Saturday 29 April 2023

I must "STOP"!

 I may only have a few readers, but the only writing (and othering - podding, videoing) worth doing is about what a tosser one is....

HOW can i be such a self obsessed twat, actually going around in my head, with actually what imust do to attempt to keep, here, a sequence going...

I mean every van person for some years has known that the Toyota Hiace is THE van to have!!!

They sail through their MOTs even 30 years old...

Actual facts of actual stories, are now telling 'us' (even if i want to live in a shed or cave, in hermitude)

And Karen with her gorgeous old Hiace, almost as gorgeous as her, (who i told about the two most beautiful highup stopping places) half an hour ago actually wanted to give me her phone number. She offered...! This is impossible.

But i do have proof.... 

Woman with the most desirable van ever, and even has loadsa rust, and i adore slowly and thoroughly doing up old things that need TLC... keep them going another five years " I saw you down at the car park...and noticed.....immediately....[being of PRACTICAL sock] ....towbar and such a  handy roofrack too...i could live upstairs and you down below even ...if you need to be atomised... [actual real chatupline]"

" aww its so dad made that roofrack...fab job.." 

And within a mere three minutes she is telling me she must give me her number...

But here i am on my mission i know what i must get to, and i forget what she said and just give her mine...(plus the INFO  - THE greatest of all atchin tans...which is of course a "maybe see you there" siesta time...) 

I did not listen to her the way she almost demanded she gave me hers...

Ok i am not perfect but then it is not hers i want despite glowing ruddy healthy beauty and freewheeling is someone else i already know

But that is a difficult item.

What is not, is hat i so care about my writig, and a 'message' that may indeed take a week or even more to upload, here... i have THAT in y head, despite meandering in a lovely forgotten little small town and a bloody gorgeous woman, in the best van of all, travelling ALONE!  almost demands i take her number...

And i saw her ten minutes later with her 'friend' living here - a broken down old stoopy thing...

This really is the world record fuckup of all time...

But only because (in the 'blame culture') i actually care i TRY and write something you fuckers were in my head...all two of you

Oh well.

I suffer for my actual real one should...

Mind you maybe she is staying over....and i know where the whole 'community' will be tomorrow..

Meanwhile in one of these absurdly (philosophically) useful weeks - utterly unplanned..i think this is episode 3

file title 

Share ‘pod 27 aprl 0830 part3 i THINK.MP3’

my point is though the most diligent digitalist ever....some weeks even i have so many true true sublimes..and gifts...

i forget where i got to - maybe there was one a few days prior to 27th - my notes are usually perfect...

but like Louise always said...

(to quite a poet)

of course Louise will never talk to me...i am REAL.... i must be in real places like at the foot of a truly ancient mound... y a quiet

and ZEN = it is so bright, this moment now...i cannot look at this photo before 'posting' it..



i know it is good, at the level of making various points

 Main one being you can ALWAYS get a good tan even in April in UK, if one simply arranges ones day, work, this...around sublime spots which are also sheltered from the prevailing wind....which even a 3 year old can work out from the bbc forecast 

And thus, also, your natural 'immunity' and other systems within us that nature put there 50, 100 thousand years ago... probably millions, WORK the natural environment we are fine tuned to BE in....

I have several back to nature-isms...

One is about the full moon (dont ever believe the womanly " oh my it brings out our 'feminine'  - i have no idea what that word means.. and am a science expert, and feminism-equalicist expert)

what it is for....

another is winter, ditto

But mainly, dont listen to the national Neurotic haridan service (NHS)  - if you were a proto-human, and had just spent several months in an unusually chilly period...  I can quite assure you, that come some even February, March, never mindApril sunshine.... you get out in it and bathe in every my ancestors will have done 200 thousand... ten thousand... years ago....

And thus - this is what we ARE - all our systems EXPECT that to happen...are tuned to require it to be so...

And if you fuck with nature by getting too fat to sit on the deckchair, in a corner of an old wall, even in January sun...

yes you will get cancer or something just as unnatural...too...

I have three 'melanomas'  - over the last 3 years... two the last 6 months bubbling up..... but no matter how hard i try to get them to grow and kill me ... which would be quicker than the boredom of waiting for a REAL 'warrior' woman...

(one in 2020 got huge and bloody - i would film it  - its called TRUE zen the series..) 

they keep just falling off of their own accord.... in the sunshine... and where they were 'killing' me, is then healed within days..

there may be a clue there..

ANyway tghis is costing me now! karen is truly gorgeous we had such a lovely long chat about her van, life.. way of life...warts and all... but i forgot SHE said i must have HER phone number...cos my mind is on getting THIS finished...

for ungrateful slob...

oh well (did i do 'gratitude' yet? there is so much in the can it is daft...i must stop soon, and just upload...oops forgot.. several big ones are uploaded and i havent even linked em, here yet

actually sat in the splendid strongish English sun...i cannot see the words to de-typo...

if there is a god, you can read them...and she who charmily said "typos are kindof nice" or words to effect...i have them all still, a love poem tattooed on my inside leg...

 .....also reads, cos it is only inspired, made in fact, by her gypsy soul... if only she would pet it out into the sunshine...for real

ohhh....and if you are an uneducated slob (blame... the state as education in UK ceased decades ago...ask a Serb or evebn Portuguese....superb world class real teaching peeps to THINK....see through the cant and vanities..)

humanism, or even philosophy is: go have a cuppa with your worst enemy, Suzi... on eds... and see her eyes light up when you give her the propper rhetoric "their cannot say ANYthing against Muzz Arendht.... use THEIR Queen AGAINST them.... she, not me, said "when we cannot say certain things in society...we already have tyranny.."

with obvious century long codicils - actual incitement to actual violence ... obviously against the lore...

As it has been probably since lore was first dreamed up... even the idiot pixie version

(they gather near my old patch, tomorow... the ultra false Messiahs...ofthe green world...i reverted to terming them 'pixies' only a few months works... one laughs at pixies, blessem...and knows they are stuck being small beings...forever...

only real BEings... can save the rivers...and flowers and birds and bees...and REAL people do not make up offense or find reasons to not value someone....unless they know them REALLY well...over a long time..