Monday 29 May 2023

And so the grand PR drive begineth....

 except as I no longer believe in inhuman, online PR, and all mine - except for a couple of sadly digital-only 'shares' - i mean three only,  discounting several recent facebook 'joins'  - no idea why i did...  especially when the nice email about art and all that is ignored,   i do everything only face-to-face, so it won't be that grand....  even when i get to the odd handwritten very small signage (lets see... can publishers read? probably not...)

I could have, for ten years stared to roll this out... but i have only ever been inspired by one person who "  someone is needed to watch each others backs" and i guess gets small space, simple living....and thus i just, unplanned started - February 22nd... the face that launched a thousand..... shipments of good books? (i don't need to author - she should...)  or  three clicks, only (along with only very rarely sending anyone a link, i never check 'stats' or 'views' have absolutely no idea, and don't need to have any idea if anyone ever follows through, because i honour only one fine small-space liver... i mattter what.

Anyway long planned - no not really, but long 'maybe this year...' ed

Here we are...

And back to the 90s  - almost no signal, which is strange as clearly the numbers are way down, and those here are desperate to show off their cleanest fanciest toga, while the ouitskirks of Rome are already burning, and one can smell the smoke just around the corner  (to the photographer lady half an hour ago "for gods sake chronicle it... tthe end times arrived everywhere else - the hilarity and surrealism here of the deniers is poetic imagery of the highest order...its mainly why i am here !")

To maybe 'promote' - the problem is that io do enjoy doing the full version face-to-face...

Now... the story behind this 'space' is about 3 volumes of War and Peace...

maybe one day

When she dies. 

It is a comedy. But a tragedy too, that sums up why all environmentalism and ist writing.... long ago i knew was fake.

  Now, i don't believe in cheating - hashtagging, linking, search engine optimising. One 'reader' who got all of me, fully....would be enough. I thought i had once found her.... but who knows.

I do know that i would hate to be uploading a video to tik tok even if they cut the sides off any decent panoramic video such as Dean live Glastonbury 71...For Tik tok... official not 'sponsors' that would be so gauche, but  the media "we are working with this year and 'driving' ourselves  towards  at our Hay on Wye Festival of LITERATURE"...and other dad arts...

Cos those 2 photos took half an hour almost to upload....

handwritten in-person version only for a while...

As Apsley Gerrard beautifully so beautifully once said "i may be some time"