Monday 29 April 2024

Fixin' day

  Two or three  Sundays in a month i would have fixing day. Or at least a half...

I know none of them has got to me,  when i can keep at that ....two decades long habit.....despite, them...

order of vids to be done properly one day...that takes so much more plug time...

they have a timestamp... my readers have to do a bit of work

realities, I bet the not Humble one couldnt even begin to think ( why bother with ' simple' if it is only for your own self obsessed, narcissistic, dull little  self regarding soul....  in that it's only if you believe in "human"ity, so as to reduce greed and consumerism wich is the ONLY game in town,  and actually thinking about the real real actual " two 
per chimney" or even two per backpack  that needs sewing and generally fixing   every few years.... 

no 'Green' could ever stop and think may be good example to all thecrest of the atomising self obsessing world