Friday 12 May 2023

 And now... i really can just keep with the program, started last autumn. 

Disburse, all previous point, ever.

Thing is ...up in the hills last night - away from their melee,  and recent extremely interesting, but sad, 'experiences' processed, i do 'see', really, inside the head of the 40 something cohort. 

And it started 30+ years ago - i remember so starkly, sat at a dinner... 

"hmmmm something really really has changed here.... the ways of being, 'vibrations', ways of speaking, even around this simple, failry easygoing homespun people, London dinner table, flip their chemical drugs, ecstasy, the rest.... seem to have shifted  their whole inner core - brainfunction, whatever it is....  time to leave !! it is not my world any more...  "

Now one could of course add "this will not end well", but that would be fascist-lite, 'othering' people....who seem to have become almost the majority now..

Or at least one can say with reasonable certainty, add  so much weird chemical stuff  in their heads, to that dopamine syringe the smartphone the last 15ish years, and the facebooking, to so much sadly just useless parenting...

And i can feel how their heads, inside, just work at a completely different rather restricted bandwidth.

And my own greatest lament of all, so few of them just curl up with a few books for a week... which sorts out even the most topsy-turvy skewwhiff stuff in time... 

Oh well.... 

So we have to get into all this