Monday 17 July 2023

If only women attractive...

more than 'attractive' - more than sexy more than desirable...just lovely.... just human, just to be totally at peace, equal, esteemed, no wondering... total is to be even 15 minutes with a woman who just tells the ..truth.

Up 'uther side of the bay.... Lil' near 70..... 

" well it's like this... the river going into the lake... it was ruined on that stretch, dug too shallow on the other... [ etc.. full description] nett effect.... [ exact 3 species still just about extant described]   nett effect as good as dead...terrible condition... thirty years ago me and me dad would fish and i know its naughty but the taste...or real fish caught naturally...plenty around...

"and ALL rivers for miles...all utterly as good as dead...

"oh and i can even tell the names of the three chuffs, sort or rewilded...mile up there... my chum, he's dead now he took them up there as chicks..."

If only the Fakebook brochuratti sufferers of that terrible illness-  nothing new, fake sales of the self via brochure was UK from the 80s...

but when it is personalised ...

and weaponised by each dopamine bullet of the like button 

it makes one so ill.....

 compared to magnificent happy great to be with ..Lil..

And i am not tongue in cheek..

And have met just a few Lils over the years... always the same - superb posture for age... happy easy gaiot....bouncy and with bouncy mutt...

" i can tell you are ok ...your shnutz has got a sense of humour....hes utterly chilled even for a youngster.."

Funny that... i believe her 100%... not quite the story one gets from the puffy chuff preachers of radio 4 chan implying there are millions swarming

Or even worse the puffed up [ younger -they always get the worst spiv ever to have existed, son of older spiv, the 25 year old super spiv chappie]preachers of the 'National Trust' on Corncounty wireless...imply they are saviouring the universe..

None of whom compare to the mermaids - i could identify the main centres... just down from shit creek... " our connected energy of the universe and energy of light we alone gather and sow... will of course mean our river is fine how dare your bad energy uggest otherwise.."

I feel sorry for... there is nothing like in fact i was pondering other day all humans are are 'relative' to... comparers...  compare the truth woman - her vibrations harmonious and groovy... make you feel alive even if truths related sad... the inverse types - by far majority once Fakebook broshuritis took hold... state the universe is theirs to harn3ess into saving the rivers, saving them the job...

Are so unhappy... lined...sad... behind their painted on smiles...

oh well i tried..

Oh yes and before  - as all Fakebook B sufferes do...assume.. ten years a greater majority of males worked with to rev them up to EVER DO anything when they speak of eco concerns...

utter disaster

the poor things became lost to thinking all answers to everything were on the OTHER regions of the web - the expert analysis of politics in EU places.. etc... not actually even ever having kissed one of the Jenny foreigners... never mind spent any time LIVING there...

They all became madly lost to the 'expert' web which is all 100% homo erotic Peterson fantasising with a jolly good dose of dodgy Dawkins... WHY WE NEED WOMEN IN IT!!!!!

nope...forget....and the only exception lovely K**** .. i discover he too has lost it...his mental 'health'...

the end for sure...

nice interesting expensive arty pic time.. i have taken many


oops i forgot loads of interesting audios too...

one day