Friday 20 September 2024

But i cannot decide, which of the three words

 well she wasn't any of them

The subversiviste..

What a true ' influencer' the world needs...

" I am one too"

" But we areny allowed to be called cleaning ladies any more ...domestic services entrepenuer or some such guff..."..

" The  fact you do not use Guff [tm] or 

any stuff

even on the million buck worktops of the Coleradan ...

workshop owners..

a decade

the successful ones unlike those trying to strangle each other here  for the fewer customers than would be workshopper entrepenuers....

( i bet half of them freelance in other games, too)

and even spray one short blast of ' antibacterial' eaudebullshit on the way out of the more neurotic control freaks'  adraid of all of mask the aroma of only vinegar or just your sweat ....

that is a top ranking imdb 8  movie script just there....

and if .... thinking aloud: one of them, just in from Gwerk to his second home ( you can see the exact act in,  when USA started to laugh at itself again,   the one with Streep and De Caprio....

gosh my memory isnt perfect i could have sworn HE...Tom-Paul running the world, by 'mondfulness' guruing to rhe elite... from his ket lab in Gwerk.... lost his head....

) Lost his head and finding out decided to do  one of those delightful ' home invasions' with a machine gun,  a tad popular in loonyland ... but died in the rick O'chet...

and you, at last,  fell in TRUE love with the fat copper a bit late on the scene, coming to your 911..

thats called a life affirming movie, that CHANGES peeps...

and causes vinegar 'awareness'... not

that even really thick, me, havent known it all my life .

for MEtoo
and yes my daughter's them, or her, or who the fuck ever they aretoo

So yes the last jpur of i bwver imagined i may have a winderful summer with loads of beach
( that really did end on a high note)

in summary



but i had forgotten until my audio made of ( Substack would love ' audio diaries of the  secret subversive cleaning lady to the rich and technocratic; i could be YOURS, too')

summarising a dull year

' conformist'

i have never met so many self 
individuated obsessives, from top 1% to those who 
pretend bottom 10..
every individual ' costume' ever dreampt up to be unique..
especially on the posher beaches

who all 

to one exact

very very dull

( her mum, La Vinegrette,i think agrees too..)

 except the Europeans
i can describe exactly what i mean.

with one simple word picture

its about posture: tits out front; back arched as it should be  as in in happy places,shoulders back, tits thrust out....

and a simple strait "human"

but its nothing  about looking down at devices

its about the national sport becoming, looking down...  
from nowhere


last post rewrit...


..i never pre plan in fact that drivel only started dribblin an hr ago from nowhere

but as i have some keen readers they may have only seen the unfinished version like an undadded  lass i impetuously ' publish' ... only cks i dont have time to backup.... every sinhle finger jab superfast so..i can get to the end... as i get little pleasure from even sharing unique real truth...

as we all know some" community" is pleasure

and i have none thats ever more than at a distance...

but its exactly the little dadless that spin it as their mask for never having been able to...DO it...

for real

( which means no financial gain and not sucking up to any finacier for community gain.. 

 "community" land must be community deed..or it isnt...

its called Patronage... the church's fave word ( in reality; or if an ordinary persom were oiin it emotional ' blackmail' ) 

 the story of so so so many fakes it would take a whole bible to write up....) 

' secure ' ..

 probably the hardest word in performative English muvva tonguing, to define.

Because you have to be in her aura and have her whoremoans ticklin' your nasal receptors, too.. 

( as likely, as yet to be understoof they do... 

dogs can so why not ustoo)

And the POOR ( no skit) Former Soviet incomers 

dont have a chance

even finest mind,  so called writers who can dance

( against them - the newer age Shamanosaurus Rex eating the heads of every flower on sight.. engorged with dopamine clicks and fake love )

English Litrature, ( and some French....) interestinlgly NOT Russian as perhaps it wasnt so much an 'issue' .. securer families? ... up until around twenty years ago would at times wedge in opinion, true...

In fact mainly the babes, fron George Elliot to Wendy Perriam...maybe a bit of the ( best this century)  mongo-Cusk...

even Thomas Hardy was accurate on this ( 'generalised,  yes .. 20 yrs ago they would begin to ban that word from around campfires when attempting good oldschool speak) ... averaged out fairly good "data point" their absurd new gangled showoff term:

 young women with good healthy relationships with a present father, were...   secure.

Less likely to be Bathsheba Everdine - the version of her  before a REAL man, of the hills, and sheep and burning hayricks,  took her on.... and fixed her..   or just tollerated her nonsense with a wink and a smile.... for  honourable mutual benefit

Wendy i am sure would smatter her stories with such terrible 

" generalising" " judgement" 

the  somewhat tragically self harming bonkers ones....often didnt have good daughter ( unalcoholic) dad,  basic  healthy harmonious dance steps  learned in yoof....

i do not recall any Perriam solid rock women, being of no solid rock dad....

indeed most of her splendid fiction parasitisng those, not so solid....  but honestly explaining, WHY

Amazing how  it seems to me all post around  unreadable Zadie Smith  times... this several hundred year known little issue was bravely trottted out  by great womwn writers  for centuries, as ... 

maybe the first commandment of being " human"

is ommitted...

and of course the boy dad or boy mum relationship ( or in my case luckily yokel rock of an oldish  man) is equally important but perhaps the false culture ( mainly proponented by the likes of Mr  Guatemalan Indidgeonosity ) that males had a more warring role, or hunterly, when in fact 90% ... bet nearer 99% of human calories/proteins  since humanity began...were scavenged...especially the meat...far far far easier to ' hunt' for dead fish on the rivers edge expired when their time was up, and still just as 'natural' y causing fine nutrition if bbqd ..  or just limpets 

This is curious 

And is proof that woke publishing, inc.... is in league only with nast old establishment male  child rapists Mr St Aubyn and his ilk.... or the ilk that guzzle up nurses costumes or even schoolgirls' by the whorehpuse load... only way they cam shoot their vile 'load' ..watching...  some mixed up onsecure young woman prance around in ..costume ( my official early 912ish s research marooned in Bayswater between kid duties,  confirmed this " what you want straight sex, only....dont be daft .. that went out decades ago"

and i am serious.

so.. the new fool class have been saying for decades " the internet became feminised" ... kind of ditto, "culture   ..."

utter clap trap as it fails to show ( i have at least 10 first hand reporters of this  all fine sane middle aged women) for example the absolute pandemic of a definately feminised modern trait, even if boys are catching up: telling tales that arent true, to prophet, or just hurt someone else...or get them locked up... often but not always male. .

that is a real violence, longer lasting than even a really bad bruise.. as all suffeters do say

but one reason we have this is so few genuinely ' secure' women to tell them .. their sisterhoods, cos they do know...that they let the whole side down and just fuel even more disdain and  ever tightening unvirtuous circles of the horrid warzone.

