Monday 22 May 2023

All the way....

 Now, sadness, is...

even "sorrow"....

Last week - or three....

you actually have to read me with a poetical bent. As it is all exactly at this powerful poetical lament (and a gang of big black angels shouting out the most perfect chorus of all time ever... as per):

She, needed help..real help... her 1940s born father. Had so so so Englishman... destroyed her life before she was even a facebook comment for him...

 So, the ultimate rabbit hole... is when she dasily recanted, his lines.. starting with the one about her!

"once upon a time... i dressed so fine.."

But as the days went by i realised, nowadays, it is only words....performance... 

"all the way til' the wheels fall off and burn..."

Is not a songline; it is a genius summary in a word picture of about the last 10,000 years of human history: there will always be nasty greedy bastards and injustice....

And.... even if one were like me and would resent as an environmentally realistic person one smallest wasted  atom of "burned" rubber is conceit  - as all waste is conceit ego and vanity...

Nevertheless as 'spiritual' or better "lifeforce" guidance....

If you are going to, as example, 2008, take on in person the lying bastard of a Minister of person, by and him.....  and win

In only three months, you better be prepared to go all that way... til those wheels fall off, burning....

But to hear every great phrase - that for some years did get to some of us, and make us think about our performance - is it real? turned now into a commodity to make her seem ... ' good'? i don't even know how to describe, the end....

But i have lived her, for real....all the way.

Failure is no success. But i don't think they ever believed in success. Or change.. even those whom make money stating they can magic it up.... nope....change really really is hard hard work...over years....and above all one must be totally honest about when one may be or may have been, lost, faking it...performing it...

or you just become like all the rest...a bit bitter and twisted... guilt really is a tough one... always. Its what almost all literature is rightly based on...for many millennia.....

just because someone invented being a space cadet...doesnt mean the human soul magically was reborn as something new

All i know - from decades of good literature...and other media too... is that any kind of improvement that may work...eventually...must start with the truth; even if every sentence of it may make some readers squirm, there has never been any other way...unless one believes in sky fairies, really being in charge of everything...

And i never met even the most crazed zealot (bigot - all Christianity is sexist piggery - i know as for some years i would quiz philosophically many Christian friends... real ones...devout...even highup in their churches... and it is so so interesting - and subtly their sexism missogeny ...lack of equality... they hide behind modern so clever brainwashing even their most powerful sisters within their churches.. that all are equal, when... [to be continued]....)

  who would  instead of trying to steal money from passers by (" join our saved.. no one will openly ask you for a direct debit of 10% ..of everything...but if you could, well...our lawyers and insurance these days are most expensive..") go and lie in the road and expect the sky fairies to reroute all the passing SUVs around their useless lying hunk of meat... 

And.... i have hundreds of hours of so funny chronicled recorded chats.... 

i could be very rich if i wished, by now... but that is never ever the point. The only point is to find one person alone...who gets it...even if subtly, there is no middle ground...even if silently (as largely i have) "all the way..." solidarity and fellowship in that....  is essential, or there is no hope... and may as well join the "oh hi...its the self pitying death cultists" as i would say hi to my nutjob friends of the cross... and  mean one thing face to face: we are all the same flesh and blood... equal... even lost to the most insidious brainwashing ever, you lot are... so be day you may see through, yourselves...and be human again