Friday 6 October 2023

believe* in the 'fifth element'

The Fifth Element

Sarah Goldingay examines the elements and explores the spiritual significance of the idea of a 'fifth element'. the meanies of the BBC just MUST remove things after a month - from here - though the track list etc remains

I made my own mp3 recording to pass on

because i have never heard such a good balanced authoritative riff upon there being 'something' other even if ineffable....without overclaiming anything - and ask me, and i may be entirely wrong, it is not overclaiming any understanding of the magic or "divine winds of coincidence" - my favourite phrase as soon as i heard it a month ago.... No pixie claims, no off-with-the-fairies shamanic or  other 'energy' claims....  just a load of gentle 'maybe's....  

Seems like there really can be some useful assistance from the 'forces' or innefable whatever....  just let go, get out of the way of the words, or even planned dance steps... trust


* 'believe' - of course one must not tell others what to think... anyway 'belief' is a weird one - it is far far more real if one has proof  - lived proof, to power ones belief....

Even if the 'deal' seems to be the goddesses are tricksters and trick you into thinking anything one may ever say or hear ever is real, and matters...

All i know, my own life 'proof', even if the assumptions are absurd, 25+ years i have only been out at night after 8pm three times..maybe four at most... and only a  couple of times had more than two alcoholic drinks.

And then.... (Mrs pixie maybe i shall call her..??) As she said, she too hates the assumptions around the fact that she lives aside and wildswimmy and free,  yet it is assumed she may be like the GREAT majority, on the coke...or the rest. 

Thirty five years ago+ i knew, lived... proved... wake up ever morning, no  substances in any way clouding the mind....its FAB! no matter what... excepting one few day experimental return - 5ish years ago, Q  "...hmm i wonder ...does this mild weed in ANY way enhance creativity"?  A: absolutely not at all in ANY way....

and that includes..... during...

I am absolutely sick and have been for years of the pandemic of self pity... but i know it is more than a  pandemic and more than 'self pity' - it is a kind of new human way of being this very very real requirement for a growing number of people to only define themselves by their illnesses ... And i am the fool to think that it is fixable. Because it IS their 'identity' as i observed so closely half a dozen times the last decade....

Not me.... and there is no point even being in the slightest bit miffed  - thats how they 'are'...

Even what may have ben in the past a useful story to assist [them] ... "ehh... one can survive ANYthing ... without any kind of medication, anaesthetic....  never resorting to even one drink.... i think most thinkers would agree that losing - having 'stolen'  one's  ONLY 'identity' is the very very worst thing of all.... apart from actual death of a child; imagine for 11 years every single second of ones life was ONLY about the healthy daily life of a child, and one even worked to a certain extent in 'society' to promote that..  'that' is who you are, every second for 11 years....  and then every second for 3 years after .... and three years after that life being stolen, you also relaise that a 14... or 16 ...or 26 year old person stolen age 11... will not even REMEMBER the life you lived with her that every single acquaintance of many ...mainly mums.... would often say to you [me] was the healthiest happiest and most successful parent/child thing they ever saw...

" imagine that is.... gone, and no one even remembers and you have to live on like the Ancient Mariner...  

"in fact at least the Ancient Mariner has a kind of 'identity'.... every single little hurdle you overcame  - as rather fabulous RFK popularises: he had a 'hole' in himself he had to fill up with gobblig drugs or booze from a teen....  hole filled....age 30,  firm ground  - tested time and again the last 25 years

" and it was ALL utterly for nothing..... you dont even have that 'identity' to blub into anyone elses little bubble of a tearful world.... no one would even believe who you ALWAYS woz..... assume like everyone else..."

But the best thing of all is not one person EVER actually caring. |Even if that takes a long time to understand....Which means one really is 'free' to every day awake with a new fresh possibility in mind... But is used to - vaccinated against nothing ever ever ever it should...

Which is all  waffle from a sort of dying man ....   I know what there is to say, but i am not sure if one person ever met actually ever understands that attempting to say useful things even if it all hurts is maybe the only purpose there is to being born....  humans are born with a true 'gift' of imagination and powers or more sophisticated communication than other animals,  for a reason.....maybe 

Or at least i know of no other philosophical pathway that isnt a dead end 

All lies are dead end and only slight exaggeration in any word i have shared with ANYone at all for seven+ years is ref Barbs..... here, 10 days ago.... lets just say i was projecting a more ideal simple next step that i know is the best next step....  she said so....

But i really have no idea if its all a hologram or every single person always is acting...people pleasing...performing....