Saturday 15 July 2023

truth day


oops wrong order...very much fist draft

the women next....

whom...over 15 years...

... and that is sadly the real true story.

The 'environment' is land and animals and manure and veg

I have known well, three couples - who work in it together...

in fact in the aforementioned site there was one couple the only consistent force... Tom_paul ommitting illegal acts of refusing to allow them to claim their rightful working tax credit...despite working for HIM..on his land... at maybe 50 quid a week 'expenses'..a year...

Because his super ethical 'SUSTAINABLE' 'cooperative'...etc etc every label going... didnt pay tax and he doesnt want authorities to know he way below minimum wage..

these Tom Pauls are so genius at their smoke screen... 



requires the women to tell TRUTH..


No fuckin quarter..

I have known three superb couples working on the land as couples who do...
healthy fit truly beautiful people with REAL smiles

The DANCE..all day around their landholdings
they move they flow

And because they have someone to "watch their back" they alsdo take party in civic society at times - they DO stand up against Toms illegal poisoning of birds of prey so his cousin Rupert can run a pheasant shoot... not too far away
they DO try to fight pollution..


They may...( though all uk so effete - and i DID this myself a decade at great risk and true being tired out to death)... help bridge difficult situations in families - estranged kids for no reason... adopt a kid to give the kid time on their REAL outdoor land life with animals..


in the REAL
can only work if couples are coupled and in a healthy way

And as except for one - i lived with her 3 years until THEIR lies actually put her in mental hospital

The lies and falso statements of every woman i have known but one...(excepting these three couples)  in real life IN the environment...has utterly decimated

REAl (not fantasy) 'community' around using and PROTECTING land...and animals...
never mine combining, merging, to reduce footprint

And i am sorry, as a 'feminist' - nothing in the baber handbook about lying or cheating to get equality in my looking through...

the way these mad parasites  - all from cities, meandering out to safer rural [places after reading a liefestyle mag...have totally ruined ALL small scale  REAL fragile community - which needs to work on HONOUR, only - yes you WILL always be reliable to give me a lift to... 

my daughters funeral pyre.

NO matter what.... no matter what fuckin lies you tell yousreslf about how you 'FEEL'... has totally destroyed real rural existence and ENVIRONMENTALIM...

go to a meeting of environmental people and the COUPLES...dominate and are respected the most.. they rule the roost. Singles drop out over the years... the couples sustain...(even fake ones like Richie and Celia who i got the rusty bikes off)

All the (lonely masturbating - as thats what they are doing!) singles there drop out due psychodrama, change to life 'style' = they run out of cash its far more expensive living the 'i am me ' life..

And every woman that came to sit on a corner of Tom-Pauls lands.... from cities... has just made it ten times worse with their herding men/ 'relationships' ... wahtever ... for THIER sad self regard..

And i am afraid that really is worth a book..

because it is reality

I have seen and lived WITH..animal after animal... cast aside, NOT looked after well enough ... because fanstasy women come to spin ferkin fantasies about being some Echkart Tolle fuckin robot...  on how to 'listen' and...'Be'...some  false nonsense ...ask Camilla Tom, rachel and Chris... Sarah Simon...all i have 'studied' as land working couples...

All incidentally who read REAL books - good lit - Bates, Elliot...etc..

what is required to be sustainable...and they know full well it is NOT the relationship 'coach' guro mindfulness whatever or even yoga or dance control freak - they are the EXCT opposite of what creates truly real sustainable couplings...

Lists later today

but it is the ...lies.... total and utter hall of cracked mirrors...  weaving a total fantasy persona (once the facebook Queens really arose 10ish years ago) that has truly ruined your environment... of course the Pauls Toms - though they are ROOT of this...  try and shag all the wooffers and secretly take drugs even age 50+ ... because they are lonely the best they created....and imported from the richer cities as of course they are far too above shagging local meat..... despite living off "buy our locally grown sustainable  veg ... " at Hay (extremely rich farmers market types) market from 20 years ago...

And the women they import are from cities and by deafault liars... thats how you survive in cities... thats what you learn age 5 ..maybe 10...i guess... 

And so the Toms and Pauls -of course they even have written books on 'emotional inteligence' to pay for their new Bilj pumps... 

But they havent an ounce of actual humanity, just to shouldnt be like this really... their so damn LONELY..

They and their lying lieges created the perfect storm...

And rural ralph began 5 or 6 years ago to attempt to say something intelligent about it... but guess what as soon as one ever messages even to a TRULY intelligent one of these lieges "you arent yet telling me your truth" - you are hated forever..

ONLY being truly rural and outdoors a lot and loadsa walks... and sweating over the spade growing vaccination against that poor lost princess 'hate' - of course they wont like that book...when i write it..

And for my own lost daughter - even Sally - the only one who WAS fairly rural and honourable - knew my lass well ... failed to actually be a grown up..

Thats the start. Soon...

And the end is of course no obne ever can ever think "on behalf of another beautiful little being... each day is a new day... forget the last one"  - rural folk know that...and arent spikey. 

Others... their sad ways and 'feelings' and 'needs' mean all the spikes end up only in their own arses...

And a child will not get to learn about really living with an animal...putting IT first..

As i have seen time and again (15 years)  in FAKE...'communities'.

Loads a Tom-Pauls and Kates... and Alison's she should have restrained the second Tom-Paul with his "serendipity and its innate beautiful embodied soul will keep it alive in the forrest"

" no it fuckin wont you evil killed that ferret we gave you for your niece beacuse having bred many i TOLD you it cannot forage for itself if YOU allow it to escape it WILL die a slow long slow pained death..."fuckin Bob... recycling manager at Hay Festival...2011 i believe..  

he believes he was a 'shaman' too... thats how her got bad-in-bed Alison, in his...