Maybe modern british literature should be called " homoised" ..  but that would be silly if only 3.6% reported  same sex attraction in the 21 census.. 

they would be doing themselves out of sales...  so indeed suicidality more apt... once the dull  lg big hirls blouse fad has died down...

but back to complicity... with the likes of,  say,  James Golsmith... i suggest as archetype as he was very filmed.. 

publishers and many female gatekeepers are at the revolting tit of Goldsmith and co...even moreso!

scene 1:

Hockenjos and Pelling ...( Estelle you were there 2006 after our courtday fun... )

the latter the only   honourable and pure old  Etonian..heroic many years  justice activist plodding the RCJ hallways underfed and with holes in his shoeleather   ... i beat him tho .he told me 2004 i was mad to think their gagging  injunction could be challenged - his specialist subject, too....all the greats of lore he could recite....and started to blank me and get rude  ..!!  

the former a fun semi genius from Germany v famous court precedent in equality

the four of us best of friends even Pelling,  that day 2006..all grinnin' like cheshire cats   in the pub later on

" let me simplify it for you 

Estiannddad....  in the 60s the oldgits of the establishment ... figured something.....  as they had insider info.....  all their  after work whores .. most  were alcies or druggies too.... often in and out of trouble... .. and  hence their cheap and easy entertainment, especially if  needing a vial  in barter, of Harley St novacaine...  available free via old boys network 

to get their 'entertainment' through the night.. being theirs

but then, late 60s.. early 70s, their GREAT  idea: 

( as income from industry PLC is waning)

so lets eat two roast " birds" with one stone, or bbq ...

a. make sure they stay as de-dadded as can be....  so theyre available as new meat for whorehouse or even personal little sex slave or more likely kinky s+m trainee.. 

the more divorce and  postdivorce unequal mess we have the better ... change precedents ..[ as they did] so that only dad must make all the money to pay off her Harvey Knickers


storecard bill....  

no time or cash left to see his daughter... especially.. 

bingo,  loads o' fucked up new meat

because it so often is..  for many years.. we know,  we can ..tell at Madam Kink's... 

and adk them tbeir stories

for extra kicks

[ i can tell: age 30... 40... 50...almost immediately " wow you are bulletproof ...brighteyed and so unflappably fun and back up straight...impossible to shoot you off your perch with even my most poisonous  satirical legpullin quippy as i know we already are REAL friends, . tell me about your relationship with your dad as a girl growing up.. even if .....i already know..." i always did]

but wasnt enough just to increase the supply of whorehouse meat....

theres the simple question of affording 

endless supplies...


gradually Thatcherise all the services... :

THEMIX.. bodily ... their

 minds and bodies, 

the gold


 the little fucked up ones  cost so so much more to the exchequer!

thsn the securitised

doctor visits,  pills for this and that, gaoltime,  loony bin stays, no secure relationships so they need solo housing always...more rates to the council per person if dingle ( my what a vlever ruse ....solo cars,solo insurance policies [ at least 25% more expensive than if married] ... its ENDLESS... if we could cash in on that too!!! ...maybe via consultancies or share profit....

we could afford even 5 grand a day supermodel fucks  or deviancy

by the whole day .. 

how may we do that??.... ahh we....... already have....  

started to change all those things so that the  other oldboys, not ' public servants' like us judges.... are getting a wedge already... private nicks, privatised NHS by stealth.....  loadsa drug dealing old Etonians too like Josh or ... others who could be named. .  to name bit a few

of Maggie's magnificent whorecash factory


how on earth would a Former Soviet understand that is where the poor" bird" came....

as they ...

wouldnt dream of being that evil ..longterm..lifetime...

even in lil' old  Srebrenica.  

and generally do still value family..

The real history of 


but the shabbiest greed of all ...

And a ' culture' so thick they were all drawn in, too.. .

But all i care about is how to drscribe that glorious bodily feeling when just getting a smile or exchanging a joke with a ' secure' woman

not allowed to appear in literature or film for several decades

but i know it, when i

 live it..


and that, 25% them, and 75% my thinking it through fully... observing, speaking with the 'secure, reading...has been only  in my mental notepad 18 years


now, if anyone can prove me wrong i would love to hear about it, but only if they are a secure person who doesnt make stuff up to be in denial of what they all know deep down

they dont have to 

fuck you up youre mum and dad

quite a few dads did a great job....on their lasses

.. sad thing is tbey all of course also remained married

and loyal

( and i know the widow of a year ago was in fact more a miner... she nearly had me fooled too....until i daw her so so carefree on the beach ... Mounts Bay where no one has any moral memory... with  his expensive she is free to gaily gambol with it all alone .....  

but a brilliantest actress ive ever known...

and clevertoo... the really smart ones like dead Debbie if Presteigne... the High Court disagreed with her right to...sell

as every single local knew...

that pot of gold... duplicitously snout in troughed  all 300k...on his deathbed... marry a not so well copper, far less likely to see through the ruse...or be able to do anything about it, if so... thats genius... that generally does come back to lethally bite, in her case via the pancreas... no question cancer often finds a warm snug home in the sour confused inner meltingpot... of those, herself  forged in the fires of no good daddy time, either..   .) 

The End

it was decades

But the vandals stole the


years ago.

None of my content is about 'now'...

all the lowlanders COULD come on one way streets

indeed only one way

because even 20 years ago it was almost impossible to find any highlander who would equally help with the dull jobs of fixin' it all...

