Thursday 27 April 2023

Now, the sublime - should be capital 't'

 There is a lot to fill in between 1st April, and now... the sublime.

And as it is only a funfair of joy, and the deepest in-the-moment philosophy, any old time will do....

Except when it has all been this good, i cannot wait to get to it. Now...


Somebody said "bodily justice" ....hmmmmmm

Thing is, for example, there is a film about three days ago - me in the hills.... 

The landowner in question, what with her terribly unhappy existence, hiding away in her kitchen watching 'wellness' videos all day...and shit telly, was so dangerous  - she not stupid, she knows she can say ANYthing about a man alone up in the hills, happily on (she worked it out exactly!) £9.28 / hr minimum wage...or thereabouts...

But to not pay the last two weeks work....

Well... 'justice',  may be extorting double what she still owes! from another con artist organisation, with just as much money - i.e. tons of it, inherited.... pretending to be 'rural' when they are in fact run by a load of women bossocracy via their screens who know "[i know] nothing about vehicles....and basic maintenance".

Which, sadly, as i spent 5 years with only an old bicycle - up to 2021, and was SO SO much more happily in tune with everything - bodily, people, nature...  and fitter of course, and without a care in the world of course, nevertheless is THE only way you get around with a van load of hand work-tools (scythes) , etc...

and thus 'rural' really does mean, vehicular...  not that the 'environmental' campaigners - all  - i know them all, nervy townies,  with blue hair  - seems to be the fashion (they dont like to be reminded "is a chemical...too... that may just also be utterly fuckerating our rivers, too" )  .... the fashion that should matter: sharing. Two per vehicle just perhaps.... the way they give you the Stalinist third degree for an MOT these days.....

Nope... the 'environmental' 'lobby' are so up their own nervy little ack assage they cannot take " two per chimney perhaps... just a thought... as a policy to speak of fiscally motivating... never mind two per expensive MOT...just a silly though sorry to have spoken.." 

Nope, of course to suggest to the middle aged ill people who never go walking (defn: without a fferkin dog, 30 miles at least per week), get outdoors walking may save you from the NHS, and then... double up ... just a bit.." i suppose it is against their 'safeguarding' health and safety insurance requirements just in case someone gets beaten up by the girlfriend, on drugs, and blue hair....\and sues the Green party for just the tacitest  may actually do REAL environmental good. 

Anyway, ehhhh... where does one start!? 

So much zenned sublime bizarre joy to share of late...and tales of legal 'extortion' by yours truly ... which negate all past infractions of RURAL FUCKING HONOUR LORE.. that are in Elliot, Hardy,  even Whitman... going back to Sanskrit times.... when the simplest community proprieties were figured out...and kept to.... no matter what the holier than thou person pretending to be rural, for Facebook, 'FEELS'....

Basically (i shouldn't say this as it takes from something almost impossible to describe but i shall try) think Ed Reardon, in a dance with Mister Bean.... but lots of women stood on the side-lines smiling and even at times clapping  (and women don't like me because i rise at 05.30 every morning no matter what yes 365 days of the year...which intimidates them of curse even if they bought a country cottage to show off on facebook....[as my best 'friend' did 3 years ago].....they dont know what country hours means, even if i put it "i live in a different time zone" ...nope....hate though is all i get...story of my THE most wonderful junkyfaced woman ever i met yesterday ...chimed.... 

.....the rest is for her - dedicated to....well in fact three of late, who speak the TRUTH!!!!  and she will never know... just how many years i am powered on now, by just one great one-faced...woman) 

(hint - there is rather a lot more to y writerly life than one ay assume by this at present one dimension load of waffle... there are annual - a new url every year,  poetry only [side] sites.. there is a lot of photography - 20 years of 'photojournalism' - ehh the real version.... not so good things in rural lands, turned into items of some beauty or at least there is a real story with them....and then the REAL chronicle - 10 years wandering George Borrow, with a high quality dictaphone... that is truly interesting and i am a scholar of Borrow and Montaigne the first 'blogger'.... but that all sounds a bit prosaic.... there is the 'i never ever promote any writing in name or online - only three people have been given this URL... and two, i think,  are sulky pusses...  but then one never knows as no one just picks up the phone any more and talks like a human....  but then there is also another dimension - this is 'for' one person i love and always will..... but she cannot even be told it exists, as her sad little  militaristic 'step' family  - whom YOU pay a LOT of taxpayer money they climb the ranks into seniority..... my my they really do do a good line in obsessive compulsive look up pacifists and try and get them arrested, 'order!'.... for all sorts of imaginary 'sleights'.... and they also do physical stuff....why i actually went 'homeless'.... to be free, to be me, always....yes here online, too....all of which one day will be turned into another Odyssey ...better than repetitive Mister  Homer the first...)