Thursday 18 May 2023

Tally ho....

even if, what is ongoing, from dawn....

could, this moment, go either way... 

"an opportunity like this, for the real sublime...i have never known..."

And a bit of my ...recent...'memoir'. The simple version of what tne black swan means...and how to stay young

pt 1

pt 2

So either it goes one way, the way for three it should.... according to all universal rules of homespun rural goodness.... and i get to a regular plug, soon.

Or it goes back to the way, before... last July.

And that is perfect too, and i meander back to churches and libraries, sometimes... and forget they all ever existed. And just write it to here, and now...

A life...not mine.... at a crossroads. And i know it is a real one, that a rather hackneyed old word, that every awful body mind and soul 'guru' and lifecoach, rather overuses, especially if they are anywhere near the media, even their own self generated dud variety   

Lovely pictures, and audios to add in soon....

And soon back to handwriting....