Tuesday 3 September 2024


 'n "balls" even if no mutton for them...

Not some old sheep

Following the pigs to the trough

Righty ho. how do we get, the remedy to past evil you cannot say thatism 

By the tragic lost public (that is elite fee paying school, for my German reader - they really did ruin British society while we pretended to be social democrat) schoolboy, into this...

oh yes.... yesterdusk, as the winds are abating ...

Utterly sick to death of yet another Anglicised one...  meaning even The Bears seemingly turn into  acid 'snowflakes' having immo'd here in their teenagerhood..

" STOP! ....HALT! . The true fullest saudade paradise of this place is every day maybe one hundred Europeans walk past me....Germans are my favourites... except for the Romansch mother-tongued  Swiss one.... , even if we did win the war...i now need you to be zenned so i can..."

Within a mere few minutes of taking control of their psychodrama... (not all walkers having the true mindful zenniness of what the rural wild places are there to do for pitiful "human") 

She... crosses (his) personal space bubble Maginot line, and is hugging me uninvited 

That showed the stupid English with their jaws dropped  how to... "relate" and what it is for... 

........... a Maginot line under all their houses........

" MUTT..."

Now, i never meet fpor a second time the special ones... of whom there are about three in total, from hundreds...

And certainly not randomly on the nextday...

" ohh i am so glad to meet you again... it was simply a complete [radise to meet you...[all]...

" but do they know....

[not knowing any German history i assume...  this was the last German Queen

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Theresa_of_Naples_and_Sicily  ]

" you need to become the next Queen... ?"

which is a very complex nuanced context based statement. SHORTCUT language.

All sane educated MODERN British  in the times of the wonderful later 1970s and 1980s were republican and derided our so called 'queen' more than a lesser member of the third Reich.

In fact it was ONLY an embarrassment as i travelled Europe endlessly for twenty years from age 17, we had a 'monarchy'. In Fact what was interesting was that then, no one ever spoke of them. They  - taxi drivers and barmen, would tragically  and even more embarrassingly  greet one " ahh...English...Maggie Thatcher.." but hadn't even heard of some fat arrogant old Queen.."

Though a pacifist, " The Romanovs suffered the correct remedy to all that nonsense"

So, Homerically repeating the line: " Do ythey know..."

" no"

" i find that unbelievable.  someone like you needs to be Chancellor maybe in about ten years.. then in twenty Queen of The EU... they must know that.."

" blah blahh waffle waffle"

Then to business, much needed help:  "mutt!"

and " yes we understand that .."