Now i never plan anything. Not wish to waffle for hours so certainly don't plan anything.
But then that rather wonderful word 'kairos'... sometimes, unplanned its 'time' to spit out something i had never really dwelled on too much. But spitting it out, is just a great thing... its almost impossible to put words to things just developing a thing of their own.... unplanned. No take 2 ever....
And then....fave one else around... 0.5 km from sea ebbing and flowing and so wonderfully QUIET !!!
tally we go....
And in the splurging they solve onesself... not any 'problem' simply why one is as one is... it precipitates nicely. When before it was maybe a bit too shaken up.
I have never put what i know are my own unusual fundamental foundation stones quite so succinctly ... and i know, for me, i am right.
subjects contained within
1. The most expensive failed date in history, with a beloved Yugoslav woman. (and i forgot to mention i spent ALL my meagre life savings on the journey)
2. Slavoj....
Purpose book 5 the end part 2. Yugoslavia and other ex Soviet bloc states...and me.
But to add.... some references within the above... this 'cultural relativism' or whatever the lost idiocy of there is RIGHT AND WRONG...or orality (nope you cannot dis that word... Grayling rightly wrote an essay in is Meaning of Things about prurient Christian sex morlity ... or even moralising about a BIT of HEDONISM... that is not 'morality'... 'we' in the UK dealt with all that bullshit 40 years ago... and if the Tories sold many a new golden visa for a million to pentecotalist and Mormon dinosaurs to come and invade the Marches once Brexit was a done deal and they could have a bit more payas-you-come expensive USA evangelically funded immos..(i believe i alone noticed...years ao!). thats not 'morality' either thats cheap...
It may be a fact of may be as the Jordans like to ake themselves clever saying "35 % of the internet"
In his truly awful frankly ignorant latter day poseuring... (ANY society that sets example to gradually wean off fossil fuels even if Global warming is some 'error' is....cleaner...less polluting in ALL THE OTHER WAYS...too...never mind quieter (an official polution - ask a farmer!)
when teething troubles are over...
But even more germane, with the notable exception of Mr sachs...
a fairly unimpeachable source - hardly tin foil hat, especially as he was often '"in the room" during major negotian points in the last 30 years of EU history, rightly reminding us [even if he isn't specific enough] that "ehhh....a HELL of a lot of likely nuclear tipped [or very very quickly tippable] Yank heavy metal has been put into Poland the last 15 years... and THAT's the bloody reason Putin decided no more... that was his REAL red line... and anyone vaguely honest knows anything real about the whole region knows its the only game in town: Poland selling itself as prostitute to the Yankee Military machine... "
No one can know Putin's mind, he may not even know it himself, but it is racist foolery to think that him and his chronies do not watch your Jordans ("most influential dumbo in the world" ) and Naoms...and just about everyone else has of late wavered off the 'causes' into making personal medical slurrs on Putin calling him "narcissist" " psychopath" the whole range of medical slurrs....
The point being (as a lifelong pacifist ) ... not that they are 'true' or even 'false' but that i do know the Eastern European mind and certainly those of Putin's generation REALLY REALLY REALLY don't like any psychological talk... even if 'true'...
So... on the day ( a few days ago) Ukraine even if overplayed in media "breaks through" Russian lines...
It is extremely racist and not culturally sensetive and for all we know maybe lethal... that everyone wants to talk about for the last few weeks something that NOTHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT..never mind about the most insulting thing one can share with a Ruskie.... Putins supposed mental attributes.
Anyway, myself.... it may well be an extremely fringe activity, falling extremely deeply for Yugos.... but i think these thigs matter. Apreciating there ARE maybe very deep seated mindset diferences. Me as in the above chapter of waffle i know i TOTALLY 100% accept the total value of all other cultures... especially those in the East of Europe and Yugoslavia - the latter totally changed my life... 'is' me... what i found there 35 years ago....
BUt trying to understand diferences in any people should never be as the BBC do now turned into some smile fest of such imoral garbage even my jaw dropped today the way in one of my many years favoirite programs i listened to on my crackly wireless... the fairly objective weekly round up of recent God Squad politics (money) .... most faiths covered quite matter of fact
but no...we now have
a program ONLY about PORN STARS dishing out more porn...nothing else, just porn for wanking too and as many many men are addicted to an APPETITE for many many hours a week on the pull...... and ask any OPEN and reasonable wise person who is open and not coy in the WEST where we fuckin is the pits... inhuman sick exhausting.. a massive problem for BOTH sexs for years i should imagine every younger woman for some years finding their true love for years has dark private thoughts "but is he like so may an utter secret porn addict"?
yet the program never even uses the word PORN....
pretends cos someone diferent to aryan smelly whitey is doing porn its somehow more righteous...
Can you be a sex worker and still follow your faith? Sex work has always challenged religion. Although it’s broadly considered immoral within Christianity, Islam and Judaism, sacred texts carry some mixed messages. We hear from a British woman who grew up as a devout Muslim but now makes adult content for the online service Only Fans. She’s often pictured wearing a hijab. She’s received death threats but believes that expressing her sexuality and making her own choices about her body are empowering. She reflects on the difficulity [ HAHH HAHH BBC do as many typos as me thats copy paste verbatim] of reconciling sex work with religious faith.
Meanwhile back to what i guess i care about.... or maybe dumbed down idiocy is better. I never forget hearing one radio 4 play around 20 years ago made out ALL East European arrivals are sweet little flower children being bullied by nasty Brits a bit...
or Miss Understood....
Ask me it will take many decades to begin to (for THIR sake) 'understand the likely quite different cultural ('DNA' if you must!) mindset of many E or SE European arrivals...
And a perfect case in point, as someone in a past life who was (as per audio) in the nest of the vipers and even sweet homo Masters of The Universe banking all over the continent...
I am not intimidated by banking and kind of saw it happen - so well described in this unusually excellent documentary... which is likely to be a better true history of Britain than any other i have encountered possibly ever. And not only could i myself almost 'there' (as they opened up their offshore havens and the like, ) not have put it so succictly and well argued... even I didn't know the likely conclusion that under the surface Britain still 'controls' maybe 40% of the money supply of the whole world...
In other words knowing even ones 'own' people or psychogeography... writ large in Cannes-on-Helford.... or 100 other locations... may take a lifetime. And i bet very few people in this land really do understand the contents (and implications - real life) of the facts of this land....
BIT LEFT OFF...i forgot....
It will come back it always does.... my mind with all that processing and pondering Slavo seems to rather childishly hate ... is far far far the 'better' for it....functionally.
oh yes....
... i know that i am pretty 'normal' - and have even been 'tested' by the delightful game players of this facsist lite state ....and result: issues ! :-)
but when i get the ultimate 'blocking'... yesterday.... ???
why is it i feel energised?
...i have always found this - simply keeping to creative or poetical thinking, if i am ignored when i am splurging ok improves....i get energised.
Of course in THIOS society nowadays one isnt allowed to have opinions about a woman....why.. i call that a kind of fascism as the scientists - the few good ones who arent browbeaten by bullshit are crystal clear the differences woman and man are really not very real....