Thursday 25 May 2023

now i go...backwards

 one nice enough vid all i wished....

other vid in the can... to fill in here and there....soon

NB...footnote to last post.... Rural Ralph started about 7byears ago to explore 'honour' on the hills...

"what we say on the hill stays on the hill"

But also small scale farming / smallholding is 100% forever known as better for the environment and communities and people...

BUT... those snidely little 'greens' (all towny neurotics afraid of the environment and people who OWN it...

cannot even own one smallest fact: rural life requires a few per 10 or so acres... 

it gets 'toxic' if that is only men per acre..anyway Cider with Rosie made it crystal clear girls enjoy hayricks just as much as chaps...

M+F helpmeeting per few acres IS the land.. the environment.diversity (of ecosystems)....small farms require woman and man mucking in together... even lesbian farms being far fewer than radio 4 may imply...

. until something happened (my line " they all run back to be closer to Harvey's Knickers.. they cannot live without" ..which is essentially true) 

But... lies.... if its just lies everywhere which it is...  lies... all around...  people pleasing and lies...

no real relationships are ever going to be sustainable...

period. (no they arent fatal - one would wonder these days...except farmer H ..laughs off EVERYthing...'bodily'.... )

Thats more your cause of unsustainability than anything i have endlessly observed 20+ years..

and Rural Ralph was going to write up chats about... on the hill...

but then i realised no one can read,

entertain i guess, all thats left....