Sunday 21 May 2023

Rimbaud, hehhh...

Now, i know perfect places; as perfect as it is possible to find...

And there is nothing better than Something Understood, live, on the old a sublime place. My Sunday morn, 06.05 appointment for 25 + years 

'Be yourself', we're told. But what does that really mean? What is this thing called self?

BUT... but.. that so hard little word; I lived on and off all over Europe. I know Europeans are almost always SAFER as people. Especially after UK invented 'road rage' - a way of being, that has spread,  maybe 25ish years ago.... 

And i have read all my Rimbaud, even Pessoa; The Portuguese .. whatsisname.?. nobel lit...

Thing is, this:  If one stands back - i can do; not in any way be influenced (except by her lovely paintings of nature a few weeks ago) by the trendy 'surrealism' or avant garde trendiness...  

ALL these thinkers, all the Europeans -  and i adore Europe far more than  truly toxic, UK-USA (it is, even if i have to admit I am a Whitmanite),  fundamentally they are the 'problem'. 

One exception. 

All these  thinkers - Rimbaud to Joyce, to .... the 60s yanks who adopted them... .. except maybe Thomas Bernhard the true king of satire (satirising his own world of the thinker and academic, so beautifully)

Are quite simply ONLY of the cities and large towns.

And... the real 'thing' that I full well know is almost impossible to say anything intellectual or even a bit 'wise' about: If as i have done, one spends maybe 2/3 of ones time for 20+ years... in places like this - where there is hardly any human (read: mechanical) noise until 8amish... and often a bit later in the day getting further away from human noise - up to the hills with books and notepads...

Then one is 'different'. 

Or at least one can say that noise..from the clanging of  bits of metal at a boatyard to the harvest machinery, to in so many places now the awful greedy creeps who fly their drones - stealing my quiet; imposing their status hobby on my...lands.

It changes ones inner self....

And almost all of human history until the last few hundred years...

...most people did experience 'nature' at this level.... they were the great majority

But nowadays it is - well it started really with these European townies...

And fact is they are just so full of neuroses cant and vanity. But they are your world..