Sunday 23 July 2023

workshoppers... shaman/ witchy/ crystaline / dancin

 oh yes....

Nothing new here..

20 years ago TOURISTS would come to Brecon beacons national park campaite we lived 500m from...

and because they had NO idea of the land and animals...despite performing their love for them

Monday morning there would be their large binbags of unnecessary packaging from their cakes and sweets and ... too towny to know if they leave them out on Sunday night, as they Monday morning the foxes and whatnot would make sure the litter strewn all over the 'environment' they...

of course the lazycunt campsite owner - bet shes still there 2 km out of Hay-on-Wye.. too lazy to build a store and signage...

Then we had the true shaman and tribal gathering dancy place...Hollybush Inn... yes VERY sensetive real environment around and about - i lived 3 klm away in 2010...

All the shamanwoman...  movement therapists... even if only a dozen at a time that time i did have my camera...

theytoo of course thought the fuckin fairies would stop their even larger blackbags of litter ...not blowing in the wind much of the next week after the foxes munched through the bags sunday night......all flying around as if dancin with the fairies...into the rivers and into the bat sanctuaries... they sell plastic models of of course..

And nothing changed...

And their children of course chuck the litter now....

As they were too busy figuring the next 'spiritual' sales gimmick to actually teach them to love the nature around them... the real version

Maybe as they didnt watch the great culture - which ALWAYS was about authenticity - ALWAYS

gotta watch it....all ...i did a month ago.... 

about.....dont ever ever take self seriously...too... everyone bops in the end even sworn hateful enemies...