Friday 28 July 2023


 to the handrit 'sad... true ennui...

because i have seen it so often in the distant past - how the Tom-Pauls so so suck in all the freethinking good people - those who DID think for themselves... resisted (even if privately, to me).....

Their Polly-Katrinas,.. 

(its come back 'Polly'... thats why i was so buzzed up smug with myself for what a poetical pun in a Pollification of her.... is a seriously very very sharp double edged sword of a word...i haven't even started yet...because the ultimate first crossover green goddess...was a very famous Polly...i knew...

13 years ago...)

of course keep the pretty humbler competition at arms length... the length of an arm only ever used to paying for...that serf...

Even if she may occasionally pretend said serf is her equal in something...say dancing, or even superior...

But every single the end...

Lets just say one day a long time ago... my mother i found one day with her serf wrestling on the kitchen floor.. the serf had her hands very very  firmly around her neck... as her (the serfs) eyes were popping with rage ..

I wonder why i quietly closed the door and...walked on back out to work with Ralph..a real human above all that psychodrama theyre all addicted too, both mistress and serf...

The very bottom rung he was on... the only one kept his feet on the ground...

Me ive never been drawn to boats - ling ago knew what a work of wonkiness, ...only small space living, happy people... 

But are there ANY left?... i never see a real smile in that place...never... and i am a consummate lifetime experienced people watcher and know how to see... as well as listen, perfectly