Sunday 7 April 2024

so, all i know....

 ( but having been 2/3  of the time, even the ladt year,  still a bit ' cause' aware...meaning I even chat with childmen of Pastylandshire whom,  same age as me, by which time one really should have grown up,  speak of their anti- 'the beast'  'revolutions', except being so childlike they must create new words like " wevolution" to hide the fact they sit around doing nothing but smoke even stronger pot and  make shit so called art... there is NO hope as they have all  the attention and limited ' community capital ' and they only everything, only.... there literally is no hope.... and the milindcomplex knows all their  new app passwords...[ theyre going to save humanity they tell me with their own new app]  ... even Oggle can get an ip address from  behind a winscribe .... where they block you for a day.... pretending to care hahh hahh..... )

Is that sadly, even she didnt know what she said....

Because there is one SIMPLEST ... dictum, rule.... or just Be ing..." human"

I am sure they worked it out even in their #1 sky fairie book, that bible...

( in fact recent  real science is so interesting, of late,  that ... real, meaning as any not even 'intellectual' but fairly well informed person has known for years, the standards of peer reviewed and monitored  ' mainstream' science have so become corrupted the last 15 years, even [ xxx i forget who, a bigname i was listening to lastereve]  states they have no idea what to believe any more

..maybe Sabine?  it will come back..

real science suggests  of late ' civilisation' may be a lot older than assumed.. by which one does not mean G Hancock overclaiming spaceships...... nope, merely that rather large densely populated areas of S America ...' cities' may have been around 10s of thousands of years... even if with entirely UNknowable rules and societal mores....i.e. may have eaten shamen for breakfast, as miscreant, dangerous anti-"community"  undesireables... 

because only ' evidence' of snapshots in time exist .

.. are just that....  maybe the bongobongo tribe of Ayahuasca ... munchers  who made pots celebrating their  sadness and madness- it being much nicer to ALWAYS  be clear headed, that way we can ponder the on-drugs behaviour of the divine nutjob in she sure is a tricky one! ...

but maybe the real truth is.... the selfharmers of the Ayahuasca.. were around a century, whereas the FAR saner  canibals who ate the Ayahu lot... who knew it wasnt even worth commemorating their tasteless inadequate meal of emaciated druggie.... and despite being in charge thousands of of years...were wise enough to never bother leaving to ' history' pots depicting their breakfast.....of  dodgy shamen..

they knew they were merely ' detoxing' or ' cleansing' society...of a bad taste...



had one been in the monority of shamanic  Ahayu  munchers,  who had survived the breakfast raids...but in fact    had secret special  incontravertable proof they were 100% right.. the lumpen majority would still be after them...... 

and they.. the oppressed wiser  minority would soon enough discover 

that just one friend, on the same page, in the same bed, or even merely etched onto the same pot...

is the meaning of life. 

" All the rest potty are !! :-) , at least we can smile at our little potted knowing we are right...".. as snuggled up on the run in a cave 

 and thats that.... cos say too much,  and its dangerous, the lumpen crowd/ mob / majority...

( that does not include ' twitterstorm' as thats all fantasy, and  what secretaries are paid to deal with)

will always get voluble or worse

... so all i care about, as per what i knew 18 months ago, find some skiny " bird" . it means they MAY have energy...i got 



 who may be on the same  drug free pot as you

to live ensconced within

and ... only occasionally 

....piss outside it

ideally together, in oldfolk dribbles...

( neztbeschmutzer,  like...

my working tax  credit online login, word,  i am the real thing always... but you have to keep it quiet, usually..i am not stupid..i paid a REAL price for showing up The Straw man was to quote the Times a " hoodwinker" = liar in uneducated class language.)

but knowing as one gets older, one becomes less succulent meat to the mob...and thus  ones subversion,  could subtly increase, quietly poetically.... without too much fear of the bbqs...its a lovely tjing to look forward too... ...

but sadly it seems women  cannot ever listen " if you are real...really believe what you "UK hague before Serbia.".. and want an ally..... you will see, around age 60 how  you actually LIKE being open/  subversive / real... so why waste time waiting to then when the teeth rot, and so much time needs to be spent moaning about standard  ageing.... around any other woman or sadly nowadays all mentoo

 "be that,  future you ( only about 5% max do) now..."

nope they are so lost,  and unable to ever listen....

even if they preach " Eckhart says listen dotcom"

nope...they know better.

until they discover they didnt.... say around 60...65...

and then age even faster ! 


oh well what a dull life but the key was only ever, one equal etched onto the same bedchamber pot....

Tony Benn did ... well,  a few of them...

you cannot sustain being minority ( i.e. sane, not a sheep) unless allied / helpmeeted for real with ... AN Other of ...the opposite sex...

hetro marriages lasting fair bit longer than homo...




the law...prioritises,  for example,  prison visits by Mr Rowling... his rights  as Mr of Mrs ( if there is one i google no one as no one is real and interesting  and even has the guts to pick up phone any more.....)

always has, always will....