Tuesday 27 June 2023

the weather.

 And a fantastic  young man wants to hear stories of the simple life. 

Someone actually follows up a face to face "i shall email you". And does! Immediately...

Bloody hilarious miracle! Just when i sent my last message ever... so "terrible.."

Not many get through my radar - the sad,  weird inevitable pandemic of up all night on the skunk and porn.... or worse.  So many mermaid mums and dads failed to.....

Him bright eyed. tested for... one has to these days   

" the simple life  matey, find a Norwegian girlfriend.... the one EEA place where if you can afford the ferry they welcome you off, ' we like love here, no we don't need your bank statements... welcome to Norway and here's a 6 mths residence permit... renewable if it works out.."


maybe one day i shall .... 

All i know is the best language is when you have to so slow down and use exactly he right words so as not to confuse the non-firs language English...

One of my own few skills...

"terrible".. better with a French accent " terrrr...eeb...luh.." = yes life is hard, weird, but i doesnt have to end in blood... maybe a nuclear shock may have splendid useful cleansing effects..

Meanwhile. A masterclass for  the young man, soon, on surviving three weeks, on not much, so well it's daft.

The bloody fairies following me around though. What kind of silly coincidence is that: it has obviously been closed-open for many months my empty supermarket battery depot, and i am sat there in the library finishing off my absolutely last word. And along comes he man o screw the shutters back down...tight.

Meanwhile. Authenticity. The bugs..

2009. Below.  I hadn't emphasised - of course over a decade, any person trying to make it work with a person from a  different 'culture' ((the one that thinks Prety Woman was a documentary - not her fault, so much of CentralEurope, that i saw as the case... and a month ago saw and spoke with another tragic example, pimping Barbie so avidly)

And then... or rather an aspect of, in Hampstead-on-Wye - run in fact by masonic bully boys... and some girls.

Pretend to be enlightened Guardian readers, but as for tenancy contracts,  for the "birds".. feudal thuggery if your face doesn't quite fit..

And naturally a single parent -  lots of unpaid work, 2003-6... etc... a large 4 bedroom ancient  farmhouse rented as it was the only one affordable ( only on a natural spring, high in Black Mountains so 'restricted' to 2 occupants only by lease)  ... one has to minorly hustle for a decade - no real lies but slight massaging of truths trying to get house-sharers... keep a vehicle on he road. Etc..

Living a long time sometimes having to ...spin ..moral spin but hard work explaining...

As stated a truly magnificent moment black swan "who knows maybe bugged"

NOt only thinking any words uttered must be fully authentic - stood by - who knows what tricks the 'authorities' may use to cause harm - and they are jus as Stalinist as their bugging regime if the dont like you - make up personal issues to cause false charges, the lot...

but make sure all minor spin is based on what is REALLY good for an other one may have to spin to at first... TRUE REAL mutual benefit. 100% authentic. and any offer will always be followed through. NO CHOICE.. any cheating may be 'found out'...

Total full liberation ... from being the just slightly coy tricky human

Thats your perfect mental health.. forever.

And some not so good weather at last - officially conceited: like my tanned (and UV enhanced healthy) skin... and keeping he body lithe. Now we have some rainy days. Time to sit inside with he free plugs and get to... doing this better.

I said to a fine young man i would. So... say what you mean and mean what you say...


( the first commandment 'given' inadvertently to me mid 00s, over the breakfast table with her she utters it, given   by the man who simply destroyed my only child... .. " hey where did you hear ha GREAT line?".. no matter who says the words that are the key...  if they are the key they are the key... taking all so personally is... why in fact super ex CID man  - long chat....born and bred told me on Sunday how a serious  rise in murders...even here..)  

Poiakoff... THE Tribe


It is as if every single one of those men so well portrayed...Mister property developer - using smug insidious faux New Age ...

ended up here.

And it is the way they - egomaniac, of COURSE.. have a certain kind of woman - who will not REALLY disagree with his ...reserving the right to put up his fences and snotty 'private land' signs... because he...pays for her  ... Sainsbury's bags as she knows... how awful he so called food is in Lidl...

He is all over he place here... and she takes on that feudal vassal role to perfection.... Be clear, he, created his place... these places... theme park to HIS glory in... making money on bloody buildings and land somewhere else... 

good job personally i have rained myself to entirely shut down to anyone not interested in - hermitude in own bubble.  Simply because he lot of them are s absurdly boring - it is impossible, has always been impossible, to have an equal balanced conversation with ay of them, ever....i know as i tried, a long time...

he dullest people on he planet.

Splendid...no distractions... start fresh, 100% new...100% authentic...no matter what, now.