Tuesday 6 February 2024

" regions"


.. not said by anyone else, but me...

Now if one is an absurd optomist as i am - hard to define, except I plod on...

And as i promised her, in fact only found her BE cause

I had given up ' causes' after autumn 2022 the most Monty Python ... unfortunately, real life sketch ...

In my recorder and camera .. of the worst ever ' people pleasing'  over several months, me meandering the border of England Wales ( i dont recognise those words, only ' peoples' or reqions, and certainly no borders.. but ' The Marches' is a term everyone knew what it meant - roughly Brecon North thru Hay blahh blahh Bishops Castle up towards Oswestry..[ the writer of Succession brought up there .. a true dump bigot backwater just like Ruthin my 5km away.. from the hills i Heathcliffed as a yoof.. and was official shepherd in...  hometown town of tolleration..nowhere!].

but the usual conartists who want to reword everything mucked it around . 

That stretch... 100km ish... 5 rivers, Usk, up to  the Clun one .. ( thats a point the film i have of the sewers actually bubbling into that one, and him fatman  paid for by CIC / council cash, on his phone.. not even telling the kids playing in the river at sewer spill point, to perhaps go and splash and giggle elsewhere ... so gypsy roa.er i had to... i must find,  now i know i shall never go back.... 

Due contracts out,  as sure as ferrits


But i dont care about polluters... its the 20 or more avowed ' greens'  some i had known many years who all said to my face eyes  twinkling with true passion in a good way that sept 22 to my face roaming and pimping her   " what a truly fabulous idea !!! [ of Lucy Hurds to maybe save the river Wye at Horrorford via DBA ..see the helford river pages ..i must put here too in links page, later..].." and then one by one having agreed to replicate it at their node of the 5 othrr sterile  rivers...  deserve only real pity as it was all fantasy performed " i will start a small group our village or town to simply copy what you are sharing [ Lucy too fathead to bother sharing via a decent website.. so i just DO stuff simple obviously needs DOing] ... we dont have to reinvent the wheel...you get in touch eith detail when you can...we will get on it"  

And of several dozen, all comfortably off, middle aged...  resettled those regions..moaning about fucked rivers ... not one ever meant what they (30/70 sexwise as its critical to have majority of REAL women in eco anything...  ) .....never meant...what .said and performed to me at great length... or answered their emails texts or the like they daid they would like to receive..

a fine example of fatal people pleasing ..if you are a nice fishey, especially....or one of my best buddies, The Heron.. who requires them to...live

so i have merely a jolly good George Borow style chronicle one day in the future for me to spin into something... effective ...

so i cant call them bonkers or mentally ill, or ' the problem'  ....



the double meaning solution

I know this one merely a very neurotic playground, for very very ex big city  townies  i have no interest in. .. they can never Be fixed...and become if rural mind..

a GREAT  real womeman writer ( i wish i could find it again .. i read 35 years ago) ...  in her autobiography of her life in a small hamlet up north not far from the Peak District wrote of how tourism and visitorism 

 in the 50s and 60s,  as it ALWAYS does and always will do forever    ...even on Elons Mars  ... corrupts communities

Causes all sorts of sour imbalance....

she born and bred there ... turn of last century.. a small fairly ok community

 as she aged only unhappiness  as the envy and imbalance made her home small town just yuck..

she wrote quite simply of that in her own real life stories of her life ( and the loneliness caused by  tourism theme parkism   for many as they age)...

Cos no one can make any money out of them... the rural/locals,  as she had been....

what a babe!!!!

My heroine... no one writes like that any more and i may never find her book still even 100% more valid today, about today... but i remember every word...

as she was honest

go ask someone maybe our age from Goa...  about then, 80s  ... largely healthy small comminuities...and now after all of Gwerk colonised  the last 30 years.... so they can take selfirs smiling on the beach with brown boys ( prostituting their smiles for selfies, not theirs) 

far far far more murders and nasty violence and no community anywhere nowadays, ... in Goa

 not cos of direct violence ' we will kill youto get your land for free and build new  houseboats or condos' .. but avarice... wanting what is imported amd never really shared fully.... only ever fucks everyones souls....


that fine woman wrote about in nearly middle of nowhere from the  50s..60s as the motor car became ubiquitous and people could... commute from the 'suburbs ' ...in that case now a far  larger  ' region' ... unbalanced her region..

the best example i know of real writing by a british born....

no false piety whoop whoop ecogoddessness,  or Joan of Arciness... a thinker.. a real writer on objective truth.

it does exist.

meanwhile...  i have no interest in this region except for one..


 and an unexpected discovery: i dont have to ever go to the power and consumerism  centres ever again to even remind myself of them as a writerly mind... as they are here ..100%  .. they are here... only

Here is only them.

far more so than even last region, half of Notting Hill bought the last 15 years... nope here it is only arrogance  and " my" .. stuff land money boat and  [ fakr] reputation

but i will humour myself and continue ONLY highlighting...


'regions'is important

if you can never ever ( 25 years) find a local" bird" to just slog away at the real lovely work outdoors saving usable wood etc etc.. with you so its always hard exhausting long long days work...solo

never mind fixing the endless broken devices, and clothes need repairing ( my invan  region of them is growing)  

no ' campaigner' on causes can ever think " ok you have given 50% of your time on that 'cause" the last year,i am not as up on it as you .. maybe i can put my time in as i am clearly much better than you at patching your jeans hahhh hahhh... thats an artwork that one i see there ... its so ondrugs  :-).. ..i will do your patchin and sewing for you as my contribution... no strings attached all in it ACTUALLY together.. loose helpmeeting across front door thresholds..."

that para above should be in ghostly spooky magic,  antimatter font ...


it seemingly cannot exist

 errata it did... 10 years ago...my idea but not copyright me,  as i listened 40 years ago as to what community and politics ... meant...

 me and my boss a young green woman... her decision... we  [ ok me, via sweet her] offered JUST that to a potentially good more senior  female green candidate Mayor  Celia the  ultra moaner ...in county council elections

who didnt i derstand... what teamwork and .. well teamwork and TRUE wirds mean.. " you can get the votes in your name, we will be getting votes for youtoo ..we want.. for you and ustoo... if we do your chores so you can campaign" 

top complex 

for any green.. ezpecially if the sexy sex...

Anyway fixing and solo reclaiming or protecting a massive load of good but now  rotting wood as the ' hippies' / surfiemenchildren / mermaids cant be bothered to DO ' green'.... and really hate anyone who does what they didnt bother doing for years... rather  just going on Fakebook speaking of 'green community' :

 regions is first step.... 

but if i die today

one of only two fundamentals to a lady writer if the future  

( you can only let go post 52ish and Be come... even better)

its the MOVEMENT... undistracted ( ie few people who are showing off,whom are 95% on pathways this county) ... regular momentum in meandering but undistracred...

thats the real key to ritin... proppa ...

i discovered the last 14 years... no one can listen though..