Thursday 27 April 2023

Now, 'The Sublime'

 ...sounds pretentious.

But yesterday, in the last place in the world one ever would expect, I encountered so many sublimes it is daft..  we really do have a LOT to share...




Thursday 27 April...yes up at 4.30 am today...

Hard at

'work'... but work like this, is only pleasure.... as i shall show here later...

damn problem, as always.... class.

Underclass wifi is of course 

"not secure" it says...

REALLY interesting update, apparently social media is over

But even more interesting update, in a bit... 

when we get to more upper class wifi...

(they don't like me :-) ...which is a shame... i have no chips, nor axes to grid, ever.... ALL 'causes' and caring over forever... simply poetical writing, now, forever...

Especially as i have two such wonderful new communicants....