And this the small holdings and small farms ... became uninhabitable by real rural folk..

And the vicious circle began that is all only one way..

I do not blame incomers for coming in...  twas always the first wave -from around the 60s... their 'community' lies and deceit forgot to teach the equal ("arts and craft" types who meandered out of their smelly cities...) 

If you wish to make a few acres or even ten or twenty got to muck in with ALL of it...

share the work and actual burden, and smellstoo...


And this it almost all became unviable and then sold off to Kensington, Gweek-on-the-run, or even big American finacialisation operations... 

so i tried... just to even help get a love;y young farmer a wifey even 2020... him and his glorious Herrock 200 acres... every morning out only ever alone.. even on the most perfect early sunrises... and sunsets too...

 handsom chap too

Nope...  no hope... he wanted a 'real' woman who may be his equal..far too intelligent to know that they exist any more... 

And  to help him raise his girls, too...and keep them on the farm...  rejected by their mumtoo...

They won... only a fool does not know why small scale land use and farming (far more eco friendly)

 ACTUALLY  failed..

And her" mothers's drugs.." even if more likely i guess to be dad's.. though i think we have equality on thattoo... especially HERE...

And my my the sad eyes...  

(FACT - half a dozen real rural ones long known...are a different species... the brightness not from the ket fumes or from a pipette..soon their photos, too.. 'compare and contrast'... )

sex equality is a TWO WAY street..

Follows on from last post half an hour ago

all and nothing time

(pictured a few weeks ago)

as those fine ancient greeks knew...

They got the signange all mixed, uptoo..



vid 1322  " i am eco hippo"

'lip service'

 "oohhh he is one of those awful wokeys who thinks all the other 50.55% majority are oppressed due all that housework.."

To Bolivia, in The Square of the 'Feminist revolutionaries of Cochabamba.'. including several real friend ST Joans who like the famous ST Joan married a man in pokey for his convictions = define 'activiste'.. 

 filmed   " go on sex strike.. until they  - especially those with twitchy machine gun fingers...get the message...  equal  chores indoors.."


there is a part 2...

" and now we have sorted out that little issue in the backlog....  part 2... [ the movie is in the can from this summer]..  her "SIMPLE" life well i am sorry to say its a fuck of a lot of fixing...    simplicity = not being on the wellness or 'breathing' for cash, hamster wheel...  and thus  one is happily in the bottom third, and even if i am as ultra minimalist as it  comes, still things break... endlessly...  and i would FAR rather be doing the hoovering - errata not had one 15 years a brush is far far more  zen enjoyable and quiet... and enough...even on carpets...  than endlessly trying to fix electronics, a and again...  but how come i never meet any woman who wants to do her share of that stufftoo... despite having equal iqs equal bodily dexterity .. arguably better

in the latter


Anyway soon these films get collected  propper into a coherent rambling on...but  it will take some time to recover from the fact that i have never known a region where so many... put their lipstick on just to go for a country walk or to the beach...

or raid South Molton St  for walkwear.. every one an individual (and so ugly, too)

And also  - traumatised...

from their DOGS

(to ylans mum this morn after she says you can have him if you want... " ehh..if i were ever torturing myself going onto scam central - all the fakes pretending they want an online date as even the famous SW fiddler was on 4 years  ago...i would have as my item 1, NO DOGS... having seen so many saddest ever middle aged, usually plus a bit... endlessly bossing their poor dogs.. obvious child or husband substitute every single one of em endlessly  moaning about no more men for me ever.. thats of course the ones who mannaged to rip off the NHS or school sector and con them they were desrvent of public pension pot... to but theor pot with or expensive doggie harnesses... but seriously as i adore animals the amount of displaced rage or loneliness i see going into all dogs, though its at least 90% a woman thing in this saddest place i have ever lived in... has put me off dog owners forever...  unless like you they prove they have an actual sense of humour... ear come gizza kiss Dylan i like you...almost only you.. and i know WHY because your mum is perfect dog owner...she neither needs you nor needs to control you or put her neuroses into you like all the rest... and thus you are the perfect dog just how a dog should, and also well behaved..""

(i do get morning readers the last post i did  add to such a hurry to finish before the sun comes up properly ...

BIG i am a vile eco hypocrite video in a bit..

like very soon

But winning the 'war' after

 ..her wasting my precious time '20.. even a bit of '21..

thinking she may have been real with her deep words of whatever...

The English fiddler....

fiddlin' online looking for.. helpmeet

help her get through her psychodramatic dull days

Queen fiddle

of your South west... never mine.

I was almost tempted to meander 'up country' four years on and have a listen

having seen

But only one person could cure me of ever again even bein' tempted

And to think.. 78 i was sat just in front 

And knowin' a little more of the fiddle thesen days

Now know that a lifetime searchin for her better

Even yestereve on their cliffedge dullest performance

I wasn't even going to see

There never could be...

One of her again... ever ... 

And as for art, 

putting on no substitute

For the inability to ever again 'let go' and trust in

what next

So, backwards... even back, to sat next to him and his rig, then...  stealing the notes of 

Actual creativity

to be continued after filling in a lot


ALL HAPPY CONTENT ONLY.... not that one needs to qualify being i for sure know all this snowflakism 

is exactly what it says on the tin

as cold as ice... 

and they have no feelings to feed

even   the poor parched crocodiles 

who will have to go tearless as well as salt-less...

those ducts as unused, unusable

unrecyclable,  as their so called hearts

So... bee 

Only a fool thinks there is hope for ANY "change" 

and i NEVER look up anything until ive thought of it first.... 

and smiled

always inspired in a perverse weird sick way by the only adult that's actually made me larrffff...

(no one can do, looking in the face of the one person they need to, as the fabulous German did to my interviewing equipment just a month ago.... it is all summed up in only one line... his, then the rejoinder .."  we laughed a bit at you laughing at yourself...  sorry you are mistaken if you think Monty Python  is still the mothertongue of this aspic Aisle of nothing...stuck in .. nothing.. you need updating.... no hope when for some years no one here  can any more...take the piss out of em selves.... what of course The Enlightenment was about, too... "


I having definitely discovered a new syndrome for them to list in


And they could indeed make money from

(though "shamanic breathing" i think i could copyright that thats actual creativity arising spontaneously 

oops... wrong

i only just googled it... someoones actually got that as latest contoo..

ohh my ohh my...


