Friday 28 July 2023

i know what i was gonna bloody well write an hour ago

 ...before the bloody muses went and stole my battery time pushing me over yet another cliff into a bloody swampy dead end..


videos of self...

i know are unique in terms os wisdom and takes on certain things.... i dont care if they only ever get one 'view' - and even that is probably some lost woman who cannot be honest enough she may quite like me and value me but is stuck wanking off to videos hoping a hedgehog may appear just as she stuck her spikey one ina  bit deeper...

but bugger me, the key is...

 hedge vids get loads of clicks...

sums it all up in a beautiful word-picture allegorical metaphor for just a load of little pricks unable to read or listen to anything real...just look at silly videos of animals...

the last laugh is on them though, as obviously if one has read REAL books and explored good art... hedge is in there as alegory metaphor word picture symbol...of a few other real life aspects...of a truly unexpected end to a very expected long odyssey..i expected to die of being bored as to when it was going to stop... connected....all  philosophical ponderations are woven in... even not bothering to sex the hedge...all part of a  cunning plot that in fact is based on standard centuuries known psychology.... observation of humanity...good books..and poetry..

of course she her self... will be immune to 

Oh well i shall recycle it one day....


no one

As it is all standard...predictable...patterning...

made so so much worse by your internet of knowing likers and sharers...of nothing but 99% nonce material

That clearly fails to

seven years....

Oh yes ! ten years ago.... rusty old bicyclist sidekick: "WOW old git...i never knew...jus a few months of this few miles a day up hill and down dale......and i would grow an ...arse...i never saw one on me before..... bloody sexy little thing, too..."