Monday 23 September 2024

Le principe Kushner

 is not the rare (imossible in toxic mad UK) supremely life affirming Intouchables. Or similarly something-to-look-forward-to Reader on the 6.27....lecteur sur le 6.27.

It is NOT 'beating the system. 

photo 2 august 2024

As a many year personal ACLU for a fair few 
My last region
made mad
 by the "may" ..
lose your benefit/house/ freedom/head...

That is an evil in the UK i bet they don't even manage in Yoo Essay...

Well i waited in my layby for three months... i think i can honestly say I won... not that i would have paid any fine anyway.

Right, to business, so it is  a place where you are flayed alive  - but the worst pains are the dull aching throb of 40 days in the desert  wandering on rocky ground looking for water long ago pissed in by the greedy second homers so even if you do find any, it makes you sick - in real life that has to be at least several years;  it is the being unjustly starved and/or derided...   and realising that merely is the way of humanity. But then.. you see as if out of the corner of an eye  that has mini mirages due early onset cataracts (her excuse for her sunglasses...hmm i simply don't ever believe anyone in this land, ever... except the one where it is optional anyway 

"Suzi as usual i have no idea if you tell the truth you clever identity knicker or idea... but we know the dog drinks poisoned water from your back garden river Arrow... and LA Vinegrette simply laid out in 5 sentences the most beautiful poignant box office hit... i left on your voicemail for free, no copyright claim.." .... "oooohhh that IS good..." ." Intouchables made 40x... we need SOME quirky feelgood eco film as you also  Starmersatan ...well... even the fascist  neurotic city type consuming addict  heterophobe book agents and gatekeepers know is doomed.. so its shit or bust time... they may just go for it... ") 

Le principe Kushner is yes you are flayed beaten .. there is NO light entering the abyss...  but by some curious little impossible turn of events a little unrelated benefit  comes along because of where you are.. that you NEVER KNEW YOU NEEDED! thats the real bit that makes you smile makes us realise there is more to us, or maybe more to everything.. but channeled only through that unkowable litt;e seem of gold.. until the sewer bursts into the abyss you are stuck in and madly digging a hole in the sidewall...yes that gold was there all along..

BUT it cannot pay for your exist from THIS abyss..only perhaps  act as a little key to some next.. a bit healthier and sweeter smelling

.that is...if you are 'open' in your mind to them..(not the fraudulent Eckhart of other wanky versions of yet more lost LA loving lunatics) which can only happen when everything else has been flayed out of your mind and you know there is NO hope...

( I did actually discover this 15 years ago... 14 1/2 to be precise... but not until reading Mars Room  2016ish did i realise she had read my notebooks.and nicked my unique take on life long good as... but i never need credit, that's another point of the KP....  you go with it - steal all of me, some new little gem will be found as i am wandering back from waving you goodbye my boxes underarm.. i wouldnt even bother to chase after..)

recording still to find... 

by some bizarre series of KPs...  i have a sort of new life i do not want; but why not... but still desk not quite clear for a complete once a decade reboot from scratch..