Anyway real copyright new label to groom and curate into free money on  a plate

rather than be a cleaning lady

They... need to go to Eckhart school and learn to fuckin' listen NOW.. as well as painting on his revolting smile for his camera or crowd...

" no sweetpea i have GIVEN UP forever... because of you lot... so so wasting our precious time for decades....  time spent on y'all your fake interest and butterfly levels of attention... no i will never again bother ever...   being ACTUALLY 'active'... and never met one single real 'activist'.. even if y'all put it on your book flaps and profiles and have your PR agents demand radio 4 introduces you as one.... no, 'never' means never in my world if    I     say it... no point... ever doing a thing... been there done it and unlike everyone here i dont need a t shirt calling out something to identify you i never knew you were  all still 18....  but no i will NEVER be doing anything for the ecosystem ever... except maybe one day write some more Homerically just perhaps lasting truths and weave something interesting....  especially as at least one of them 'beauties'  - indeed the most impressive of all with her old backpack and banger....can almost say the words, after my grooming... 'metoo'...part of the problem....and that BEFORE we build rennewables and all that learn to be super SIMPLE and have far less...."


cant remember if this up yet... rather a lot of happy wanderations this summer gone.. today the last of it

so, my dull life..

 Thistersummer, the truly sad but so wonderful one..

the only real 'English' cheer

Though foreign blood, 

not able to return due streets of blood

I knew her country once..

Via in my 20s, a North London man, 'Jew'..

 apostate marrying a catholic who knew

What a load of bullshit and a happy country

once, Ecuador on sea.. kindof best friends, him, and me

Til i drowned his penis extension, that is

bent chartering  the fat man across the seas

(one day)

But to hear from the horses mouth

Playing day after day with their mong who had us

all in raptures day after day

Why her country was ruined.. absolutely beyond the point of no return

I trust her .. her Sad Eyes..

Even if talk about world record pick up

A frosty start on the Social Worker's beach

And before the night had fell, into their abyss of assumption

" but my friend... your Amos Oz rit the best of all books on how to cure one...matters not, whom.. heretoo a load of bodily and beingprecious...fanatix..  ruined my life, too..." 

" know about Amos...?"

But the silver lining, even if stained by crystalline foreign objects..

Just as 2017... i mean, basically... all bad mannered lost little princesses can princesses can go and jump off John O Groats for all i care..

I 'won' to actually meet a real life St Joan.. indeed about half a person...give them nice speeches about " feminism is foundational by witch .. the craft of...of getting 'im to do his fayre share of the housework..under a line of submachine guns fingers twitchin.." is the ultimate silver lining even if in the weirdly glorious place the marching powder is farmed in the hills...


None of my business but i had no idea of the endless signage and showing off one does anything though

and just a quirky smattering of a future one day artwork .. maybe but so far down the to do list...
The MArches actually INTERESTING in that the same old consumerist children pretending to be 17 when theyre 57 or 67  were in fact far more interesting as they tried to sometimes hide their infanticidal stuck-being-threeness

All just vudu...

chief vudu i kinda knew once till i knew just another shabby vudite... and the vudu must exponentially gobble up the world - ever more expensive 'treatments'.. as the latest headware gets even more Horrids.. [as we called the house of 'rape' ehhh.. really now..... wheres the evidence for all those shopping vouchers dreamed about]

All i know i really did not know that EVERY thing here is the shabbiest dullest of virtue signalling... 
by nervy neurotics with painted on yoga glares...

And all 100% lies i have never known such an ununified concentration camp where none of the can concentrate  as long as a dying bees fluttery wingbeat

why the Bees are all gone


Real kairos time

soon, tomorrow, or maybe Sunday

A summer of wonderful walks and even saving nature

if you can save

one Beee 
at a time

But ... alone my my its hard
cos the REAL politics of the land

well at least i told the Mermaid makes her fayres from the
weeding it

no fuckin Chret will come and see
and 'bear witness'
to reality

And despite the "we"men

actually worse than this lovely chap

 he thinks he gonna get away with besmurchin' me

on public money

... but none not one i have met not one man (except the mechanics x2...)

justa load of users of London mores and bought boho bullshit...


For him... he loved every single one of the crawlies  ..or the few we found, when there should be far more...

And dadtoo....  a new real friend.... 

And THEY have dozens of pictures of ME...  rolling around, doing lion and tiger  all him.... 

And to see her face.. gradually soften and  relax...  is what compromise, is... of course somehow the Londoners even if refugees... need to

All morning, from dawn " MOOOOOO..." 

"ohh.. i heard him making his new friends happy again not sure  if they can hear him from the two fields up...i do hope you had some sleep... he cannot stop can he, bringing endless laughter to us all... do NOT ever stop him... ever.."

But the truly real kairosy kairos...

just this week...

There would be no point, saying to the quite ok English bloke...  remarkably un fucked up entirely...

" pity you as awaking 99.99% of days three decades mind as sharp and unadultarated as a newborns bottom neither chemically wet wiped nor dabbed with asbestos... is a better high than the highs still age seventy you guzzle.... 

" but...a few weeks ago just in that field there.... was a lovely family from London, too.... really  ...well.. it was endless 'community' based around on their little three year old who simply couldnt stop being, perfect...  

"his dad  from Israel.. kibbutzim raised... but such a sad man.. for obvious reasons... i fixed him telling him of Primo and Amos...  they knew what peace was... but one could fix her .. she cannot really even return slightly safely to her muvvaland... well at least  until the endless demand for the various powders and 'twill be fentanyl soon enough going by the rate of guzzling ketamine here...i see pouring out of cracked car windows at the beauty spots...ohhh you too..? how quaint ...  her country turned into the gateway out of South America....  so as to supply all of you lovely smiley super boho.. frauds... she says its utterly ruined and was a paradise once my other Ecuajew couple friends would regularly return to...  your drugs...hmmm... really...all 'smiley happy people' still...."

