At that disco.
Well i hope she enjoyed the correct word.
Shame about the five years....
Cue the annon one*...
Timely kairos.
* hahh she said there on them cliffs.... " God them shamen.... as common as muck these days... everyone on the courses, especially round here.... and .... yes it's the con of the century**"
I mean had HE actually 'second sight' rather than just a silly hat he would have SEEN how all his fellow Bisons are running away in massive stampedes as we speak, at the thought of all them "drill baby drill" ssss.... encroachin' over the prairie
*** there's a list.... righty ho i never ever again speak with anyone whom believes in astrology, "HEALING" whether 'manifested' for cash or a desperate fuck cos everyone else knows her yoga mat is as rotten as the creek aside her...
**** i doubt anyone any more understands 'metaphor' or figurativeness.... and actual REAL letting go into the perfectest moment where harmony works and sums up every dull moment since three hundred and ninety nine B CEE E rather than we see Oggle has gone and defaulted back to their made up 'messiah's birth or death as reference point it matters not as neither happened...
I have proof.
Or at least extremely good circumstantial evidence.... they were just a load of very prejudiced towny neurotics, with their complainin' at "unclean" human bones....
All discombobulated by a mere pound or so of rotting flesh....