Tuesday 20 June 2023


 I REALLY do have my little write ups planned of the super simple life..

but i is psychological... 

that overconsumed ( a year as lost sad part Kings Road shopping sad yuppy)...silly manbag bought in a fit of silliness33 years  ago...

and never used... back home "yuck how pretentious and silly what was i thinking"

how ugly - and in fact sums up he ugliness of 'shopping therapy'

ok it requires some money to have a 'store' or loft... to not waste he planets resources by chucking it where it should have gone...

(if one was the landlord of my ex loony bin...my my the skips there.. GREAT art)

But the true pleasure 33 years on all other nicer less silly-looking man or general carry-stuff-around  bags, worn out... even rucksack... holes in it

The total 100% pleasure  in having rit large how that silly one 30 years ago.... is now recycled into being a life saver almost...

man bag inside rucksack = all is well....

Perfect parable, for the fact  that our first impressions....may be the exact opposite of years later, truths..

And one real source of happiness. That yes is bodily


all suspended a bit as no woman i have met for some years (except the fab farmer) pays their dues... or bills in full

occasionally the coffers run driest

(my ex reader - fatman ...silly me he has no life so despite being the only person ever i have blocked...will google me and all that nonsense.... sadly even he didnt take in - the simply perfect poetry and NUANCE in the songs of the 70s and 80s - the spirit.. proper arful sedition but love too..universal human love...(if you LOVE humans CHALLENGE them to be a bit better, maybe, be the BETER version of themselves... sometimes at least ) really were important...and create a way of mind that in good hands may further that superb linguisticness - sadly only Brits and yanks managed... but is not too late to LEARN!...