Thursday 19 September 2024

now, one more day

 of summer

at last!

And then i get to work. 

It raining all next week.

I even  ' look forward' to that.

Even if this purpose

being here


At least i know 100% for sure ...why.

And 100% for sure why to leave this aisle...

At least very often.

But could it be too  good to be true!?

" you be my RELIABLE farmer  chappie i trust with my beloved hogs... some of the time...  and the rest of the time when around as  i am the only one i can rely on looking after my hogs, you can go and look after yourself in my Portuguese bolt hole..."

" the only place in Western Europe  as long as you didnt buy in English drug dealer,  and Houllebecquian viscious sybarite infetsed, SW ..Sagres and surrounds....most are vapid little vampires and thats just the blikes... mid and North the only place i know in W Europe where a human will help out another human no matter what their status or nutjob calling is... 

mutual actual benefit committed to....

is a thing that ... works


1+1 =3

for both.

No Green will tell you that as all they wish is folk to fear and distrust,  from which they think they get more clicks... rather than do the fuckin environment, what their label suggests

I was in the bigwigs kitchens.. no homecooked happily gurgling melting pot  cauldron there... just weird control freakery. Being ' green' was meant to cure you of.

So, good  visceral movies that make you puke,  and then  choke on it with real laughter, too.... or  real rhetoric... is all we have left ...

to be cont. Definately. As even Suzi, hardest rock to crack, laughs uncontrollably,  every time i reveal rhe next layer under the onion skin...

Boaring stories storyboarded  into something else?

white lies are allowed for honourable purpose. I am lucky i dont really even have to tell small ones any more....

so much 'energy' used up by all that flutteryeyelash pretence

Not surprising most of them really really  do not age well....

" now"


absolutelly nothing to do with me

Because i have been on about three jobs all summer

And even the saltydog.... well talk about hot 'n cold, blesserrr...

But that was European business, and they dont have any hidden agender....

That was the greatest bit of actual art i've ever seen: 

" she... 

[ i never identify even my place, for a reason...neve    never mind name anyone bin any pinpointable only either actual environmental thieves - as they ALL are only in it for the grants or monetisable clicks.... are worth calling out a bit maybe someday ... unless they are the royalty and manage to con church they are a top goodie, and write the goodie magazine for a big one.... and con Herefordshire council too they desrve to speak on it

.... while burryin' alive little brocks....

But.. thats for one day.. just day  to day work outstanding 

And far to unenjoyable, as are all the exhausting vapids who think they may be precious, when indeed just shabby little  identity thieves.

There once being a pukka personality 

that generally followed 

your countenance

divine or not

But...irrelevent to me as my my the shadows work ive been at for months...

pimpin and groomin

I could reveal....

Though it is merely a better version of Ted Hughes Iron man but no one pushed me off any cliff...

But that one....

Talk about Harmony Hairspray girl mixed with the Nimble one who they should have cut the rope of her ballooney teather...

balooning billows of  health vitality and serene real pukka sugary loveniess....

If she walked down Gwerkside supermodel catwalk  de Six juin creekside ... they wouldnt have to hold their noses  at the eau de shit, their jaws would have to wired up first... dropped in ..

 well think Siskind


like the angel, not if death... stands up and all ate mute ahog at the .. what was that godess ehhh... of the sea i forget her ...i only intrested in actual " change" tomorrow,

all goddesses superceded by something else but how to describe ? ( in the other properly written new site)

Anyway ehhh... well i was a tad fooled even if i wntered total quarantine i give up and cant even be bothered to read yet another rude princesses whatsap....  and spoil my nearly percect summer...

I knew she didnt figure in the rescue  mission....

But to hear ...and i really eas taken in by the super sweetie method acting] ... i a real cunt..

[ and then explanatio why, i believe.. the worst vapid prejudiced rudeness imaginable" .. from the only woman i do kindof trust].." 

Is total 100% 

i was right

about them all

( but where is the skit gone!? millions of views...purest genius..

 why ..? cancelled censored?)

divine performed


even if ten times better poetryhappened that year and...

to hear her again thistermorn, after all these years,  was as impozzible as...

to be cont

... but note to self...
we may be saved by the snorters from dying of boredome...

It being simply impossible to tell    Who    
Any of them are from their face and countenance

except i have at last found one ' poet'   via her texts, and vanwoman; real " bird" alive, and
we want the same thing
even if ..

christ i had to battle through the snot...

if pnly they knew, at 70... some of them do at last grow up.... into REAL wimmin ..
  and chuck away the princess costume

she didnt even balk at " these vapids..  high maintenance 'wimmin' .... all i need is a buffer... theres always a... fix..."

 (despatches from the heartless lesbian heartland: it really does perhaps 'say' what became... that sometimes riffing  [ - 32 minutes in "anyone know any jokes.. in jokes..?" .i have MANY Germans joking in my chronicle i must get to....  but first i had that on my deck maybe number 3 of all time.... Let it Last...  and racist snoutery had allowed me to forget to look it up... til now..] .. " ahh this section of the track...we are now approaching the Londonish Lesbian getaway lands....weekend breaks it must be on some website as lezzie heaven... especially that row of cottages there ...  i see many holding hands down here at The Cape..." is by The tragic precious  British assumed to be some judgemental snotty passive aggressive comment or complaint against their protected species despite the fact that to afford a weekend cottaging there you gotta  be some right real rich ... person.....which Stendhal to Georgie girl Silastically described as generally only gettable with sharp  elbows made of much more  crystal edged visciously cutthroat  steel than anything i have ever managed or would know how to be...  .. even ones who pretend they read good books.... . ) 

THE ..end

 shit happens, for some...

hmm... i dont get it... in that having  merely   few bars of a tune playing on a radio in the background it sends you violation messages  and 'restricts'.. until you waste time digging down into their control freak bossy terminology that at first look is quite scary in tone,  you find its only ' blocked' in " some territories" which means poor Russia, only, when you look up which territories...

And now it doesnt even bother ... 

