Wednesday 26 July 2023


 And in fact a perfectly poised writing place. Atop a cliff. (data pack over until tomorrow) a town wifi... that after so much fighting to get! smileything...

especially when an hour siesta..waking to the pitter patter...

a perfect 'mood' manipulator

getting me in exactly the kairos energy state

for nighttime smuggler type manoeuvres  

But i shall attempt to join dots here first for my 'fan'.

likely trying to have me indicted, too...

(WHAT A SPAECH - five oclock news i was crying what a superb speech! 2003... falsely accused,....hahh hahhh .. i hope someone knows a man who can make a speech like that should be given a job immediately as jobshare PM...  ! ... on this fine day of men  showing up their false accusers.... but me i wouldn't wish compensation, damages - every smallest turn of the damaging screw  - if one is lucky like me eventually could not only be turned into pure art - i would understand...and others too if they can just shut the fuck up and allow think... Silas great art in 'response' to sleights she was faced with i am quite sure... ditto plenty of real art  - simply pulling tongues at power - and POWER - real power...cos it went to private school LIKES that... but you gotta do it and MEAn it (how myself i got laws changed - with aplomb - they know if you use THEIR weapons against them - seditious poetical duelling... they want MORE because thats all they their attachment-traumatised  nursery  from age about 3...weeks... Katrina-Polly ... to busy researching the best facelift company nowadays online... to have time to look into her newborns eyes ALL day...any actual human would arrange their life so as to do nothing matter WHAT the 'price'/...