Wednesday 1 November 2023

 The Goat's Bridge

nr Sarajevo

His daughter: " metaphor for bringing people together"


image off mongrel ( thats a compliment!) Priscilla's pages

all suposed lineage is past nonsense; mixed interbred lineage is future peace 

Anyway, what a superb saudade! 


" [we used]... art and watching films as  resistence"

There was a time - i have a superb memory, when in the later 80s ... having decamped from my actual real total rural natureboy life, off around the world to understand the world, that is exactly the way people were, especially on London,  before cynicism took over. resisting the embarassment of Thatcherism, and awareness of the military industrial complex one was sadly born to. And.....consumerism, simply taking over. easy to think in those terms again. Film as resistence but its gotta be honest!