Monday 15 May 2023

why [in italix] ... keep it ultra simple?


unplanned - almost as if the 'goddesses' had sent me a best ever example...

with which to make my core point, I haven't written up yet, so i will sound nuts...until it is all woven together

because there has never been a simpler example of what someone  else most clearly 'needs', to assist in repairs.... we are not allowed to use the almost banned word, to be 'fixed'... but the absolutely classic  chaotic person, with classic 100% avoidance strategies, for so simple to understand reasons - ok five of them in one person; after endless repetitive counselling, after endless repetitive  logistical tips... all is clarified so starkly. And all becomes clarified 99% of all that time...wasted.

Because the required fix, is big...

Butt when it is so straightforward, it is simple 'purpose'... And even if last thing i ever wished to bother with again, a reminder of two things. Purpose feels good. Simple,  no argument, obvious pathway, purpose...

And secondly that so as to be able to progress even 1% of real purpose, that is 100% 'service' to another, for no money or any reward (and 'people pleasers' cannot ever ever mean "thank you")  - as it is ALWAYS so so so time consuming....

so so time and everything, consuming ... one needs to have such an ultra simple and cheap existence, so as to be able to divert 99% of my brain and day into rescue...or just guide, a bit...

One cannot in any way do anything REAL in the 'community' unless one has so so cut back every superfluous second of the day, by existing so simply that all ones attention can go into the biggest waste of time...ever

(unless.... hahh hahhh smileything, esteemed people always leave room for minds to be changed....)

SO now i really do have the best  writeup ever of modern super simplest living; because there is a live-action story woven in....  will she bite? (they all do by false allegations, these weak, un-esteemed, uncentred,  people - used to be only women but last decade men catch up on that little tag race..)... we shall see...

Whatever - even if  the local railway line were used for a purpose it was not intended.... and i am someone who would not even wish the horrid mad Donald, or anti-THEenlightenment-brexit Nige, a summer sniffle... i could not be better prepared... just in case.

Because i live so simply, and purely in the moment - even if i have her plans written out for the next 5 years.... as, no, people are not ALL 'individual'... i also realised solo daughters - if solo child....  my my they really are so arrogant its daft. There is a less nice word also...

There is such a clear pattern...reflecting....

But then they cannot help who they were born, and thus somehow allowance has to be made... 

Last bits of now-film.... and now, time to go backwards. From now... show  time...