Saturday 20 May 2023

" i just don't get it"

 And i never 'blog' from a small screen, as now, or 'blog'. Horrid, silly, word.

Montaigne just wandered with his notepads, then sent out splurges of his thoughts in pamphlet or poem ... ish

Trying to ' let go' ...and he did.

And years on things were collected into 'books'.

I have four poignant sites, i started a round of them 2020. One url for each year...

2020 was 'sublime' something dotcom

Nope... they are for now stand alone ' volumes' those three years, and are much better than tjis. And no narcissistic video of me..

Only one person broke me free, entirely to just.... let tge camera see, all.

Though earlier far far more edgy visceral web material...

Often as quite dangerous things were happening " will my wonderful new real friend and her simply fabulous 2020 .be banned spending their days with me by the massive Godzilla... hubby?"

except in far more Byronic language...meets ...early David Gray ( they killed..made him a bimbo Barbie,   after his genius Century Ends)

.  .meets my favourite lady singers


Roches, This Feminine Posotion...and most of their incredible writing

that does not tell the listener what to ferkin fink

Anyway this gas not become poetical yet...

then i was doing stuff... really fabulously weird stuff

rescue operations for hateful bimbos who ruined their livers  i had no empathy for except... born innocent

and.... ok one sees their inability to ever to break cycles

and thus, understanding, one has real ... 

well that another real day

but the girls! many...happiest winter ever

But all with edginess due, someone may sabotage, or....

and edginess does cause wrting to become even more, true,  creativity

i knew 1 million percent for sure it could not.. 

artists and writers need only quiet places and solo contemplation!

until 13 years ago i lived, that it does

but now all action finished, i have yet to get into stride... that was paradise for several years even 20 and 21 ..

small phone screen only cos time for lrast a few days

and i so hate the damn things i never or rarely even bother to put my reading spex typos galore

even more

than before

do i look like i care, or need your stare

see vid above

too careless even

to move

to where, here , it belongs,

 as do i

vid here 

except not in this country... EU so much more alive and better mental health, and

to be cont
