Monday 8 May 2023

Bank holiday. for some...

 Though dull, in theory

What the excitement, zen, zone of super simplified life,is about....

Is hard to put into words, when 'working' as now. 

Because words such as be 'organised', or figure out every 'efficiency', sound all 'male' and almost domineering. Apart from other things, and as a single father for 13+ years to one main but then one adopted young female I know what 'feminine' and 'masculine' really mean: not very much. (ask the soviets who managed the gulags - gulag part 3 - excellent stuff, they figured the women could work in just as tough conditions, manage on a BIT less grub per day, their workrate just a BIT lesser than male, and ask the greatest soviet writer of them all  about her decade or so in those camps....ohh guess what you don't have to she wrote the greatest ever oppressed people memoir, about it... two volumes... (that in volume one has the ultimate Black swan event, the intellectuals in '36, '37, assumed the midnight knock on the door was coming  from friends of nutjob Uncle Joe,  and off to the worst hell ever in the   and she described how  in those months of waiting for the inevitable  the writers, teachers, thinkers, inevitably to be fuckerated up by said Uncle Joe, would physically and mentally utterly collapse - especially bodily; total bodily apocalypse.  But when the knock came, and they were unhappily ensconced in such torture chamber hell,  their body/mind would in fact become less truly buggerated, even during the daily torture, in other words it is the fear, anxiety, about what next, that is in truth the total torture of the body, self inflicted, unconsciously of course.... )

Anyway back to the job, of the day

Let's put it this way, that over years, only rarely as they all do it in such a contrived, controlly way, sharing thoughts and  even (YUCKEST WORDS EVER) 'lifecoach' sort of tips, or even spiritual guidance,  it is presented in such a one dimensional way. It is preaching. It is for YOUR self regard.  It is of no use, unless it is alive and may even have a real life cliff edge story woven in. 

The way to engage (oops, preaching) is to write or even turn a camera on when REAL stuff is also ongoing and may intrude at any minute. 

At any minute, though of course like all these non rural types, it doesnt get the fuck up 'til lunchtime, and i awake always at first light, excepting from May on for a few months when first light isnt enough kip,  the nonsexual helpmate camerawoman, may call and neurotically tell me that its drowning in a bit of ferkin rain...

Which adds tension, an UNFINISHED material. Happening (now).And it becomes more an unknown odyssey, still underway... tally ho!!   

However one cannot even begin to chronicle, or do footage on the truly interesting little developments, if one does not have such a zenned out 'tiny house' existence, always, so that on the minimalest (i know - deliberately made up word, may of mine have three meanings, i am actually a good poet so ferk off with assumptions) time, money, and  aggro... which all come down to one thing: drain... i hesitate to usethe word 'energy' as my my my how the Glastonbury / (and now especially) Marches and SW con artists of the soul have coopted that word "your energy.." "my energy" ..."pay up and i will realign your energy"  my my their snake oil operation is ... 

....well, it doesnt work...i know  - i have decades observed it. Sometimes even shared their bed or kitchen....  

Only true simplicity works, at first freeing oneself of foibles, hangups, and if so ferkin poor that every atom of real actual 'energy' has to be curated - i.e. when one can afford to run the battery,  over time the HABITS become automatic, wherein true PEACE ... and centredness. And then also having over a long time - it all takes time..."time is the enemy" a genius poet sung, in the greatest song (camerawoman was trained with yestermorn..) 

get ones super simple habits, driven in through the eye socket (i have to laugh - like the one i do love, in a middle aged knowing what i wish for the rest of life, way, i have never watched a horror film,  but had to relax last night after the most intense pull yer socks up session ever...and as pure mind numbing, settle myself back to old self, forget all, just zone out with a movie,  happened across Mafia Mamma in a new comedies list, and thought it will be the silliest bimbofest ever, but  in fact is so well done that even extremely gory scenes are so funny i wasnt freaked or depressed...

And i like the ending... 

Anyway, yes...ehhh.... 

horrid words you cannot use around (we have a name for them - shared lexicon is simply the key also to EFFICINCY!!! )   the Little Miss Goas...   they always have some reason to fear (all it is) you if you use words such as efficiency or organisation...  because their game is being above all that - why they are in a total mess, though will take your money for dodgy counselling on how to be...serene..and beloved...just like them.

One cannot guide anyone in anything, TRULY helpful, such as bbq Black swan recipes, (true evolution, true change, true maturity  - all it is!  true  journeying to centredness and inner peace  NEVER EVER being available off a menu one of my own copyright wisdoms i figured 10+  years ago) 

 Unless one is organised, phone/camera, audio recorder charged matter what...

nice writing pad, several pens as one always breaks at key moment...

And i am world champion, in ALL circs... being organised, always,  just enough...such that at any moment i can flip back into chronicling mode....  or even counsellor mode... as long as i have protection (now theres a story or ten - i shall share, sometime....) .

So that if great, real, lifetime opportunities come up to for example to chronicle someone who has actually good stories to learn from, despite being a bristly bloody can drop all other stuff and function on the prickles...

if they are genuine....  so as to tell you about them one day

Properly. Albeit without video editing - takes 10 times more battery do it. you got a  playlist function, me i have reality to do....

Indeed a truly great example of the above. I had absolutely no idea there would be best ever upload speeds here. way up high, a fair way from the one mobile mast in the region.

I spent a lot of the winter gone at a gate 500m away, texting and all that - one provisional fellow journeywoman, only,  whilst walking my hills... and i know signal there is awful...hit and miss 

Little Miss

here it is best ever in whole region...


a day here, superfast speeds, loadsa footage still to organised so that i can take advantage. 3 hours of onboard (12v) battery ... (into simple inverter, to power laptop) .. food...just enough...

and Tally Ho...

especially as my ONLY luxury item for years, far better camera, 1 march... (so interesting what next, ALL recorded.... ) only so i may be able to share interesting stuff that just may get clicks and maybe somehow i can live like this forever as i adore every second....even midwinter minus 10 and my phone on my heart, for two reasons....

But even i cannot quite live only on fresh air....


you see, tension, i have absolutely no idea what next

Except i know one thing, that unlike, sadly, every spiritual or mind/body, guide i have ever encountered...i do actually have FAITH.... but i have no idea what exactly, 'in'...or ..... 

to be cont