Thursday 25 May 2023

hmmm....don't look TOO bad...

 good job i watched it, 

(video wont be youtube 'processed til 1600)

i never normally bother doing, because there i go, off on a topic, and forget that the weave needs to be looped back and the bloody 'grand reveal' point at the end of that topic..revealed..or it makes no sense. i am sure i have done this before....

Yes, number one con artist of all time, only women who has ever had me in such a straightforward way..others of course extort other unfair prices... sorry, we dealt with that 40 years ago...most of my friends age 16-20 were female and they demanded PURE equality for life...and they also knew it was a two way street: no cheating...

and it worked, perfectly

so.. blesser... the most talented conartist ever - we discovered, though i never even mentioned... whats the point.

Two of us - platonic helpmeets - a pure pure example if it working so well....

my number 2 (as she knew deep down) 'hired.'.. pure mutal benefit... as 'witness' cos these lost women - uk is certainly world leader in false allegations i would bet ahead of N Korea..not sure about you essay...

9 months into operation save the old nag from herself.. the fake anorexia...  every fake - but obviously real, too...bodily thing going... pure empahy we developed, as we knew it was all fake, and had been years (despite organic 'alternative 'healer' women  ripping her off MANY thousands - about 20 we worked out... ) - fake but 100% of her body - there is no line between the two it was so clear to see in her...

so it is 'real'

but... the warped mind....ehhhhhhh... clever enough to con me, (watch the vid) ..i had forgotten her many month con....

even when me and my #2 are doing her banking  she "cannot do"...(with recorder recording too, i am not stupid) ...and i see 200 grand in one... " ohh thats from selling the house  i inherited with the dead hubby years ago..."from the lady several years playing at no money ever and,....

despite us literally saving her life...

But sadly i guess, the farmer (f0 ..all that bimbo boxed set stuff.. wouldn't know of the superb grown up intellectual real words in Damage... "because they know they can survive.."

Funnier than even that...Monty Python on acid with bad bulimia... yesterday on my long walk the 'local' (blowing sad towny ) social worker actually stops me  - she often scowls.." oh i did find a tent but..." (4 months ago - extremely small town, she has walked by me a dozen times since simple request of sort of neighbour of a few months..) 

But as soon as i tell start to her  the genuinely interesting story of someone with terrible probs who i did manage to at least get to the campsite nearby and actually walk up the seep hill a few times...

She does what she always does...  for months apart from looking so ill it is daft...

and i know she would have told me if there were anything REAL...she pinpoints every other smallest thing 'wrong' with her..

"ohhh we only speak if you dont mention any of the negative energy things... you know how they make me feel.."

says the woman who introduces herself a year earlier as firefighting the truly awful mental health crises ( "no hope...we only firefight now... no way can we ever do anything more, so many nutjobs..")

and is still taking your taxpayer money, yet believes they are not ever to be spoken of, as too much bad fairy energy..especially with the one person as she well knows reformed her whole profession such that for HEALTH reasons...good psychological health of societies... one should speak of all hangups.. treat people as true equals.... do not be drained by their issues...nor frightened by them... that is being humane.... senior many year coal face SW doesnt know any more with all her endless 'wellness' workshops and all that Nordic pole all went bad when there became more nordic poles, than walkers... some 2 or 3 years ago i reckon....

there is no hope for your lost little island...

ever...and anyone who does not know that and i am #1 optimist of all time...they are as foolish as i am thinking here is a woman left anywhere who kind is... (i better not use the real words or one will be accused of being Little Miss...." Oh Jenny! where's my bloody tea...umgty after all those pints...")