Friday 21 July 2023

probably hymns!

 " a singing horse lady.... you are interesting.." time to stop and stare

and enjoy beauty's stare...or glare whatever he line is ...or undyed gorgeous hair

Anyway. 'politics'  in fact (Ralph Moderner was born out of " the pathetic jerkoffs of the left and 'Green' political world...had they 2016 simply got he RIGHT word ... being  close to Europe  and better women in bed, is MODERN.... we would be ok, as all mad British undercalass who think hydration at 7.30 am and neon, and some flashy helmet turns them into a superhero...would not have finger upstuck at .."modern.." nope... the self pitying fakes of green party time..never 

dont get it

ALL MODERN societies...have proportional representation

(as the big man said to me a year ago... " ehhh Simon nope you are wrong... there is one that doesnt...Belaruss!" now that is great rhetoric..."Sam stop moaning about being a black 'looked after' child...your fuckin 40 alone have got it...the WIT!... the it cannot actually have done YOU any, twist it into satire...!")

But it came today as i prepare to nuke the Libdems - a year of the worst conceivable mad dysfunction - even at London HQ all recorded... -  no only do they NEVER communicate - never follow through, 99% of the time you cannot even get a phone number  - LOndon HQ actually gave me a discontinued number for SW Libdems las week...simply wishing to tellthem about some youngsters need supporting by THEM on their [wink wink] Hel**** pages initiative...  way to get some Libdem votes !...nope.... not possible ever to speak to anyone ever or get any email answered... they should be struck off the ballot - fuckin fakes of the first degree...

and 'tough love' (for anything but Boris and co)  is yes telling of heir naughtiness....

SO yes listening to.... what IS Britain - the only country in Europe which doesnt have the balls and brains to go to the MODERN mode of politics, PR, in some form or other...all my adult life playing this 'midterm' game of "wow the Libdems /  greens, [or any other simply disgraceful bunch of narcissists...wait til i release my working FOR the green party tapes.... who destroyed a young woman their ONLY good candidate.... because she was young and in fact a REAL WOMAN..NOT A NEUROTIC TOWNY CONTROL FREAK WHO ACTUALLY COMMITED FRAUD GETT ..not shouting caps lock i must whack so hard... they arentworth shouting about hey are so predicted - in he bible: the Pharisees and Sadducees.... gett money in Felicity's - top many year Green councilor... back pocket from major NOT affordable housing not green property developers...]

anyway... yes.. any intellectual or just person with basic sense knows we have a two party system that is de facto as two party as USA... however it is this performative charade that " wow a swing to...." in fact truly harms a society - a perfect metaphor for any woman sat on the fence - refusing to be herself all the way in public..of COURSE harms her....

it is a middle class middle of the road form of torture - in fact "martyrdom"  to silly dead notions....  that somehow we are better... so harmful and sets the tone for so much (in wider society - this every few years melodramatic performance of Bojo near lost or the ballot, all that matters:... 9/10 times its straight majority one or other - and when 2010 a slight swing ... the useless libdems get 3 out of 20 is it ? cabinet ministers with a vote ... so what!  they have no power...only one of two [people in uk for about 80 or 90 years have ever had power a red pm or blue pm.... full stop... the notion it MAY be otherise without electoral reform is as stupid as thinking the Tom-Pauls will give back heir Corny lands....they live off the rents of...unless you make a few real holes in their hulls... and they drown along with heir masses of paperwork on mummy's estates they live off but dont mention in he pub... FULL EXPOSE TOMORROW!! ) 

Being middle of the road kills even hedgehogs

Not showing your spikes...when they are there  - thats life -  a fine one!... kills everyone

only showing them...may have them gradually worked away at with a spike softening tool...called DOing stuff...all the way...

with someone who knows you and is committed... despite the sharpness.... to watch your back. Or rather make sure the GOOD spikes are prominent..(and others made aware of them) .always...

quite seriously - it is the every few years "wow his could be it...swing to Libdem .. will solve all your woes.." 

when real politique and by the real life rules it cannot ever happen when it comes to real votes... that keeps UK far more stuck and sick than anything else... . forever in performative limbo as a sick child high on sweeties.. thinks it matters.

