means also...leave in place the same
a year default password
but thats just, real life... real sick human
fantasy ones, are in my ofgice prior to go off and try and make some sense! as a writerly person
one if my many motes from the summer.
July 21 Making Sense ( i know nothing more arrogannt and unspiritual) podcast Sam Harris... forget him pipsqueek...
but to hear him chat with L A Paul supposedly real toppest brain
was fascinating .. the end result of 40 or 50 years of this
that we, are all unique personas so so autonomously directed... so unique
when just a few weeks later i ssw a universal tjing, if a superb dancer falls and twists her ankle, she will just like everyone else...universally be just as bodily fucked as everyone else..
the implication in L A Paulspeak that really there is no universal....
is back to the stone age even further than any nutjob 1400 year old religion may attempt
never mind so rediculously wrong.... as
'fear' and inability to accept ones end
and demise
are the fundamental forces defined us since about the enlightenment, and i know full well have gone even more negative in UNIVERSAL.. net effect across society
but nope the superprofs seem to know the opposite...
we can only Be
atomised and thats good...
and who we are
only 'free', near anarchist
self determinator
just meeist
on the planet.
nope..its scientifically .. never mind spiritually, so wrong its daft
but scary to admit it
you were