Wednesday 16 October 2024

But the one I do not understand....

 Mongo-o-Pogs are good.

And a growing breed kindof...

The Poglish or Poglet...

How did she sneak under my skirt hems and through the radar array...?
I liked that day by her rock.

Shelter From the Storm (not me).

Who the hell WAS she...?

So called MA or Phd 


Shitfilm ok he was ok but why not do 

(another one yesteraft who was it? it will com back...very very samesexual until... he changed his mind, later in the day..

...and went and bred a BIG family...)

The film that influences far more by majority?

There is no reasoning or rationalising, as to why... she goes sulky. Unfriendly; as I know someone who NEEDS to be herself and have some influence  - you cannot get more splendidly her own woman than " i wanted to eat his crappy artwork left out on our kitchen worktop, and shit it out onto said worktop" As the ultimate act of fabulous expressionism...

Though i personally disagree in that NO 'human'... as cultural construct; mad bad dangerous to know 'actor'... is ever worth any of their property - mother earth's raw m,materials in first instance, as it will be again in the last instance,  being defaced or destroyed or even recycled..  until it's fullest man-made phase has been seen through to completion.

But i do not domineer with " you shouldn't do that.." never have. No point in UK for 20+ years no one can listen to simple solutions, only clever dick mushroom cloud solutions that...look and sound big, and higher...

And what tales of youth! ( a social worker, too) " he ....[ keep it simple: there is a line we all knew about, and his pervy wankstuff in a motor on your youthful windy headland on your celebration night.. bet it was Levant Atch hahh hahhh certainly crossed it...] ....crossed THE line... 

" but i never considered my self traumatised by serious wonky sexymad behaviour, all alone me and bigger than me, him...  not once"

Far more interesting the tales of how age 20 'exiled' dad  - a euphemism for being a bit to pally with the Third Reich... but at age 15-20 you simply know nothing - it is all a bit rabbit in the headlights....settled  1945 or 46... and started fast breeding as reaction one hopes... and populating so called 'Cornwall' with loadsa Poglets...  and doin' an honest day's work down Mary Moviestar's repurposed not very good acting stage...sss....

The only one i just do not get!

Of a year and a hlf of lost causes, as they have no 'cause' nor have they's a free world but don't tell me GAbor everyone's fey Mate  and his same ole' record on repeat of intergenerational trauma - not even worth quote marks as his filmstar looks won - all people respond to - looks... and became your thinking..

Even if merely 'rote'. No facts behind it. No trying to actually BE anything else other than clever excuses to moan.. rather than DO.

Which is extremely hard to hear as a younger person with genuine 'depression' or 'addiction'...

Maybe what is easier to hear  - as every 40-70 year old in UK lies when they say their yoof are gentle and sweet (a virtue signal gone very wonky)...  no they aint they have been semi-brutalised by Affluenza consumerism materialism etc etc etc... not their fault as my generation had good books like Affluenza decades ago.. 

(and my own copyright  diagnosis, 25 years ago.. Eastendersism... being the ANGST one began to see on tv around then.. endless angst..of course kids pick it up from the did mum and dad..  just shittvism... far more serious methinks than even being one of Gabor's pet junkies - what they are! .. for humanity at large..)

Anyway.. there you are much of May...

Day one you herald and flag solidarity

I mean if it wasn't for 


 and Lech...

Well,  things would likely be different..

Even for "warrior" Serbs..

And i always talk no matter what about my Poglet... always blind spots no self pity no faked trauma for Gabor's workshops...

So her and I have the ultimate   ... she lives for her three adult kids... knows metoo... mine a Poglet, Shetoo! 

surely the ultimate in 

splendid Solidarność

But i am glad.. i really DO understand....

all of this land

Except upland and maybe further away fringelands way away from the Southern tourist - all 'incomers' are .. unless they really do have to learn to become farmers depending on real mutual benefit, by solidarity (better not speak European to most of them as THEY voted for... [ fact, as i wandered many farms from 2017-19 in places where there were not even any  brown folk for many km.. " well at least it will keep the black folk away.."  heard day after day].... higher input costs,  which is what BREXIT is...

Uplanders, farmer types sometimes...perhaps the odd poet left in the very fringelands of The Cheviots  - not so much a tourist incommer hotspot...

know you have to have FEW words.. and FEW people.. more than a handful is just an endless party... and nothing gets DONE at parties...

and those words and people you use..  solidarityish.. you remeber, mean, and are the basis of 'community' or rather just getting by...

But i know that ALL  SWers.. are the same as Londoners...  in a big anonymous puddle of polluted water. ... Its a free country but don't pretend otherwise as pretenderism makes you ill is all i know...