Tuesday 30 May 2023

and change of 'plan' - though only the not-English will ever be plan 'A'

 Due to the black swan coming and shaking her tail in my face....in a sustained and sustainable way these last nine months, though there will never be any reference to any not English-born....

Though the South African is so interesting - as he has been the last decade....maybe he needs a role,  an imaginary 'narator', there does need to be some ongoing diarising... 'live' chronicles. Because the death-times deepened me even more, this winter gone, as they should. That is what the coldest winter if for...

So, three sections: the 'posts' page. This. All i really care about - the tales of simplest living (i told the SA about today - unplanned, coincidentally) which will have a page of their own, which will be many handwritten pages of script; and the separate videos page. Three nice simple pages (or sections of this site).   Uncluttered. Please note, no adverts. Ever. (i lost track of how youtube works in that respect - if it is possible to turn them off, imagine i have).

Butt my 'tales'  - well i know i am pretty good at something which is weaving them into fables. Even that word i find too narcissistic, so if i use it, all i mean is great homespun mellow moments where truths reveal themselves - deeper truths that are useful in how to live. And how the lore of unintended consequence can always - i mean ALL ways... be one that reveals something we had no idea we 'needed' or may benefit from in the long run, until 'shit happens'. 

A long winded way of saying 'zen'. But when so many stole the meaning of that splendid little word and turned it into more than it ever was, - naked and simple, i don't like that word... nor, as i say to all theosophies especially the Christians - because you cannot speak or share anything with 'Buddhists'  - who really really do run away crying when you 'share' how may Buddhists who purport to be environmental seem to use their 'Buddhism'  as a great excuse for being lazy cowardly cunts, and DOing fuck all to DO something to save our rivers.. in this 'dimension' the one where the shit gets piped directly in to the rivers... which would be relatively easy to DO something...about.

But i have zen - i know no one can read any more, ever....  i may be a fool, but i know how people are....i attend to many of them. The Serbian UNsmiling way.... where one focuses on the actual doing what we say, or they may... before one smiles...