Or carries any sway, except that from being perpetually drunk, on its own ever thickening urine...

ANyway where was i .... one thing i need to jot just in case they get me.... (SO many missed t's in this.... my newphone doesnt type the 'n'  even if Samsung £1700 model... **


loads of recordings to star to load...yes....

there was something else

** - yes i recall..... now here is nothing worse than not looking at emails or messages - i was obsessive prior to about January - ultra manners is always that - indeed humanity IS always having space for ANY opinion by any other...

until you know that he person with the best opinions ever heard goes wonky by screen.... such is the sadness of modern times..

so change that habit - hope hers change theyve failed to now!

(oh yes Maximo from Trieste - If This is a Man - yes a real one  - big guy...later)

but talk about the best email ignored in history ever for not sad reasons...

even with £100 a week offered for an address [in the tax credit system  as about 10 million are - now Universal can get housing costs if below a certain income - i have income  - yes she paid up or started to from 4 weeks ago....having been threatened TEN times with absolute total exposure...Hay lady we are back on now...mrs healer and spiritual she tells everyone for 20 years,  and they  - her foolish tribe ..paid her about £100 k..up front, believing her....- nope...  i the only one trying to put her accounts in order proving she didnt really defraud them wasnt ONLY her fault..... now paying £80/ month of £ 2000 owed.... but WILL she keep up her payments - next monday next tranche?  - the non communicants..well one never knows. Only trust a 100% always communicates...always... 

anyone who cannot communicate cannot ever be 100% reliable - sad but true -  so i have no idea if... it continues...

anyway yes wow....

so, no 'roof' for 20 months .. but is no no letterbox the real only prob.

#1 lying bitch shafts you so badly (her #4 of 4  employers the last 3 years) you end up short 4 months ago... i pay all my bills.... 

no roof - no issue, no letterbox maybe issue...

extraordinary how one can dupe the van insurance company NFU - simply best prices ever... great service if miss a monthly payment... no extra charges for any changes.... (more for their advert soon even if i cannot be bought)... March a pyment missed for he first time due #1 liar...#4 of 4...but i guess the worst

 5 times i have her recorded taking my bank details...and promising in FRONT of her 10 year old... reimbursed expenses i paid from my pocket last early winter... will be paid next day... (and she has £10,000 worth of factory farmed sausage dogs) 

so... insurance monthly payment paid a week late - had to call - when next tax cred payment came in.... 

but..... in meantime they had sent a letter to my old address.... 

that must have been sent back "not away"

few days later

email - tile "address on policy number xyz"

uhhhh ohhhhh - done for now!!!


" why open something i cannot do ANYthing about.... [especially as again now.... her assumptions the last 3 months ohhh well..]... sure as ferrets are ferrets they will just cancel it but...forget it..focus on what i CAN  - then, change....maybe ."

and ferk me... insurance monthly payments still going follow up email.....i never opened first and never will!

..£20 a month is simply magnificent!!!! fully comp...and dont even need a home address!!! wow.... the angels are on side or ..were...

.. talk about bending the rules a few years ago getting back for me my 40 years no claims bonus (often 2 vehicles - cheap banger runaround and proper larger van for running child and zoo around) ...40 years NCB stolen!

if you dont drive a few years - never banned ....

simply BEST mode to be - no car changes your whole way of mind bodily thinking the was paradise for 4 years...ultimate silver lining of poverty from 2012....  three years no motor... then so addicted to it i went again  2017 - 20 no motor...

 NFU swinging it in 2017 so i got back my lost 40 years ! (they dont tell you about THAT rule..) was miracle.... 

I hate all not opening emails but...i know what is justice, and right and wrong....and simple and wholesome..and quirky lovely human.....and it is never in  any email