Wednesday 7 August 2024

, as I am walking back....

 from the place of the lethal rip

" my ' tide' in or out?"

And stupid seaside allegories are shallow 

As is all their 'art' ... 

( as so often discussed - yesteraft later on,  once more and the usual stupid mindfulness, Natural Store glaze comes over the worn out  bohemian bag's face as we stand -  her and her daughter, aside the most chocolate box fantasy  thatched cottage  of ' the path'  ... pretending she  is still fresh and  soft sandy,

as 99% are.... infantile

..... because only grown ups have opinions: "god...the art here is so safe and anodyne and 750 quid home counties mantlepiece...


" and then also, your fine strapping lass her generation better find some REAL rhetoric so that Plymouth doesnt spill over your theme park little deadhead village next to Totness,


" As one thing's for sure ... the last 10 years is a failure of one tjing above all... 

"the rhetoric

 "...of my whole lost self regarding effete  generation... especially if they 'manifested' daddy's dosh into some fake Gwerkian ' community'....

" which maybe was once so as to create REAL 'art'..... provoke real rhetoric..." 


 as i set out early lastersummrr


' transition'

hopefully back into the still sane 


via mermlands-on-sea

June before last.

With only one purpose, in mind.

If i change mine i do, so


But....' now' ...

.if i were creating a real book of the 'Salt Path'

A grown up one

where one doesnt manipulate and coerce the reader into what to think

by the rip: "  seems to me all English writers the last decade serve up only saccharine.... whereas real sugar, even if a tad poisonous, at least creates real feeling...  hopefully you may one day serve out the real thing"

( rather good copyright me line)

As i meander back...   

along the deathly rip, shouldv dunked self in July a year ago.

Saved waste.

Smiling: Every moment must be censored,  gagged....

but then thoughtbubble: 

"  hahhh hahhh....  well, my ' Salt Path' 

a. it has for several months served up genuinely life affirming,  enjoyable,  real, HAPPY, one-faced, folk...or should i say ' volk'.. i had no idea that literally the EU,  and 90% finest frauline, ...  comes here!! .

And without being coy or  nervy, even alone 5 km from anyone else

each loves a good long chat!

Who needs a passport with this real life treasure trove.

Even if a few can be just a bit too ' driven'.

well i dint have to gag or censor, that... 

bittersweet or not

b. The actually sublime places, long walks, last few days many... 

long way from the volk, except ...

no idea why its called the ' salt path' ... but at least my version has a taste,  of the pukka ... real salt, at the end of it

And even,  quite rightly, no answer nor clue to what that section was for... ...