Friday 28 July 2023



the work program....this is good kairos-good - no mmore new themes or subjects or wafflings..specially as just gwet properly back sifting through and see whats such a pleasure its daft.... the life ive lived...a bit

ven if " only when you accept death do you start to live2 every single one loves that line - probably not original but i dream everything up literally on the spot...

and then may Homerically repeat a tad or two...

The Pol....

she gets only half a page... even if the many page obituaries are still wet from the tear stains of her waling simple story, about someone ...i knew... who had a very close mutual friend with me... hung would have thought that would have been a bond... when it came to... continued

if i can be bothered...

to personify...the problem...

should have ten pages... but one simplest story -or moment....

 from last Monday...brought it into starkest focus once more... "nope... that ... xx is paradise.but only truth talkers do i ever again wish to be ...even...near to...only authenticity trumps what she has.... all my life i have rather been drawn to...[you wont guess its never been rit...I have asked enough women over the years, and they always draw a blank..]