' demonetising' your video if a bit of someone elses stuff in....

not that ive made a penny ever from any digital....

 and never planned to... 

even if my 'reflections' or Montaignian mutterings,  i know are  often good, rather  unusually frank ..intended at serious pondering  for helpful readons, the quagmire the 'preciousesses' are stuck in... especially here......( and a fair few whom i give quick potted versions of my millionish words to, face to face, on the track agree with me...) and always free...

Even when soon a lot more will soon be 

data dumped

merely for posterity.

About actual 'reality'

... i now wish no more ' moments' to ... ?? distract... from a quite extraordinary  period, that needs writing up at some level... bit it's not abput 'here' merely universal... 

indeed every single word, of what the 'problem' is.... we already knew in 1978....

at that big 'Picnic' 

That yes, proved THEN,  there was racism  as no one recorded...

until the next year

his equal.....  

that day i near touched the hand of the real goddess

who wouldnt have said " let me be...

 i only hold hands with you if youre a girlie..." 

cos she kept her private lezzie  love and affection to herself exactly where it belonged

irrelevent to anyone else

and never even wrote a song about it...or maybe all of them were

up to you.. to think what you will

genious says nothing, that isnt only ever universal

" human" 

sadly her successors  couldnt listen to and went and tried to neurotically fiddle... with nothin that was broke

That tricky old...

 I had NO idea

Four .. years

And a half

June 2006 " my price is.... en route we shall be seeing That Bard.. cos i have no dosh left, years of this nonsense.."

And a whole wasted 18 years thence

Was worth it for at least 

" well lass i think you cannot beat that for an intro

to real heavy metal...

visceral.. bodily... vibrating within, every beat

even if you'll never hear that again..Watchtower .. perfection.."

And there are no recordings of  it... time and time ive looked - nothing that comes close to that bodily experience 

( even if at least a lot of my diary i can look up, Cardiff June 27 2006...)

But of course... there was anyway, someone not there.

Who, made it... and rather a lot of other stufftoo...

As a lost just sixteen  year old i simply have no idea how i got there...

But knew one thing for certain unless the space cadets and vibrational curaters manifesting only preciousness, are right

One could never even dream of it in hifi 

time travel not extant

Four years too busy having the most absurdly sublime time

most of the time

all of the time most of this summer

I had no idea...

Even if i think there must be some copyright absurdity of them putting things up

Then chicken shedding out.. and hiding or maybe making it 'private' or 'unlisted' til the heat came off

 as i know

I looked it up once or twice when i encountered the beautiful peeps taxi driver  flutterin' his eyelashes 

To get petrol paid from his Nottinam' lair

In the year of our lord played a joke on everyone else but me (and him)

And it had first surfaced even before sublimity recreated itself in every day heading out on my  old bike

(reclaimed from...Suzi agrees yesteraft what a wonderful scene in 

fantasy The Fuller Monty... the 'Green' mayoral bicycles having to be restored left in their sheds 

Years and years under an unfixed shedroof

 rainy spot  and thus despite only 50 km on the tyres.. ruined and rot'.. more rust than chrome

tyres perished to the bone)

Every mid March morn  to avoid

their moans

Into 100 days of perfect summer

Someone then used a year on to 'restore' the sound even better

And there she is..or one should say there they are...

Not only the greatest backing vocalist of all time....

But fighting to get heard above the racket of the only one who REALLY ''let go' all the way.... with her fiddlin

All the way to heaven and back...

That trumped even being there is the viscerallity of mid Arena

Those dull boys' guitars and drums working on the funny bones and all other bones too

But it was impossible that for 42 years some creep had been sitting on this... 

Not sharing with a lost world of  utterly curated precious self restraint for cash and clicks

All along the only therapy you ever needed was being kept alive and

its as if the microphone is two pronged or double edged double dosed of real suplement...

 one merged with a  fiddle spring the other ... stuck right up her to recreate every little vibe as if she is in my ears all of her...... 

smiling and sirenwailing from being even better than The MAN of The Book


No one could have beaten Ivry... 

Until she did, and i woz ..there

All along

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Magda for world Emperor

 " i agree  their church, yuck 'orrid..."

so DO something about it like repurpose them, under duress they love that being s+m sanctuary, for all the poor gypsies that fled..

over the border to Germany...

( even if it may be out of date  data, that was about 7 years ago i believe) 

And If ....

The Chréts are right 

they can never be as

they stole ma petite Virginie..

De Brittannie

Sexier than Bardot, 

addicted only to err ' Arraps... 

And poetry

it may be many a moon gone by, but revenge, is only for the gods


bide thine barbs, one day

of serendipity

to turn all one day

 into the greatest expose of their crimes,  for centuries of their snivelling self pity

i have much data..

( the best recorded call " so my friend [ of 5 years] what did you actually DO in the pandemic did you even go and visit the  recently bereaved ..old crone living alone by The Arrow  no neighbour 2 km and i told u dhe eanted you to visit her... stay 2m behind her picket fence if you dont believe in eternity..."

" ehhh...nothing... we did learn how to use Zoom a bit" 

Les chrétiens... ( even if the last pincer movement is still to do...  the cancelled one) 

..   if all along they have the best jokers, jp as well...well 

and they  or their "vengeful"  boss at least was on the job

and  watched..

As  i was literally thinking thistermorn: 

"  he doesnt deserve it... my last penny...."

" but be pure just in case,  being watched...."  .. and as i am sat there handing it over... no one ever calls me, but...

and every word i ever write is just self harm

 as the ultimate expression

of twohanded s and m... upon my masochistic self

lamentful poetry ... 

to the one sells everything

 next to Sanctuary. . ( capital m)..

.... except anything actually "human"... 

thats what digital addiction and no art, tho i dont blame any of 'em the art round ear is generally by 3 year olds...

( i went to watch the sirens at yesterdusk...from my ultra fuckin Poldark meets Heathcliffe and bred,

me... silhouteed... on the cliff vantage, viewing point...

 as i know she... Mary Moves... watches me... the only one whom knows how to bait a movie babe..ignore full fancy thanks grew out of that decades ago....real ARTISTES......progress. 


I am used to, and adore, failure....

but... too good to be true?

no that i need anything having so sanctuary simplified 

to ultra zen 

nothing needed  except i know how to rustle pigs or preferably  " chicks" if need be.  



