Wednesday 20 December 2023


 ... hahh hahh its funny.


a year ago only one.

And still no change.

In an audio ' purpose' was shared: " the one best thing for wo/mankind, universally  is to try and roll out some good material...stories.. thoughts...on post 50,  keeping moving no matter what...  a state of mind... accepting mortality, but not taking illness or bodily problems seriously....just keep moving... is all that matters...and sleep well, mainly in the dark, only  ...and loads of uv" 

because i know that is best natural health. And also had spent a decade listening to far too many fatter unhealthy 50+ folk just talking about their health endlessly...moaning...never for a second being able to think of silver lining  or keeping moving ( but the NOT pious / earnest version...

they dont work)

and i still know that would be the best gift to pass on...somehow... but no one will do it with me ohh well how sad never mind

but then... i would tell anyone.. never used to ... because its sad. 

" gee whizz... you spend a decade befriending various sermingly better than average, thoughtful friends... quite a few

speak often of their kids... give good advice... maybe one day a favour in return.. hey can you save my passwords if i never can find key yo my own...or even advise me on thoughts on mine .....

only butterfly brained selfish

... acedia

big word for they have no soul...

so... unplanned... all normal human routes followed for hope... 

just splurge...

but i never fo anything except one - attempts at bolstering one great writer....she did ask me to!... that is a misdion no mutual benefit.. no duel purpose...

nope... would sacrafice all of self yo just nudge one good woman writer to Be a bit more maybe..

otherwise  for several years all must have dual purpose ( i write duel as getting anyone to do anything serms to be pne  even if they say they wish it !!! talk abput obtuse...)

meaning kill ywo birds with one stone or at least aim for them both and you may hit one with a glancing pebble ...


some i do left for a lost kid

BUT also.. some wisdoms  i know are pretty good and WORK....

because i was THE most self reliant " i need no one else" person ever in my 20s...30s as well, really...

i was the pacifist king winner of the  Bosnian wars ..all by myself. Needed no one...

and ... had certain simple stucknesses or worse... and i know what changed things

and i have listened attentively to many Gabor Mate ( the worst of all offender)  talks...and even Tolle.. through Peterson ..  McGilchrist etc etc etc...

sorry they dont work!!

i wish their manchild  simplistic ( often utterly selfobsessed and so full of confected pain,  fake vulnerability, and caring its hilarious) viewpoint did... 

. ...But it doesnt

" trauma" .. the whole damn thing... is self stuck pityful pitying failure

i wish it wasnt

And above all they 

never factor in the truly weird hall of mirrors ' behaviour' among many in briymtish families and relationships...thats beyond their crass words such sd ' msnipulation' or even their silly ' n word' ... which dominates so much ..i am not much good on as knowing how utterly fatally dangerous it is i learned many years walk away from... 

except as simple direct legal, and get-to-NA SOS aid... i saw and heard EVERYTHING... in so doing

And my most ehhh... the person ive spent more time just trying to have many normal conversations with and helping her DO eco stuff she people pleased me she was set to do in april 2020..and many other worthy projects.... she swears every other day by the ' work' she has done via Gurdjieff ... their king trendy king of work...  well i know what the definition of it working is... fllowing through SNY of tjousands of words for one... and she is the hilarious definition of it really not...working

Anyway my attempts start in June on substack augmebtinh some july videos no one else would dare opening up on.

..its not a sharing competition...  some, few, good minds and you van hear middle age how actually happy they are... simply followed what weve known for decades... all coy feelings stuff,  out...its so much better and may even as bonus help someone else you never know...

no you 



so dont contrive, just do

theres 3 free books in here and i know better than a lot of the ' life coaches' or wellness gurus... experts on compulsions... 

..i know... as i tried to find good ones, not for me...for just a few others years ago i cared about

theyre not there

we need better ones...

my kid sure will need them in a decade or two... 

and god help her if this current last 20 year crowd are still ruling the roost...