educated myself via Saint Joan De Baez. fact...."

But how did i not see that....

Because on these awful little screens... laptop out today predawn as jihad cometh...


'twas left on open tab... from when i was last at her place.... of books.

I had no idea they had so aged and look quite pasty faced and shrivelled from when...i woz thereabout age 22 in the front ... ears still hurting from the loudest of them all.. by far.. then

But....silly me... only one 'human' ever had me paying my own money to go to S Am....

("ohh... fuck:  google Bolivia, poorest country in S Am.. oh well gonna get stabbed within two paces of the airport..if we make it to the airport their air transport has such a bad record.." within one minute at said hairy port.. " hark....what is THIS.... it cannot be.. i hear above in the mezanine... laughter.. REAL laffin..like real BELLY laffs... i havent heard that decades and these taxi hustlerdrivers.. dont even care who comes out the front door to hustle.. theyr all laffin.... whats this weird saudade place")

It's the faces.. you just have to look at the real actual UNCYNICAL joy on the faces...

of the crowd, who can dance to kindom come you dont need any controlly TAngo teacher to herd them... purest modernity at its purest best... girlies too  sweat pouring from under their armpits... sweat not of "do what i say to the rhythm" all infected with here....but 



and living in the actual real moment, now...

I only ever saw in S Am....  cos the next in olden days of Thatcher's buddy Pinochet...you may  be dead

Never ever forget..  fuck even slightly cynical Karl Ove's Europe....  THE place to die - there is only one....

And with the boosteroo... back there in the front row. Poor man...so called 'man' couldn't listen...can any English?  ever.. i wonder not 

Meanwhile back to  now.. now.. now....

And the Year of Our Lord .. they never listened to your slow down...

But some at least made the most of their time finding old tapes... 

Even i am quite amazed even if theres nearly no good Roches .. the truest greats...

Quite extraordinary how the one pretty uncynical ....   i think you gotta to be uncynical yet also Miss Anne Thrope for the right reasons (yes requires education - real educations )  to

 actually become an ever better axe man... smiling..... a real smile....

Funny that I haven't  looked that one up for a while.... 

Indeed only thistermorn

And though sadly some people one must orphan onself from forevva...  and never think of them... evva.... 

Define sad lost conceit...

( i never think of i was merely pondering i would like to change my name to VAn...something )

A certain uncle was in fact as good... 


But to hear how they over the years incorporated soul... almost turned their one of five or so true greats into a ballad.....

Is quite extraordinary i had no idea....

And a noncynic intros.. " unconditional luv.."

And... Edward Van...RIP.... i reckon years of lookin' at Samuels's silly pink trousers doin' the splits on MTV 

Learned the only lesson there is.... we are laughable...at.


so stop and laugh

at wetoo...

And then, he got  even... better.

In her head....

 so, you go and..

end up in a time shift little paradise....

But ... 

Monday 14 October 2024

Sarajevo to Israel an equation

 Hashtags apalling modern thick punditry,  or 'philosophy'.

hashtag THE ' human rights' equation. the real one in a world where all is  only sophisticated PR for 30 years... the last 25  especially.

or the one big ' question';  or indeed judgement.

Hashtag Alexei Sayle isn't as thick as he acts.

in your head
 but even GREAT younger human rights scholars have probably had disatrous wanky education that missguides them into knowing what just.....merely


hashtag don't trust America, something REAL and deathcult weird ongoing for years:

#1 cause of death on under 40ish folk, opiate overdose.

BUT... young folk arent stupid and DO talk or text endlessly about drugs....

the massive wave of fentanyl deaths in even teens is painted as inadvertant - a doctored joint....

one puff if fentanyl laced with just a few atoms if the stuff, you are a dead parrot...

But the narative is they dont know of the lacing.... all inadvertant tragic death of many teens and young adults first puff...

beware... they know more than a patronising bossclass  ( and bereaved parents) admits...

i think really you have the next wave of the ultimate in self harm

they know they are playing Russian Roulette....

it takes away from their humanity ( even if warped) to label it all some accident  ...

but did deadduck in Cranberry sauce, Dolores know????  
she was toking at a death sentence,  as i believe was cofactor in too early death? dodgy drugs.... 

a real tragedy such a great artist

when we need great ones to live to be wise old sage stuffed " birds" more than ever....

And now life gets interesting


My ohhh my...

The dullness ... bleakness...one has had to endure.

Fifteen years.

If it could be summed up in one simplest change ... or 'evolution' is a better word ( being blind, unless their holograms and Watchmakers are controllers in their  head....) 

The lack of anyone in this society to believe in stories...

Good old fashioned Homeric endurances that have a twist in the tail, that could just as easily be a case of

 Penelope had not only kept her knees locked tight against the crowds of suitors...

But also they being of a diferent cultural construct to her - disloyal, immoral and randy no matter whom ,  she had found a way of escaping and setting herself up in the chickenshed aside the  fancy decadent hoi poloi's mission control.

And over time she had evolved into her own person ... so so kindly and wise warrior 

 ...honet et droit.... to quote Serge ...

Unlike all English so called literature for many years...

Like modern European literature for a decade...

Especially Reader on the 6.27..

A twist out of the blue at the end when all was lost in a pool of stale pee... 



rather splendid...


But I am loyal... even to wonky readers or scanners, here.

Firstly the two years, since Ralph  first stopped two years ago, and said no more ever not one of you is worth one second of my precious time, my twenty really, so we better just stay on the first chronicle, starting .... hmmm.... what is best period?  ... the simple tales of 2010 to about 13....

i do what i say

 must be written properly... 

Sunday 13 October 2024

The mad womam....


and why we need EU sanity...

only because, uhhh huhhhhh.... 50% of what comes out of his knowing 'muso' fake gob, is illmaking.....

but being another end of era... just over the horizon

fuckety ferkin i woke at 6am today " ohhh good ... lovely sleep....switch on Something Understood as so many Sundays before....  " and shucks they nicked it... Wrightytoo...

and...now.... ee's off too



only once a month do we go off marchin to Johnny...

with fingers in ears when he actually talks his smuggeratti old farteratti...

but ...50% of the discs ee spins remind you of saudade when musac told a TRUE simple story

... like Herbert Bates in 'is Lydia.... 

 rather than the psychomadselfcrucifixin mad woman...and her modern cult of" twas izz fault.!!.Heathcliff made me ... kill myself to death  by having a self administered,  innadequate diet, lockim up!!!" 

havent heard years ...  teartime

rather than the mad woman who groomed coerced and manipulated a whole century, and her descendenttoo

( or just...greed.... as many empty bedrooms today as tgere are  whimperin women from Roach's Cathy...folk ....in the emergency roofless list...now...as we speak...no ferkin Gwerkomerm actually bothers to rite letters to the council or rich bitch up the road...to even point this out...twill all manifest itself in the end)