"now" i understand...

so some months ago pondering how to lure, for their own good - as i am expert at finding the actual zen places.. ... some 'single hiker' to wander a little and even maybe help out at a great 'space'... you find Fakebook groups which are almost as comedic as the pre-god JP...

In the narcissistic cult of bimbofication - and thats the boys, too... but among the endless sickening selfies with mirrored sunglasses, largelippy botox fans... and lycra... are in fact many quite  obvious scammers... i pity the whole next generation how on earth do they move beyond all that.. even a seemingly wholesome oldschool 'group' just a fakefest ... and no one ever has any manners (which was the purpose of 'hiking' to ground you in the oldschool rules of meeting anyone at a country style you speak openly and respectfully "human" to "human"...

So, some months ago we saw through that Wasteland... but sadly there will be many lured in to the people pleasing fantasy for years to come i guess...

But there was something i didn't know...  All those perfect postures, 

on the beaches.. sometimes

More likely at the cafes wifi or absurd nonblack fancy coffees... 

All with the same yogamatic glare in their eye...

I assumed they had real digital jobs.

And then we stumble across 

" digital nomads  colivings and retreats"

There is a wonderful archetypal 'backstory' here but i am olympian gold medalist of turning her fraud into my benefit.. in an unintended circuitous daily many km winding pathway to even better bright eyes...

Top of my story list (other new site - maybe it needs to be some kind of pay to view? ... but i dont believe in money ..) is finding 4 months of pure gold ..not justa  'seem'... due that dastardly 'digital nomad' fraudster... planning her big one.. get rich quicksterism..

All of them lust after whilst pretending to breathe ...for money.

But i had no idea 'it' was this sophisticated...

 All the language of the spiv, merely  moved up into even higher titanium geared fancy lycration of "colivings" ...and ubiquitous "retreat" for even a weekend at a windy public campsite... 

None of them EVER quote the price, for "coliving" at their newbuild air bNb or yuppie office space in the alps... all in the worst ever spivvy speak of the showy snake oiler ..

But the funniest thing of all, is basically all these 'digital nomads' are all entrenched in  some endless battlefield to sell (at no stated cost) their little Elysian Fields... con, to someone else also selling their own little con...

All 'nomading' around -  the modern day lexicon for on the run, from the debt collectors (nothing wrong with that i am world champuion at spending banks money on 3 years of reforming family lore for the benefit of many...and another 3 years  of bank money to fund nomading around The MArches attempting to harvest ever single pro EU cup of coffee in a REAL 'community' to put up signage etc if there were ever a return match with (not even Farrage ..BREXIT was the evil unloved child of Goldsmith and Tinier prick Rowlands - classic unloved British ex public school boys... even Adam Curtis managed to show you that in  

who, not quite comme il faut,  were marginalised from the real powers of the true inner circle and simply wished to chuck their toys out of the pram to SPITE the rest of the establishment... 

why BREXIT) - me happily evading all debt collectors for years (they never actually collect theyy just spend years autotexting one day i shall make a performance  art installation out of them...and the recorded calls in 2020 i got so good at ' you know we have a change in are you single, do you live in a city and want to run away to some fabulous parkland...i have not a penny left all spent on 5000km wandering The MArches .. and those terrible near fatal colds i have had this spring..[lying]... but if you need to run away from your debts too i know no one ever comes to collect so you will be safe with me..' actual many times chats... the other one that works is ' due the worldwide hypersensitisation i have such bad mental health issues i am permanently now on the sick do you wanna see my bank account with nothing ever in it..'   "

crystal clear as actual day unlike the concrystal brigade selling only mud...

Anyway ancient history, the uneducated who dont read good books or walk or travel abroad much voted for  these extremely dubious, possibly even true perv warp driven  - ( like the St Aubyn  family described in his superb honest books their child rape and buggeration..of him... by dad...)

though even Sam Harris despite thinking the future is psychos..

 managed to get the very good but STILL too fancy pants Greg on, and if they could simplify it to:

" rule 1.. never say anything over the line into where folk are  LIKELY to be beaten to death by a moron from their local 'community' such as suggesting they are a paedo unless 100% well evidenced double corroborated real evidence, and digital proof. 2.. there are adequate laws about incitement to violence - or other forms of property 'crime'  even scrawling your name on a police cell wall is against well established criminal damage lore.. they sure like to remind you... signage everywhere, as all arrestees know..... and item 3, even if myself a total WALKAWAYist = pacifist with a brain, just wander out of harms way there is always a way... plus of course REAL change comes from leaving behind the locals who are  the only way the Assads may one day be tortured in return... and the campsites for 'refugees' must be as close to homelands as possible... no one else ever causes successful rebalance in any nation except the locals.. or UN  wonderful bluehelmets in the interim until the warring locals realise their blood is the same colour or more likely they fix the money problems always at root... ... the problem is of course every single white person, even, in fact probably even some bluebloods, a bit sick of the radicaler raggies owning all that lovely desert.. supported the 'Arab Spring' in theory.. which could only occur by the locals calling for unlawful acts of criminal damage via their twatters.. and, not even an afterthought as we knew decades ago... my GENUINELY enjoyed Dianna Abbot - who SO SO rose to the occasion of being  on Question Time ..and many other platforms.. probably got used to it on the platform of her kids private school  hall speech day.... but  other  than that, was a superb role model....    has a budget for a secretary  to write funny poems back at her 'haters' did all politicians even 100 years ago who got actual  real alive smelly possibly even  harmful  dog dirt in their letter boxes...and there isnt a kid alive who doesnt know of a school nerd smarty pants who can ALWAYS find a way around parental locks on a phone..maybe set up some dual identity etc... so parents will have to put their bimbophies down for a LONG time and TALK a lot...with their children, educating them what the cess pit of fraudsters called the  oops forgot in the YUK they voted for free nursery places for all from 9 months Labour's first and most parroted 'policy'.. - the scientifically proven best way to make your children mentally ill for life.. [Affluenza covered in detail] so you dont have to parent and can go shopping instead..."

