Saturday 23 March 2024


.... i sit Buddah in my small happy space, awaiting the perfect holder of a European Passport 

to call..... [ 365 days yr 0600 .. usually fall asleep by 2100...i speak European even in time]....and she never will

 ( in fact her simply perfect sexiest ever, silvering hair is MORE beautiful,  than even  a red European passport with my name on it would BE....)

so now i face the final failure

 i will Be on hunger strike in solidarity with Puigdemon....

( i can even spell him without having to Google  i am a propper intellectual and European im every way)

so mow yhe quest ends...

i really am going back... to editing this...

started on:  the wonky bonce essay earlier has things added in....


( my only regret.... 14 1/2 years ago sat behind dodgy Polly Higgens at an eco talk Hay 'fringe' festival  - full story why her and her partner famous eco speaker are ultra dodgy. in an audio 4 ish months ago.... worse than dogy:  100% "human" narcissistic creeps and the CAUSE of failure of solidarity in Green movements....... 

her and i had a v close recently suicided friend in, a deep personal bond....when we met...... plus ( in my my emvironmental work audio 4 or 5 days ago) ..  i was solo... solo! great risk to me.... plotting to stop the Hay-on-Wye 2nd supermarket,  a Waitrose, and primary school relocation out of town...SLL were against, none stipped...except me....... my campaign  on ' localism' grounds we knew were prime directive 40 years ago.... Polly and bloke natiomal figures in eco localism etc....  paid to be there to talk....on localism...he had a book out on it..... after 2 hrs personal chat on our recent bucket kicked friend.... " Pol... while you are [ paid to Be ... train fayre paid by someone else,  from East Anglia where he lectured on him being an eco Messiah for loadsa luv..of him only... bet he did a fair few students behind Pollys gorgeous silverback back, too.... ] green event/ talks.... obviously we have each others credentials... hung imself Peter Williams electrical  carthing pioneer [ and fraud to make him look good, why he did himself in...]... could you spare 10 mins to give me some thoughts on THIS major localism issue here... i am trying to write short piece on for my threats against Hay fest [ financial link to developer] ...... you are expert of the rhetoric.... you just did a talk on it all..."

no manners even to text 2 hrs later i had been awaiting her after she said she would.." sorry got busy ... after seeing Peters grave....dont have time to  give you 10 mins on major localism your locality." in locality she had been paid to Be in...

No manners.... to any green i have ever known .... none are or ever were " human" ...i got stories thatll make you wanna get ghe oeroxude out and do nadty tjings with it especially if how they gaslit and emotionally abused their best YOUNG woman green in my region.... my friend... many recordings!!

However ..i photod her hair i was sitting just behind outdoors at her blokes [ awful] talk... and told her 

" Pol...its so sexy gorgeous your long silver hair.. has been lifechanging sat behind you just looking at your hair.. during his dull talk...... [ how we met, we didnt know if the mutual friend til later] . so much of nature destruction is due chemicals, stuff etc in rivers... so all chemical use is bad...never have myself...blahh blahh... i wish the rest of babedome knew this.... god its gorgeous your thatch...makes me happy...have hope." 

now in the interim 14 years i have quite often spoken with women, cheekily and ALWAYS super successfully...on this subject, seeing them randomly here and least 15 times....  3 or 4 times i had the chutzpah to just get photographing....   obviously telling them why.... never even a hint of discomfort from them...only smiles and the unsprayed ' harmony hairspray [ advert] '  moment where they give it a twirl for me!! .... it ALWAYS worked.....i have a small collection.... the gorgeous Mount woman i did 10 years ago  about 60ish....she was an artist at art exhibition i wandered in and said " only good art here crappy Hoororford art colledge .... worst art ever in world....  is... your  utterly beautiful greying hair...i was looking at it from outside the window ... can i arty fartistically photo it please..." her smile!

the series is good... pure love in that photo shoot... a man loved her for who she was and she ket me cameratically love her... they dont teach you about THAT kind of real love.... at Steiner control freak cult up the road.... 

one day i shall  find them all...

but i so regret, feeling sometimes 'god i dont want to talk with another arsey English judgemental stuck up bourgeois  ice maiden .fuckup fake'.. 

at least 15 times i have seen gorgeous  sexiest silverbacks and chickened out ....  or just thought i dont want to have to waste my time explaining what an actual fuckin genius  Rachel Carson put in Silent Spring ....61  fucking years ago .. ..yet again...

to selfish thick bimbo dollybird  people....

 chemicals fuck nature. period. 

And radio 4  Womans Hour...ive listened to all my life.... should moan about that,  especially as women do shovel 3 or 4  times more chemical down their bathroom plugs than blokes

 ( in the 'why are we such immoral mad bi***s section, they neglect to include which Cusk beautifully did include in a whole best ever book on a woman being a mad evil bitch,  herself..... so brilliantly...her 2011ish book!! ...and any full analysis of a gender should include,  as a service to actual knowledge, ...self ...or for the enemy, us poor blokes.... [ If Catelonian, i  cannot marry an English 100s of reasons already rit i need a ' pity marriage' at least... saves on taxes, too... ) , rather than moaning about periods, endlessly as if.... ( even Gregs posh quiet wife turned it off 10 years ago..." no more i cannot take the competetive moaning" )  ....they were only just discovered around 2010   .....which also ARE nature...  only natural thing left about most modern hypocondriac pill addicted,   chemicals trowelled on, women

( unlike the perfect Catalan and her buddy... their perfect no moaning bright eyes...  etc)

so...had i a female 

compañera ( my second favourite word after helpmeet)

with a brain on photographic sorties... to quickly ask " hello fellow woman,  my man / moron here,  takes pics of beautiful women hair naturally ageing can he do you?... quick snap then we will buzz off.."  .. 

 i would have dozens

i regret i do  not...

i have very few regrets...

and i regret not having them as they are 100% sincere and even the last month have met 7 or 8 babes and had this chat with ..  all the way..... they LOVE the genuine sincere compliment, and open debate ( as Andrea a few days ago full film and audi!!!)

i knowTHEY agree what a sincere " human" / environment, loving project....

( NB saudade....i domt know about Catalan.... i reasearched it several years among does NOT mean ' longing' .... ad yank google ignorantly bimbos it to means ' saudade ....the god thing...IS NOT FINISHED YET....' 

but may require a big hard battle/ crusade... jost... joust.... to  WIN ...the chance of having the good / moral / simple brst " human" thing or way...back

you are saudade....

is my ultimate.... love hook, utterly true  

chat up.line

( and now i am Be ing s mad tart, as the posts a few days ago that went wonky  are soecifically for my sulky Serbian reader and VERY good.... 

but unreadable


her ( fake ) " second sight" .. can read two posts woven into one page  miraculously actually mated with each other and become one twinflame in one post...

 two seperate posts  three maybe conbined into o e ' post' to make them i readable...or is this another vudu?

cos it was  v v v superb ln vudu.....

ratger than try and fix it, every wotd here for more than a year, for her... ive gone and got diverted

 but when i showed them on my phone the great film... and they took control of the scrolling

and told them..." no...its near perfect but sadly  sexist...the spaniard director [ they told me was a she!!] ...downplayed the incredible sacrafice of several hundred Bolivian women who were murdered by yankee corporations... them alone, the women of Cochabamba  starting this  most successful ever socialist ...revolution.... gave their lives knowingly for REAL " change"...

 they loved me  brighteyed..... openeyed..... for real

..for my care to speak truth...