Monday 24 April 2023

Intermission, even if like me, he...

 ...knows that ALL 'missions' in this madhatters tea party

of a Sceptic Aisle, are purposeless....

Thing is the (patent, copyright) nuclear therapy we have taught ourselves, really is the answer, to all your woes....

And the cure for 'love' - real love....where one can say literally ANYthing... and knows that none of us are  really 'special'...

he bloody started it!

Three years ago, and still going strong...

Now, even if i live utterly in the moment, most moments are sill powered by those schisms a few years ago.

As in what on earth does one have, to do to 'pass on'  some truly great well looked after (then just cleaned) wonderful kids toys...many second hand when bought but a thoughtful person buys his second hand thoughtfully...

AND.... LOOKS AFTER matter what nonsense they weave