Tuesday 7 March 2023

And I have not even begun yet!

 ......A whole load of  stories written 22 Feb until 5 March. 

The ghostly muse, she somehow, sent her shamanic alchemy...one way down my blower. Perhaps...

The stories behind....

This for example

As it happens, I do have an almost historic ten year chronicle that even Mister OddEssayist himself would be jealous.... so so carefully treble backed up, and organised...I have never gone back into. But now I shall....and there will be so many smiles, I shall have to get some new teeth..or one at least.

All i know really is that one reaches a point, an 'age'  - that is not about years but state of mind,  when all you wish to do is give almost everything away, for real... as useful.

The Kahil, photod a few weeks ago... because for a few months i knew i was certain.