Sunday 6 August 2023

last post only just de typod rewritten...

 sorry if already read... 

better go back and read agin...


purely back to filling in poems pictures i have lovely pics... recordings of ZEN RAIN on my tin roof a week ago.. the most wonderful meditative sound there is...for free no need for some thieving Buddhist who only got his temple via violence...nope 100% non violent simple ascetic rain on a tin roof......

.all for here.. soon

ohh and some recordings of very confident good communicator women...its always women... me i was a shy part nervy wreck in public age they age thirty can play large stages at Glastonbotty...and then do super confident interviews about how 'neurodivergent' hey are...quite a few of hem...

And hen ... loads on how almos all once fine rural babes seem to find 'solace' controling...controling ponies is easy.... they arent hard and human..or real...and political-money mad... thats what the countryside returned to... girls and ponies...showing off he most expensive form of 'control'.....on inherited cash of course...

 no point your all zombies or..if its a hologramstuck.

Not me

but if he poetry of it can be alive and fun.... maybe it makes it tolerable...and maybe one day some wise younger will 'get' i met already seems to...she needa a whole village to pROTECT her from this uneducation even round here...lethal toxic cant and vanity... bit of sanity will be hard hard won... even for her i guess...without SOME good books...  i read one shor one...16 pages was it...suggested could be so so much more....

needed... in his absolute TIGHTROPE ... time