Saturday 20 May 2023

The 'c' and 'n' word....

 No joke, I, we in fact, could be extremely he knows. 

Two men, one brown and portly, one svelte and in fact i probably do have more GENUINE 'slave' blood in me, than he lied about 'owning' for the first year of our.....

our what?

It is indescribable - all 5000 messages (i only rarely message anyone else - rarely), in three years.... we write a different version of a Homeric Odd Essay...together....

THE most inteligent person i have met for years, even if he likes "bimbo musac.".

mainly...but we raised ourselves, seperately...on Rimbaud, and of course . Joyce... all so fabulously translated by...our Bard....

The words. The glorious headfuck poetry.... the searching for actual sincerity

Bith of us joust often from dawn...

it took two years for him to goad me into using in writing his 'n' word...spattered here and there as performance...

But the crazier, more liinal, ruder, we get..i mean as Hannah Arendt said (listen audio below) .... the absolute pure loving collaboration.#

I have never loved (ferkin Platonically) a man .... but the second our eyes met  ..May 2020...him naughty boy running the lockdown cops...for many miles....(him staying at his BREXIT racist mates house, near mine) ... something clicked....

And it will not click back....

Our poetry ... simply is golddust

BUt it only works when " look ear you blubbery walrus...NO whatsap.. you blocked....  [serious] .. pictures do not work... as we know you and i text joust as if the gods are in our little fingers... three damn years now........but it must be stark, sudden... no aforethought... and it works by magic...ONLY that way....I think we proved something, important.... [another day..nope we are above mere money - that would have spoiled what just gets funnier and funnier.... no matter what...'said'  which of course is pure love and all the rest... in one].."