warm as a lamb ... snuggled up on your coat in front of the woodburner...
Three notes to self in there: the nice local meatfarmer told by us a decadevago there was an unwell lamb in his field
" not cost efficient for me to care... " leaving it to die a long lingering death in the damp
( no farmer would have done that in my youth, we all had total pride... )
and then the American ' good life' ist.... and her city bureaucrat man ' traded down' to buy a smallholding
who had spent the evening with us, the next day
" it was so lovely to feed your new pet lamb ladt night.... but when i got home i had to put all my clothes in the washer as the smell [ of nice clean newishborn lamb] ... overwhelmed me"
Which was the schism a decade ago ..so i have not one bit of frazzle left for years...
you know you ' lost' then