Saturday 20 May 2023

"craziest self harm video, ever"

 I do not ever, put titles to video clips...

Because they are simply my diary - first draft of things to expand into essays, or operas, and thus  i leave the filename as it appears on youtube simply the date and time  - still the best by far place to video share, even if one has to be careful about bits of mother nature sticking out of your undies, having a riverbath

And anyway any 'clickbait', is cheap... and even the so called worldclass 'public figures' using such strategies, is following the herd into the lowest common dominatrix...(ooh thats a  bit poetical for a man in real pain as i write - all s well!) that only lessens the odd wise word they just may  manage to manage....

If you are of value - true value, you should wait...until the value you know you found.;or maybe is up to the 'fates'...

And i know what i write and have done for 20 years is pretty good - which is enough; any attention only devalues the absolute in the moment 'visceral' now..of BEing

At your best.

To my huge surprise.

But, why.... really why tthe 'schism' - a shorthand word for give up forever on this society

See video here (in utter paradise on high) here, uploaded, in half an hour 

takes half an hour or so to upload and process