Tuesday, 9 May 2023

so, why the vids..?

 messy, raw, never ever planned.... 

And years i have wandered the hills, sometimes - sometimes... rambling essays into my dictaphone. A few i publish here and there... 

But this is it. Years of not only doing this, now i wish to only do this. Purpose is wonderful. Especially when i know various strands of many year 'causes' are all connected, and though failed -  at a societal level... it is certainly a good last 'cause' simply to share some truths, and insights, that i know are rare...

But i also know the books, even films, and commentary that seems to have caught the  public imagination. And i know above all one thing is necessary (do i ned to say "to try and find audience in the more thoughtful"?), character. But what is someone's character? I don't do charades masks or charm. 

But i do know there is a place that I reach, not many do. A fairly interesting character - that in truth few know how to pigeonhole, but are to some extent intrigued  - more usually fearfully in that i long speak quiet truths, almost all do regale at. I know this from the (serious 'on duty') roaming conversations i manage for a long time. 

So, all i seek is some kind of commercial support - enabling a little publishing, maybe more professional mainly audio podcasting, however in that i know extremely well that it is only if they may get my character, and support that. Which i cannot entirely show only by written material.

I have in the past done some national media (on causes) and know it is the most boring thankless thing one can ever do. Unless a Messianic narcissist i guess. Or perhaps someone with true genius talent in entertaining. I do not seek any interest. but i know that if one has messages one wishes to share, then some element of promoting material and being accessible is almost compulsory these days. 

Thing is....also... I am not into 

ranting misery material or angry insults. Because they don't WORK... nor does fey Russell Brand style (messianic) bubbling Russfest stuff either. It is too out of the 2015 mindfulness and Bud lite, handbook... and those thongs never truly moved or CHALLENGED anyone to actually change... he is part of the soma, too. It is all "we are perfect... they are not". Blaming some 'them'... not his so chummy audience ...

Forever, stories of others acts must be told such that we are aware that we too may be just as likely to fall into bad habit... that is the point. The stories must be alive, engage, not be solely the endless opinion (and mirror) of the storyteller. The Brandian approach seems to rather fail to understand this. If i fail to remember this i would like to be reminded.