Monday 8 May 2023

'mindfulness' and 'hedgehogs'

 last video was actually what real 'mindfulness' is, though not in a simpler version i shall do later on... because i found t thirteen years ago - once i had the agonisingly fucked-person, 'space' to actually be nothing.... other than needing a few things to work, and knowing that if I - one else, me, did not look after them always, and get MY 'static' out of my head... in that case unarguably caused by evil (counter legal status) child-abducting acts of others...   

if I..ME ...did not notice anything that could go wrong...I, no one else, would pay the penalty (to quote a great poet) ...and usually the environment too, meaning every wasted atom of energy, every broken thing... has a cost to 'nature'...etc..

If ever ANYone around me is in a often these days they express their emotions with the right foot in a motor...

then maybe "squash" .. though in fact these dire figures

are far more from incomer townies needing to tidy up every square bloody metre of even their rural gardens...

I know, it was my most enjoyed work...until i realised "oh yes... rewilded gardens... fabulous.... but maybe not quite yet..maybe not this year...we have a party next week  ...would be lovely if the grass is all mown... hedges [unlawfully, prior September legal start] cut..."

SO i cannot do that work any more...cos i just cannot abide fakes. And i never meet anyone who isnt 

Anyway mindfulness, to do properly

Hedgehogs  - to do even more properly, as the very best ever science was around a decade ago but i cannot find it - google and the web stolen by the self promotion brigade, the simply superb study that stated - a 'meta study' 

hedgehogs and foxes to be exact - as metaphor

the hedgehog type - say Stephen Jay Gould (superb science writer) , bumbling, not very handsome, no CHARM... makes claims - scientific or political, as does the fox - lithe, fast, charming

and this could apply to any area of science or medicine, or politics, or 'HEALING' (especially, nowadays) - ANYthing where humans seek advantage, or Facebook 'likes'...

over time, with proper analysis, the claims of mister charming foxy lady... are LESS likely to hold out to objective scrutiny, than the claims of Mister bumbling hog....

trust no charmy ferker... is the science, there. About science - (so handsome charmy) Dawkins v Gould...etc...

yet come to the actual rural hinterlands, and parents... who will be so eco on Facebook, of course,think they have the right to ltterthe area around their rural houses with a chemical called paint...which deteriorates over time ...and may give the hog an upset tummy at least if it licks some on a  worm it is about to enjoy..

Which will sound like i am a horrid old curmudgeon...nope... the real enemy i have, as i know his book is false - Mister Maybe's 'Nature Cure' ...and the actual "environmentalists"  ... because, for years i have observed from 'within' how they will not even allow talk of THEIR own  chemical footprint, in, say, as great glaring example - being most of Extinction Rebellion (i know, errata KNEW! ...schism time..) MUST simply must.... redye their brightly coloured hair every few weeks... and NO it is NOT just the chicken factories destroying the rivers  - errata DESTROYED.... "fucked, dead, sterile"

 (from just last weekend at a my when i upload the film and recordings of THAT day.... spikes will fly!! hahh hahh...i have been beautifully busy, reminding myself, live. last time ..of why schism)

...destroyed, by poorly maintained waste water systems... that let chemical infested water into all the rivers ...always have...always will...and of course they never ever point to themselves as being  maybe just part of the problem, too....

(and never mind may a picture of an XR with different coloured hair each week, i have their strimmed bare gardens photo'd, too...over a decade.... no more mister nice guy... though i would never name a name....except maybe one day..his...  )

 act now...and blame someone else...

when among other things most of 'us' arrive in motors, one per motor...and go home to one per chimney... and of course tell the tales of our chemicals we flush into the rivers are 'natural' - no such thing.....all new molecules hedgie hasnt adapted to - that taking millions of years, may destabilise, hedgey... or his grub... 

Back to the Maybe...

Ok a good try.  But...take the above videos from 18 months ago.... they should be called 'spiked'.

'Nature' as a cure, is on there to remind you that you are mortal, could be spiked todeath just like that.... do not ever ever ever take anything to heart...except my phone last winter in case she called...

and i wished to hear every word she may ever utter

oops can't say that... she gone...

And incidentally, it is exactly the same for the actual REAL 'sublime'  - The Sublime....

All of which i will weave together -many years planned, now the kairos...

but for now until i fix this keyboard there willbe so may typos in what rattled out  - especially today - i never plan what i write it just...happens and when it does i never stop  - speed type it splurge all...and have FAITH in.....

what the fuck, may be the ineffable forces...... does 'help' 

Anyway as i am leaving.... for sure....time for new-horizons-on-sea must go see one last time, my (ONLY ever use of word - bu it is complex)  'healing' hill

(to think....eight years...marchin' up after day...and then one day i saw her, one New ears day.... i knew then, all a bit ferkin Wutherin' Cathy gone nuts.... no rural person wears a fur coat up in hills midwinter....beware, this is not a person in tune with hills, nature, or actual healing..... and yes she went dangerous, only time in my life a human has made me think twice about my hills, her behaviour dangerous and in fact 'harassing' ... but seeing her again the other day, my my how she has aged.... and looks even more dangerous... of curse they never tell you that in the tourist guides how the lonely sad ex city types bring their angst with them and almost never can let it be in the ..past....such that sometimes, or most of the time...always, they behave like quiet rural humans...centred, not taking themselves too peace....ALLways... )