I have no interest in as no one - not even regularly encountered  once fair minds,  can even manage to remember that SIMPLEST paragraph we knew decades ago..

Anyway NOW i get it... theyre  all on these supposed 'nomad' or cospaceship' sites  all trying to ..

the real laugh is this all started in mid to late 80s i know i had  one too, the brochurisation of everything..

Mine was a genuine actual blatant criminal conspiracy... a nice picture of a plane and some sexy friend and a beach... 

And a slightly weasel worded " you can hire this 10ish seat plane through your business to explore the financial aspects of corporate travel" 

which is a just about allowed version of what was known as the 'bent charter' - not unsafe as same pilot, same plane... but extremely gaolable if you get caught.. we all were at as it was the only way we paid our bills... though no one evver openly admitted this..

(audio on this soon)

vid yest referred to

not a dodgy aircraft a dodgy BENT CHARTER.. meaning no (dozens of thosands of pounds, a company must pay) ... license, to be paid to  take passengers..

half of aviation was at  bent charters 30 years  ago and i am sure still is... and none of us ever even got a slap on the wrist... 

even when i heroically rescued an actual bent charter passenger i had nearly drowned in the English Channel in 1992  - thats what the Sun said!  on a bent charter back from The lovely Continent when the engine went kaput with 20 km to go to dry land... no one inspected the bendiness or otherwise, of who was paying for that little joy ride for an obvious big businessman..... and you really do get inspected a lot when you write off a hundred grands worth of something insured...

of no interest except  the brochuritis... weasel worded spivviness for money

became all thes eFAkebook sites .. and as theyre 'interactive' the poor things theyre not just sending out spivvy fraud hooks theyre being endlessly hooked back by even better fake profiles and fake mindfulness goddesses  (with some more likely to nb male gong bowl sound healing fraudster in her i have seen time and again)

But i had no idea it was a whole huge industry.. now i know what theyre  almost all up to in this whole county.. 

I actually feel pity..its hard enough battling through the fraudsters on solo hikers .. hiking on to nothing, no walkers ever actually walked 

But  to digitally nomad all day and NIGHT this digital mad swamp .. it really must be horrid..

which is why every single one i meet after the smiley ("hmm can i get advantage from him.. yuck look at his footwear no thanks") phase...  is why they are all so absurdly horrid... 

oops. errata...

 The PEOPLE, spoke

with 11 million views

and 3.2 million

i had no idea
 as i dont waste time on the internet. And did not know  that .."....even here..[my lament wandering the hills of Herrock Hill for years, being destroyed by people who do yoga putting up lying notices in EXACTLY the kind of  language used below.... that their 'woodland management' - unlawfully massive 100s of acres felling operation in the "bird" breeding season, is for the positive mindfulness vibes of the trees... [almost, sic] - i have the photos..and film....soon... and is for the good of nature...from 2019..] .... is being destroyed by these precious narcissists...." 

Even JPs past aisle of real environmentalism... 

He got spoken to by 'god'...and now only gets a few hundred thousand views....

the people spoke

Ohh woe is the world, moral of the story: no Yank can EVER remain constant...

Tuesday 17 September 2024

[ making money from ] "breathe.." causes Global Warming


( the hate of enforced flawed PC via the BBC...

"How should bbc be funded in the future" )

npt ready til 1630ish

( incomplete sentence " European moden literature..  women writers..strangely i cannot find great ones, mind you all of Isabel Hupert's work makes up for  this missing link" 

2 more fat ones to put up later..

one for the hell  girls:

Sabine top world scientist ...and populariser of - not dumbed down, but quite geniusly,  sexing it up...

.. says Global  Warming "serious" ...visciously

And JP

more beautifully than anyone else by far alive, actually acts out EXACTLY why its self appointed custodians ..mother earth..

Never gets mothered

Dont diss JP..

Me will have to explain, most simply

why the " breathe" brigade blew deadly dragons breath over all the ' green' work we had done in the past

one more part to do, soon

icon ( fertility)

 i con


I had no idea



one difference from less sophisticated PR


the side of every  expensive campervan


of course even moreso than lasterregion.. ahead of the curve, off the other side of a dead planet 

if one were to post a picture of their absurd little self agrandising  expensive paint job.. ss.. everywhere...

( they had to work to pay for and almost all work has a carbon footprint, of ourse "except for mine"!!) 

they would make sure everyone in their sad little tribal cult, of Just them... knew about it... and me..

And as for

( many audios soon.. there SOME sane ones left)

" there are literally none  left! or about three i saw all summer of 1000+ km..." 

the Devon couple of lezzies lastereve actually said her veg havent grown this year nothing seems to have pollinated the...

bit not one DO anything ever..

even more fun of a  case study here... 

though with far less Guardian and BBC coverage,  thus not as ... hoistable on that patard ...


i think time to go....

but where? i LOVE the track... !!!!

ohhh yes....

The big start

The bookman

The lovely  genuinely sweet  tough  Bulgarian woman worked for me one day... 2019

St Mrs Titanic's...

cos none of the fake nature lovers of Presteigne wanted to get sweaty on it protecting some of it...

long known

But when she...famously Leominster sweetie....

reports how the steroid mad English thug tries to hurt her for going to some new work...rather than do his dishes...

AND  her last emploloyer .. as a garden slave... has the coppers wakingbher up at 3am with truly awful  serious false allegations that traumatised her for many months ..likely as she had a cuppa coffee with  the  criminal liar's [ never got charged] husband in the potting shed...

 which exactly  is the most 'violent' of the sexes.  ? 

Of course one cannot converse with fundamentalists or fanatics   

But... 'community' .

...... the real crime... the bookman she their bookshop cage pet.... 

that he and Mrs bookshop ...ultra hip community burghers...

all day performing worthy wisdom and community


did not DO  anything to see she was protected from both....

 when she's their main customer most days....

" ohh Hay... other small towns around... all thise lovely bookseller types.."

She had survived being a brownskinned minority 


in very racist Bulgaria ( Romania up the road isnt) 

only to be conned by the Bookshoppists smiles.... 

centre of a fairly dmall community here

someone may 

actually look after her

as all day they  preen and perform and specifically say