Saturday 5 August 2023

I am only 'embodied' and have 'imagination' ...beacuse

Not only am i able to imagine that the ultimate body tale of silver one can MAKE ANY MONEY FROM - could be used to help others...

......and anyway is the best psychology of all  - saving 1% of yourself, too coy - silly onion layers the same as (January "what is your truth then?".).. being frightened of all of yourself

in fact ...i am only "Embodied" in an actual  living body because of the very worst conceivable unlawful attack on me...

i was told could have had a major damages claim....

which is not only 'forgiven' but SAVED MY LIFE... about 75% medical certainty in that statement.

but mainly that i had the imagination to understand -...and "process"... not from Eckhart crap; but that like the magnificent Miriam ...ooohh this is interesting....  as Bernhard Schlink opens one of his short stories in Flights of Love...any parent seeing their kid oppressed should off yer pop with him...

...but Miryam and her so so sad tale, of how her boy accused her of the worst imaginable horrors... i happened across just a few months after this... really did embody REAL 'help'... and maybe this can do the same for just one other person one day.  She helped me sharing something so embarrassing - but real, via (my supporter) ghostrwiter storyteller Jean Sasson..not Miriam's  OPIONIONS...not her telling me what to think, simply telling the full awful truth. 

hashtags false arrest  - don't bother suing... a warm smile from the magistrates is priceless

hashtag ... UK .. why it should be in the Hague

and many to add in why i bore myself reviewing what was said...

i do not 'need' to do the above... it may have negative side effects... but one thing is for certain that with no reliable sane humans around despite their fancy personalised number-plates and only snide disingenuity in the UK...i could not rely on any other pretend 'friend' to pass it on... fully... they can only manage a few sentences of fakebookese... "ohhhh you do send LONG messages.." anything more than three paragraphs...